Stop rewarding the 1%

Again, not what was said, and now my eyes hurt from rolling too hard.

Sometimes I think these people are just parody accounts lol

Explain what this means then, because it certainly seems like that’s what you’re saying.

And for mythic you have to basically do the same, clear heroic and get geared. Plus you need at least 24-25 people and keep a steady stream of trials.

Imma be honest. You have 130 replies to this thread but mysteriously only 330 posts on this character.

I’m about 99% sure you’re an alt of some troll that wants gear to appear in their inventory for doing nothing so they can spend the rest of their time on these forums trolling

and I don’t consider you a wow player, I consider you a forum hero. so sorry, I won’t be explaining anything or replying further.

gl with the next forum alt.

Eh many people take the path of least resistance even if it is less enjoyable. If you could get 278 (mythic) gear by farming 100 murlocs a week for 4 months a lot of people would probably stop doing M+ and heroic to gear up and just do that then smash heroic to bits in like 2 resets, especially for their alts.

At the beginning of a tier, yes. But I could literally buy gear off the AH right now to get my ilvl high enough so I could skip Heroic and hop right into Mythic. The only barrier in that case would be gold.

I think the only way Ultimate would be comparable is if you’re talking about the older fights. Because those require completion of older Savage tiers in past expansions, which are super easy to do now. It’s just the newest Ultimate fight that takes more time to get into, because you have to clear the current Pandaemonium savage tier. Which is not exactly faceroll easy.

Listen, if you want to explain it, I’m all ears, but when you clearly state that giving everyone accessibility to gear means that replayability and longevity would be reduced, you are inferring that this game’s systems are contingent on gear which isn’t a good thing for a video game.

You should play the game because it’s fun, not because you need a dopamine hit every time your BiS drops. The gear should be supplementary to the experience, so imagine how most casual/solo players feel when they are cut off from that experience all because their way of play doesn’t align with Blizzard’s reward scheme.

It sucks. It’s an empty experience. If the game’s enjoyment is contingent on gear, then that gear should be available to everyone. If not that, then it needs to be restructured so that gear isn’t the focal point.

But again, why would any player who operates in AOTC and CE do this? Why would they hinder their guild’s progress and their own progress in the game just to farm mobs for four months? Why would they spend 80% of the patch doing content they do not like doing?

My disconnect here is that I’ve always been under the impression that AOTC and CE players play at that level because they like the content, so if they are so easily dissuaded from doing that the moment gear becomes more accessible, then perhaps the issue isn’t so much casual players getting better gear more than it is the game itself just not being that fun?

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It’s supposed to incentivize players to do the content that requires logging the most time played. The fact that you want it so badly means they’re doing their jobs well.

Don’t worry, if Diablo Immortal is any indication of where Blizzard’s going, you’ll be able to buy all those cool looking things in the store, or with 1 million gold that you acquire through buying tokens.

No need to make your game engaging anymore to sell subscriptions; now you can just lock cool stuff behind grinds and offer players the option to avoid the grind by purchasing an in-game currency with real money.

No one is cut off from gear.

You can play the game modes that reward the rewards you want.


You can abstain and you won’t be getting those rewards.

For example-

I will never have the sha of anger mount because I refuse to camp it and farm it for years. That’s okay. I’m not being left out of anything.

Im refusing to engage in a particular piece of content that has a reward that only comes from that particular piece of content so I don’t get that reward


If you are not engaging with the game the way Blizzard has designed it, you are cut off from it.

As I have so highlighted countless times in this thread, when this game’s experience is wholly attached to getting that better piece of gear, that is a problem. So Blizzard either needs to expand on that reward scheme and make gear more accessible, or they need to restructure it and make their game more enjoyable on its own merits instead of a dopamine hit.

If you don’t see why someone would farm trivial content to outgear AOTC and then do a fake trial or PUG it in it’s final nerfed state with way more gear than it was designed around instead of progression raiding for who knows how long then I don’t really know what to tell you man.

Except that it’s not.

WoW has always, always been a game that featured vertical progression. Just because you personally dislike it doesn’t mean that there exists a problem.

I mean….no. You’re just choosing not to engage with the content.

This is a pretty simple idea honestly. You aren’t getting pvp titles unless you pvp at a high rating. Would it make sense for you to get gladiator for playing flappy birds in Bastion? I think not.

Lol. Gear is more accessible than it has ever been.

You can outgear the normal version of raid without ever stepping foot in it. You can nearly reach mythic ilvl without ever stepping foot in mythic raids.

You can obtain tier sets without ever doing a single M+ or raid.

Gear accessibility is fine. The game design doesn’t need to be upended for people who are entirely intolerant of any difficulty in the game.


You can outgear the normal version of raid without ever stepping foot in it. You can nearly reach mythic ilvl without ever stepping foot in mythic raids.

Yep, you can outgear heroic without actually clearing heroic. A lot of the better players in AOTC guilds were in the 270s from M+ by the time their guild actually killed H jailer. People want to make it even easier to get better gear than H than getting 15s done?

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It’s not. Gear is part of progression but not all of it. You are blurring the lines to suit your argument. Stop doing that and things make more sense.

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What are these flashy rewards you’re talking about? I see lots of complaints in GD about causal players not being able to get “gear.” What gear are we talking about: ilvl or appearances?

There’s a lot of cool transmog content in WOW that is difficult to obtain when current, but becomes trivial a couple of expansions later.

Who cares if gear and the acquisition of it is part or all of progression?

For 18 years people have logged in and done raids, bgs, arenas, rbgs, and more recently M+ in the pursuit of gear.

I like gear. I like gearing out my characters. It is one of the biggest reasons I play. To say that gear shouldn’t matter whilst begging for gear without doing content is absurd.

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Listen, I’m not saying you’re wrong. They may or may not. If they don’t (which I lean towards because CE/AOTC raiders play these levels of content for the challenge and prestige), then nothing of value is lost by giving gear to other players.

However, if they do, then that highlights an even larger issue in Blizzard’s reward structure in focusing less on the game being fun and more on the game being a pseudo-slot machine where people only care about the loot drops more than they do just playing the game.

And I’m not saying that people can’t care about gear. I know that this is an RPG and gear is a pillar of any RPG, but realistically speaking, it shouldn’t be the only reason why we are playing. So if accessibility causes such a massive shift in where people direct their time, then perhaps instead of blaming casuals for wanting better gear, we should be putting the focus on Blizzard to make a better game.

I’m not blurring any lines that haven’t already been blurred by the logic in this thread. You guys just don’t seem to understand that you are openly admitting the game just isn’t that fun without the gear incentive, highlighting a major issue with the game’s design especially for casual and solo players.

Where have you been the last 10 years? THAT is the gaming industry now. WhyTF do you think mobile games are so prolific? COME ON!

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Lots of people. Gear and power progression scaling alongside difficulty is not at all rare, new, or even remotely commonly disliked in video games.