Stop rewarding the 1%

people are just blurring what somebody (or in this case, some streamer) says and going “SEE EVERYONE IS IN AGREEANCE.”

there are nuances to all of it. even the OP is primarily about transmog and mounts, not player power. yet here we are lol

His entire concern has been getting BiS mythic raid gear for solo content this entire thread.

Maybe you should follow the peoples arguments that you defend.

I don’t think I’m the one having a hard time following along.

Alright, not stepping back into argue. Just going to set the record straight since it seems people still want to misconstrue my talking points and if ya’ll are going to keep talking about me then I’m going to make sure that my stance on this is very clear:

I’ve openly said that I don’t care if BiS is attached to mythic. My “entire concern” has not been that. My concern is that Blizzard’s design structure and reward schemes as they currently exist in the game are unstable and not conducive to a good/enjoyable experience for everyone. Blizzard’s reward scheme has been focused on the higher-end content while everything else below that rots away.

I have said that BiS should be considered for all forms of content if Blizzard wants to buckle down on this reward scheme because it leaves a hollow experience for the rest of the players who don’t want to engage with that content. Gear is realistically the only thing that holds value in the game because of the game’s design, and so holding that gear hostage at higher-end play was reductive to the game as a whole and made the experience lesser for those who didn’t advance to that part of the game.

HOWEVER, I never said this was the only way to fix the game.

On the flipside of that argument, which is the part that everyone continued to ignore because of the incessant obsession with the first part, is that they keep BiS attached to mythic and then restructure and redesign their content avenues. What I mean by this is making open world content more enjoyable and more engaging for open world players, revamping professions (which they are in Dragonflight), adding new activities, updating things like Darkmoon Faire and adding new secondary professions, creating player housing (inb4 Garrisons are player housing they are NOT) for players who have been clamoring for it for YEARS, solo content with cohesive, interesting plot threads.

AKA I want them to stop designing a game based on the three pillars and make a game based on the WORLD part of World of Warcraft.

I prefer the latter of these two parts. I don’t care about BiS, but the only reason why I ever argued the idea of BiS being available to everyone is simply because of how the game is currently designed with everything funneling towards gear. I care about the game I’ve played for 16 years no longer supporting the way I used to play.

Please stop misconstruing my arguments for once.


They literally already do this.

You clearly are because his entire point has been give solo players the same bis gear at a slower rate.

They literally did this in SL. Solo players have more content than they ever have.

You are literally in rose tinted classes.

In previous expansions your options for gear were 5 man dungeons and then raiding with the only other option being PvP.

BC all the way to WoD were raid or die expansions.

Snozh is ignored because he can’t be bothered to actually read what I’m saying.

Everyone have a good night.


Which translates too “Snoz debunked my claims this entire thread and now I dont have an actual rebuttal so taking the easy way out”

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The only time solo/ open world players might have had more in game content to do was legion with every class having its own campaign. Unfortunately, the story for this expansion is kind of garbage so people aren’t all that invested in doing all the campaigns

the story has been garbage since it got off the WC3 rails imo

it’s astounding to me, though, that they don’t persist with each class having its own unique and cool campaign thing per expansion, granting them cool class specific tmog and mounts for doing it.

that was such a success in that expansion and then they were like lol nope

Except they’re not doing it very well. Which is what lies at the core of all these arguments in this thread.

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No one is debating whether or not they can improve world gameplay.

The issue everyone is against is giving better than normal gear for solo content.

Just use the ignore feature. I got all the top posters on ignore on these forums. Most of them don’t offer anything of substance in their comments.

I love when heroic Andys try to WoWsplain how people are wrong for wanting better rewards for content they deem inferior.

It is always interesting to see a Heroic raider belittling people on the forums for wanting a better endgame experience for all player types.

You don’t even have a heroic kill on the Jailer lol. Some raider you are :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t see rewarding the 1% as the problem, the best of the best deserve their rewards.

The problem is that the other 99% of the player base is all too often denied things for fear of upsetting the 1%:

  • we can’t give the casuals meaningful gear from open world stuff or the 1% will feel compelled to do that content too.
  • LFR loot has to be terrible or real raiders will feel forced to go there too
  • we can’t have a valor point type vendor again or we’ll upset certain people and they’ll feel like they have to grind the currency
  • WQ can’t give meaningful loot because there’s a 0.01% chance that a lottery winning TF trinket could sim better than a raid one

I could seriously go on forever about crap like this, i don’t even run LFR or feel like any of these issues bother me personally because i clear heroic every tier and do occasional M+ too, it’s just frustrating to see the vast majority of the subscriber base be treated like garbage just so that a small group of players is protected from feeling like they’d have to slum it.


Welcome to World of Raidloggers

I love when people comment on things they have zero clue about.

You mean people demanding the game designers cater to them by changing the games design?

My guild only raided heroic for tier, like many mythic guilds we only focused on killing tier bosses and then went into mythic.

I missed the night they killed Jailer because personal stuff going on and I took a break from raiding.

Game rewards gear based on difficulty of content. Easiest content in the game doesnt reward the best gear or even good gear.

See above. LFR is the easiest difficulty with almost zero effort required.

Yeah lets not bring back a terrible system.

TF isnt a thing anymore.

Actually, I’ve been playing this game since 2004, so I think I know what I’m talking about. This was always an issue for WoW, but I have never seen development slant so hard towards a small subset of players like it is today. If you’re not slamming your head against M+ or the harder modes of raiding, you don’t have much in the way of player progression.

You’re stuck with inferior dungeon drops, boring catch up gear systems later in the expansion and getting slaughtered in bgs to get inferior honor gear.

In the past, the gear gap was so much smaller between players in dungeon gear and raiders. Some dungeon gear was BIS for raiding at times. This made the game way more inclusive and didn’t create the divides we have today in the community.

You act like this game should never change or evolve. This is just a myopic view on the subject. WoW is getting it’s butt kicked hard by their competition. People act like FF14 isn’t popular on these forums, but truth is, it is an extremely popular MMO now probably rivaling WoW for subscribers.

Don’t you want more players in your game?

5/10 in the previous tier and 4/11 now. I’d hardly consider your guild a mythic raiding guild. You are heroic raiders that dabble in mythics, which is the typical WoW raider mostly.


From what i have read of this thread, there really isn’t much point in engaging that person, he/she doesn’t argue in good faith and there’s absolutely zero version of any conversation where he/she will concede a point or change views.