Stop rewarding the 1%

More accessible doesn’t mean 10%. It just means more accessible.

Prior to Shadowlands and by extension Battle for Azeroth, casual players had plenty of interesting content to engage with, so this is actually just wrong.

It’s not my fault you can’t seem to understand that fun games will have replayability and longevity come naturally to it instead of being artificially forced by carrot and stick systems designed to pad out your game time (I.E. gearing).

Zelda Breath of the Wild is a fun game. Because it’s fun, it has a lot of replay value and doesn’t need to put in any systems that keep you playing. You come back to it because the game is just fun.

World of Warcraft is the opposite. It is not fun. It is marred by systems that are meant to keep you in a cycle so that you keep coming back to the game. These systems don’t serve any purpose in the game except to waste your time, I.E. the gear treadmill you are so desperate to defend.

If the content was fun, you’d play it regardless. You wouldn’t need an incentive to play it, and so when you say that the longevity of a game is reduced whenever gear is made accessible, what you are actually saying is that the game isn’t that fun and is reliant on systems to keep you playing.

Make sense, or do I need to dumb it down even further for you?

Tbh it sounds like the MMO genre isn’t for you and you would be better served playing solo rpgs.

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so, what, WoW hasn’t survived for 15 years and this is all an illusion?

This is the largest and most successful MMO in history.

There is absolutely no contesting it.

I’m a casual player and I find tons of stuff to engage with.

The problem is with you, and the fact that you want gear for playing flappy birds whilst telling everyone that gear is bad.

Go away.


Nothing to see here, just a member of the participation trophy squad asking for a bigger trophy.


Do you seriously need me to make a list of all of the wildly successful games that have character power scaling linearly with the challenge of the game?

Even Zelda was popularized when you needed to get specific items to even continue the next part of the game, and those items came from increasingly more difficult challenges.

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In case you haven’t noticed, WoW has dwindled immensely in subscriber count in the last 12 years.

And WoW used to not be like this. It used to be a fun game. It is not that anymore.

People do not play Zelda for the power scaling. They play it for the open world freedom and player choice they have and the dungeon puzzles.

You know, the things WoW lacks?

The problem with you is that you haven’t made a single good argument which is why I’ve ignored most of your ramblings for the most part.

Lol both of them are shredding your arguments.

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Someone with the intellect of a cave man would certainly think this. Generally people who have common sense would feel otherwise.

But I mean, you can continue trolling like the loser you are. I’m sure your deeply held insecurities are feeling supremely validated.

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I’ve made the only argument that needs to be made.

You know where to get gear rewards. Go get them.

We kill bosses for gear in WoW.

We don’t make forum posts for gear.

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you’re a senior aren’t you

You are entirely missing the point.

The power scaling of your character enables more of the game, just like in WoW.

Do you see my gear? Why would I still play every week if all I cared about was the gear?

You are the only one saying the gear is the only reason after being repeatedly told that is misrepresenting the “why”

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In BotW, you can actually go to the hardest part of the map with the lowest level gear and still clear content. Again, wrong. There is no linear progression in the game.

Ahh lashing out again. I see anytime anyone corrects you and makes you look bad you lash out

It’s why you keep insulting me and started insulting the other poster.

At this point it’s pretty confirmed that you are the troll unless you’re like 12 years old.

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yawn Troll harder.

Trolling is demanding the gear rewards in WoW without engaging in the game modes that reward them.

Trolling is telling everyone they should play the game because it’s fun but you should be allowed to get the gear because somehow in the middle of the most gear accessible patch in WoW’s history, you find yourself unable to gear.

Like dude get off these forums.

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You can do this in WoW too! It’s not gear holding you back. It’s you.

If you can’t understand that the purpose of a forum is to voice discontent with the game then perhaps the person who shouldn’t be here is you lmao

WoW has linear progression. BotW does not.

Says the guy who thinks slaying the forum boss instead of the raid boss is going to award him gear.

Yep duh been like this 18 years thanks for playing.

I was healing 15s at ilvl 230 because gear doesn’t matter like you think it does so sorry.

You can jump into content undergeared and clear it. I would know. I’ve done it many times.