Stop rewarding the 1%

What do you think this means? I’m genuinely curious.

In this entire expansion, you’ve been able to outgear the normal raid in every patch via catch up mechanics without ever stepping in the raid.

You’ve been able to outgear heroic raid via M+ without ever stepping foot in heroic raid.

You’ve been able to attain an ilvl just a handful of ilvls short of mythic raid doing M+ without ever stepping foot in mythic raid.

That is going to change in S4, that last point only.

In this patch and the one prior, you have been able to craft tier sets without ever stepping foot in raid. tier gear has always been the raid exclusive.

This game is as inclusive as it can be in terms of gearing without just giving people mythic raid loot for doing world quests.

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I think you’re confusing me with other people in this thread. I’ve been continually arguing that Blizzard gives too much attention to high-end focused systems and has been neglecting more casual systems as a result. I’m not talking about gear and how it should or should not be rewarded.

I think I’m responding to you based in the context of you were responding to me off a response I gave to another player in this thread. His advocacy is exactly that. Mythic raid loot for world quests.

Great-but you’re making the claim that blizzard caters to the top end of the player base.

I want to know what you mean by this. I’m not saying that you’re wrong (I suspect that you are) but I genuinely want to know what this statement means.

‘Blizzard is catering to the high end player base.’

What does this mean? Examples is what I’m looking for.

This entire thread is based on the premise that loot acquisition is handled unfairly, and that people who aren’t in the top brackets of the game aren’t being treated fairly. I want to know how if gear acquisition isn’t exactly what this means.

Don’t respond to him. You could throw an entire book at his head filled with facts and evidence and he’d still find a way to discredit you because his skull is that thick. Let him continue being the sad, lonely troll he wants to be. He’s not worth the effort.

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Borrowed power systems is the example I gave. They have been the main focus the last couple of expansions and require a lot of time and effort on Blizz’s part to balance. How are those systems not an attempt to cater to the high-end playerbase when they affect those players the most? Those systems are all about power and progression, which is usually what high-end players like to focus on.

Of course, the issue is that high-end players don’t actually like those systems. So, what we have is Blizzard attempting to cater to high-end players and continually failing. And in the midst of all that, other systems that are more open-world and casual are being neglected.

Basically, I acknowledge that high-end players don’t like borrowed power. But it doesn’t erase the fact that Blizz implemented those systems in an attempt to appease that part of the playerbase.

I mean, maybe we can just agree that Blizzard has created a game that doesn’t really cater to anyone anymore, and instead just puts systems in to extend your playtime as much as possible. Open world players also have complaints about time-gating.

When you say streamers are backing your concerns it’s implying they are credible. You’re using them as a a way to prop your argument.

No I’m not.

You’re the one making the claim they said something. Burden of proof is on you.

I asked for just one of the multiple streamers you claimed support your concerns. Not surprised you can’t even deliver one backing your claim :joy:




The borrowed power systems have been in the game because they lost track of how to attempt class balance given that each individual spec is it’s own class.

The hope is that the new talent system will alleviate that particular pain point.

You know, try as you might to label me as a troll, I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time in this thread articulating my thoughts on the game and putting forth an effort to have a discussion. You can go through and see for yourself. Yet, at almost every turn, I’ve been greeted with bad faith trolls, yourself included, who have no desire to have such a discussion and only wish to denigrate other players all because they don’t agree.

What’s even funnier is that most of the time I am confronted, it’s from high-end players. Gee, wonder why that is. Could it be because so many of you hinge your ego and pride on this game that the slightest suggestion to turn the focus away from such design would injure your fragile ego?

People like you are the reasons why nobody wants to play the game. You are the reason why threads about toxicity exists. You are the reason why this community is a meme amongst the entire gaming community as a whole.

And to be honest, were it not for the outpouring number of people who quit the game and voiced their dissatisfaction with the game, I might even go so far as to say that you’d be the reason why this game failed in the next 5-10 years (and I think that’s being generous). Thankfully there are more sensible people in this community than there are people like you that this game might actually have a fighting chance. Dragonflight looks pretty stellar for the most part.

Countless times have other people even used Snozh’s own logic against him because he consistently changes his arguments on a whim. Probably because he doesn’t have any intention on engaging in a discourse. He only wants to flame and has been doing so before I even entered the thread. And I’m sure me pointing this out will instigate him to come in here and claim that such a thing never happened because he’s that predictable. Trolls like him typically are. He will continue on in this thread deflecting because that’s just what he does.

So why even try at this point? None of you are actually going to engage with my arguments in any meaningful way. You will continue to ignore my arguments when it suits you, take them out of context, and then act like we’re the ones who are problematic. You will continue to be the bottomless pit of scum this game will hopefully be rid of one day. Probably not, but one can certainly hope.

So congratulations on being the most insufferable caricatures of a WoW player you could possibly be, I guess?


Look up his " Why FF14’s Endgame DEMOLISHES WoW’s!" video on Youtube. Not sure if that’s exactly what you’re looking for, but he gets into some of the issues he has with WoW’s endgame systems and how they affect both high-end and casual players.

I watch a lot of streamers and content creators across the games I like to play, so it’s not exactly easy to pinpoint the exact video or vod where I heard discussions on something.

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Does he ever advocate for bis gear from solo questing?

No, and I never said he did either. Keep reaching, dude.

Because you are.

Repeating the same clueless argument making your thoughts not valid.

Ironic considering you resorted to nothing but insults after you were corrected. Seems you got mad after you were proven wrong.

Then using him for the discussion was pointless because that’s what is being discussed right now.

Please quote where I said you did.

Keep moving goalposts my guy.

I am not reading all of that so I’m either happy for you or sorry that happened

No one’s moving goalposts. Gear and how it’s rewarded has only been one of many discussions throughout this thread. You asked for streamers that expressed concerns similar to Rudly’s and I gave you a list. Rudly has continually pointed out Blizz’s many design philosophy issues beyond just the argument you guys have been having about gear.

Like, is it really that hard for you to follow?

You said I implied it, which I didn’t. You’re reaching.

Seriously, man, take it from someone who wasted four days talking to these fools. You won’t win with them. They really don’t want to argue. They just want to continue arguing in bad faith and then denigrate you. I should have taken my own advice two days ago and bounced. They lead sad lives and the only validation they get is through here, so don’t give it to them.


Rudly is literally advocating for BIS for solo content.
By your own admission the streamers arent advocating for that

Theres no reaching going on.

Pot calling the kettle black.

End of the day MMOs clearly arent for you. I suggest a single player game so you can use cheat codes to play it super easily.

You literally asked if there were streamers that shared his concerns. From what I’ve seen his concerns are many. Maybe you should have just been more specific.