Stop Saying "Yeah But You Wanted the Vanilla Experience"

Because this is not the vanilla experience. With the servers this size, and in many cases this lopsided factionwise, this is nothing like the vanilla experience.

It just isn’t. I was there for vanilla. It was nothing like this. I never had 80 people camping the LHC fp. I never had to corpse run 10 times to get into BRD. It just is not the same experience at all.


I think it’s important to look at these things on a grander scale and note that what’s happening here is nothing short of scandalous, potentially even egregious. From what I see with your post and many other posts, it would appear to me, after much analysis and years of prior theoretical classic research, that PvP happened on a PvP server. Perhaps re roll on a PvE server.


I will fight you irl Clen


Let me clarify- just got jumped by two rogues and a resto druid at Menethil. I should have paid more attention. GG, well played. This, to me, was the classic experience. PVP happening on a pvp server.

Last night, getting killed 13 times from LHC to Strat UD, because there was a horde raid every 20 yards? That was not my classic experience. It’s just stupid and a result of the size of servers.


Woah, your trying to do that whole nuance thing. It doesn’t work with all these “Pvp happened on a pvp server” types. :frowning:

They will just tell you to either get gud, re-roll a pve server cause clearly you didn’t want to pvp that much, ect. ect.


110 char with 4 post, ok.

You still have time for the next exp, go for that 120!


Are you aware that just because your current experience does not align with your past experience, does not mean that the same experience did not occur for many others in the past?

I don’t know what server you played on in Vanilla, but mine, like many others was Alliance dominated. Our entire server had 2 Horde guilds clearing current tier content as it was released, while the Alliance had 10+ raid guilds doing the same.

You can bet we ran into the same exact issues you’re now experiencing on the other side of the fence.

I literally had to get Rank 14 because we were so outnumbered that trying to get gear via Raiding was less viable than getting my gear through the HWL grind.

Perspective is everything.


a lot more people are playing then in vanilla thats a good thing.


what do you expect blizzard to do about it?


The “vanilla experience” is a lie made up by people deep in nostalgia. Smaller servers and no layering wouldn’t have made any difference. You are not 13/25/30 years old anymore.

Vanilla is half finished content that is still pretty fun, the end.


What makes you think the ‘server size’ is different? Did they not say that they were going to have vanilla esq server sizes? Layering is no longer an excuse.

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I really wish 8chan was still around so all the incel trolls could go back to sharing racist MAGA memes and Pepe jokes and self-select out of genpop.

Yeah. Exactly stuff like what you said happened all the time.

Maybe not on your server. But it happenrd a lot on mine.

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we can just see that servers have a lot more people now.


What do you mean ‘we can just see’. Are you actively seeing 5k people on around you? Are you counting? Where are you getting this information


i mean what i said, what evidence do you have to the contrary?

First of all, that’s not how you prove your point. I’m asking you to prove the point that was stated that there are more people on each server.

Asking someone to disprove otherwise doesn’t instantly prove yours lol



it cannot be proven either way, so i dont know why you are asking me this

we dont have a cap of 3000 anymore, its much higher based on what ive seen. im sticking with that until proven wrong, good luck

Listen to me very closely.

You don’t know this, you are literally making it up. And asking someone to prove this statement is false, doesn’t instantly make yours right if they can’t.

Do you understand this?