Stop rewarding the 1%

I mean time played doesnt mean anything. I saw people in wrath with 71 points in one tree and claimed they knew what they were talking about having played since BETA.

This game is the most solo friendly its ever been. Game literally throws gear at you.

The gear gap was larger back then. See Wrath ICC gear compared to catch up gear.

Evolving is fine. Catering to spoiled brats demanding the game cater to them is not the same thing.

So go play FF14.

Good thing your opinion means zero to me.

WoW has done little or none of your pie in the sky demand list.

You haven’t done any real content in the game. You can’t be asked to engage in any of it.

Why should the dev team completely redesign WoW for you when you aren’t engaging in anything they have designed?

You’ve been told this several times already. You are playing the wrong game. It would seem you have been for 16 years as the game is more accessible to casuals than it has e v e r b e e n b e f o r e.


Endwalker didn’t sell even half the copies SL did, and that was after the streamer meme of summer 2021.

The people clamoring for better gear without doing the content that provides that gear spend a lot of time doomsaying everyone else and threatening all of us with FF14.

Everyone who left to go play that last summer has been back here for a while now. Ff14 was a meme. It’s not a competitor to WoW in the sense you think that it is. It’s a niche game with a niche fan base. If you and others think it’s the better game…why spend time here proselytizing everyone for it?

Well it is true in my case, considering I came back for Shadowlands and haven’t done anything with the game since MoP, if that… I played S1 BFA, got Combatant I (1400) on Mage because I thought the new Fire meta was awesome, then quit. I know. 1400 is nothing.
So I mean, I don’t care if more than half the players left in SL… I came back and played it thorough since release… I have enjoyed most of the xpac. I don’t understand how the game treated players bad. It’s an MMORPG… it is meant to be played progressively, as in… you get out what you put in. Just my opinion. !!! Peace

The vast majority of the player base is engaging in raids, M+, and rated pvp for gear; as they’ve been doing for years.

No one that is engaging in endgame content wants to be bogged down with endless chores for gear on top of the content they’re already doing due to your personal intolerance to doing any content with any sort of difficulty. that is the vast majority of players.

WoW is more accessible to people who do endgame content now due to the fact that the stuff you mentioned isn’t as mandatory as it has been previously in order to keep our characters optimized.

To be fair here: You have 16.5k achievement points which is ~35% of the content you could do in the game. That’s not much. In fact, even casuals best you in this regard. Hardcore-players have around 28-31k achievement points with the top players having +32k points.

Google Trend also shows that FF14 is way more popular, if this is an indicator.

What has a weapon to do with the discussion? It becomes obsolete the moment DF launches. A fleeting moment of triumph before it gets back into the wheel and heirlooms become better again.


Achievement points mean absolutely nothing.

The spell is broken.

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They do. You’re part of the casuals. Playing one part, neglecting the rest.
And before you ask how much I have: ~28k.

It is not just FF14 bud, ESO has seen a massive influx of new players as well as many other MMOs. Which MMOs do you play other than WoW? I play a variety of different MMOs and I have been encountering WoW refugees like crazy. Oh yeah, GW2 as well, been seeing tons of new players.

I love the copium though, that WoW is somehow still knocking it out of the park, when reality is way different.

It’s an 18 year old game in a stale genre that still produces better numbers than any other MMO on the market.

The only copium I’m reading is people who mention niche yawnfest games such as FF14 or ESO that even have the benefit of having access to console players and still do not keep up with WoW in terms of numbers and using them as a threat to blizzard to implement what they want.

That is your opinion. The fact that they games are rising in popularity now is a huge indicator that WoW refugees are leaving WoW to play other MMOs finally. I play Lord of the Rings Online as well and even that game has been getting new players over the last year. Their last expansion launch had queues for the servers. That game is almost as old as WoW too.

I encounter Wow only players like you all the time poo pooing on WoW’s competition without any numbers or experience playing these other games.

I want WoW to be good as well. I love this IP so so much, but the game is way too focused on appeasing 1 player type atm to the detriment of all the other player types.

MMOs set out to be immersive fantasy worlds. The WoW we have today is way too focused on competitive instanced play. Most of the rewards in the game are gated behind this content.

I remember in Vanilla you could raid level rewards through crafting, reputations and some quest items were pretty great through the first few raid tiers. Now, all we get is Diablo 3 style looting which encourages people to keep running the same repetitive content over and over again.

Nah, bro. You’re making yourself look dumb.

WOW may not be fun for you anymore, but plenty of folks find it fun. I think Timewalking Dungeons and Random BGs are a lot of fun and they don’t really reward gear.

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Running Molten Core 5 more times even after BWL came out is still running the same content over and over.

The love of the OG raids has more to do with nostalgia and novelty than quality.

Just compare both games on google trends. FF14 is far more popular than WoW.

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I will agree with this. Running MC in Classic was hilarious. We had fun though, even though it was easy.

Lol still reaching as usual.

It’s kind of sad you can’t even troll with your own material. You have to use someone else’s salt

WoW is probably the only game where it can lose 80% of its subscriber base in 12 years, fail to hold any significant amount of retention whenever expansions release, and the community will still try to twist those facts into something positive because they simply cannot cope with their game slowly but surely becoming irrelevant.

I participate in raids mplus and pvp. The difference is I play off and on.

You’re assuming I even care. They still mean absolutely zero when it comes to being skilled at this game.

This is probably true. Ulduar and Wrath were my favorite raid and expansion but idk if I could go back to classic for that time investment.