Stop rewarding the 1%

This thread is nothing but entitled players demanding Blizz give them the same gear for no effort.

These kids have been playing too much fortnite.

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Again, wrong. And even if people did enjoy the gear incentive, enjoying power progression through gear is completely normal in video games. Why are you telling people they’re wrong for that?

Who are you?

I could point this logic back at you. Why are you telling people they’re wrong for wanting more accessibility to gear?

Isn’t this thread nothing more than a bunch of people telling each other they’re wrong for how they want to play the game?

P.S. I also said nobody was ever wrong for liking gear progression. I’m just saying that it shouldn’t be the only reason why we play.

Not the guy you’re replying to however. He wants to pretend that we shouldn’t care about gear, and has conjured up some weird idea that we should in fact be more concerned with the idea of “a fun game” more than gearing, all while complaining that he isn’t getting gear but it’s okay to complain because he’s a sOLO/cASUaL player who is left out of the process because things other than his own decisions.

These guys make me puke. Blizzard shouldn’t cave to the demands of people who aren’t interested in playing WoW for what it is (a great MMORPG that has always featured steep vertical progression.)


You aren’t just asking for “more accessibility to gear,” you’re asking for all the gear. and the logic doesn’t work your way because that’s never been how this game was designed.

The game was designed the way we like it.

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Because gear is already more accessible than it’s ever been….

Because you aren’t getting mythic raid loot from shooting yourself out of a cannon….

Because if you want gear play the game….

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Trouble is, if you make it easy to out gear heroic with trivial world content then it loses most of whatever prestige it may currently have. M+ has done not AOTC any favors over the years because you end up out gearing heroic by a pretty substantial amount by the time many guilds actually get to the last boss. At least with M+ you have to do some work to get the gear. Putting 278 gear in the open world would be that issue but on steroids.

Nerfing yourself by not going the hyper-rewarding thing that is also easy and then getting outgeared by people doing super easy content is not fun. Makes it very hard to compete in the realm of parses. Makes it harder to get into good teams who for obvious reason want people to have the very good gear. Makes the achievements you get less prestigious because they are effectively easier. It doesn’t make much sense for people to be doing easier content but be getting better rewards.

You keep making this up as if anyone said that. It isn’t why we play but it is part of the progression path people enjoy.

And the whole point of this thread was that maybe that should change.

Explain to me what someone who focuses on gear progression stands to lose if Blizzard focuses their design on making the general content more engaging and interesting with more varied rewards.

It’s not something anyone said. You inferred it when you said replayability and longevity is reduced if gear is made more accessible.


People are forced into mindless content in order to optimize their characters instead of engaging in excellent gameplay (raiding, arena, m+) so that people who are completely intolerant to any difficulty in game whatsoever can gear up to be a frog in zerith mortis.

It’s not something anyone said. You inferred it when you said replayability and longevity is reduced if gear is made more accessible.

That’s now at all what that means. If say 15% of why you raid is the epic lootz and you don’t need to do raiding for the epic lootz because the same or better gear is easier to get from other places you will be interested in doing a fewer number of reclears. It isn’t the only reason you raid, it isn’t even most of why you raid. It is a relatively small part of why you raid but that still changes the number of reclears you want to do because part of the reason you do them doesn’t exist anymore.

Again, oversimplified. Not just “more accessible,” you said all the best gear should be available for doing anything.

And yes, that changes how the game is played in its most replayable forms. You don’t understand because you’d just get your ilvl to show off and then log out and it wouldn’t change how you play one way or the other. But there are people that actually do play.


This 190%. It’s pretty obvious that if he or she even plays it’s barely.

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Why are you implying the content can’t be made more engaging and interesting without it showering you in loot?

Perhaps you’re the one who only has fun if you’re getting loot. Interesting turn of events.

This is not what I meant.

And also if the end goal is to optimize your character, doing so through the slower path over a 4-5 month period certainly isn’t the way to do it.

This is the same thing. I didn’t realize I needed to specify.

If the game is fun by its own merits, it shouldn’t have to rely on gear to instigate replayability and longevity. That is literally my point. Blizzard has designed a game on gearing rather than designing a game on fun and making gear supplementary to that fun.

When most players don’t even begin to broach AOTC or CE, designing a game where the most fun is attached to the lesser majority of the game is problematic.

Hence why, as I’ve stated, they need to either restructure their content and reward schemes to make it so that it’s not contingent on gear, or they need to expand on it and make the gear accessible to lower-end players because they are being fundamentally left out of Blizzard’s design philosophy.

Something being 10% more accessible and 100% more accessible are not the same thing. Yes, when you say you want “all the best gear available”, that is different than saying you want it just “more accessible.”

Literally the most successful and best MMORPG in history.

I’d say they’re fine doing what they’re doing.

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Bro you aren’t actually saying anything. This doesn’t mean anything.

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You’re implying most people care. I doubt they do. Otherwise, the low completion rates would’ve changed the amount of subs so much that Blizzard would have changed it by now.

You seem like you are the biggest outlier here. Someone masquerading as an oppressed casual yet still has time to argue for 4 straight days on a forum thread instead of trying to play the game.

WoW was the most successful and best MMORPG. It’s not anymore lol

Two bad expansions in a row have not done this game many favors, and many people have been unhappy with Blizzard’s design philosophy these last few years.