Stop rewarding the 1%

It is, it’s just that Mythic+ rewards better gear for hardly any effort lol. Without Mythic+, raids would be a heck of a lot more popular.

Data from BellularGaming suggested a year ago that only 10% of the player base raids regularly (if I remember it correctly), which is not a high number to begin with and goes back to the “stop rewarding the 1%”-argument.

I would agree with you if i didnt grow up without mythic. Differing viewpoints, but one i respect.

Yeah, because of Mythic+. I use to raid, now I don’t. No reason to raid with Mythic+ available.

WoW raids are just a boring slog. That doesn’t change their accessibility to pretty much everyone.

You dont really want the sort of person that raids only for gear on a mythic raiding guild. They will dip the moment they have what they want and will create unnecessary drama over loot.

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I’m talking about raids in general.

Also, everyone does just about anything in this game for loot, they just don’t want to admit it.

Of course, you need loot to make the fights easier. Gear is the best way to “nerf” bosses, week after week, so everyone main goal is to get as much as possible when mythic raiding.

Who cares ?, either you are good and get that 1800 elite pvp set or you dont.

Here i am, on last week trying to get it. I may not get it, who cares, there will be other seasons in the future.

It’s Shadowlands transmog, it has no value going forward and will not help your transmog collection in DF, because how incompatible it is to regular Azeroth-transmog pieces.

let me make this easy for you to understand anything other than mythic raids are VERY accessible in WoW. It’s the same as how ultimate raids are in FF14. You’re just too blinded to see it.

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This is a terrible idea.

What are you going to do with 500+ mounts when you end up riding less than 1% of those 90%+ of the time?

The casual player base is just so memey. Cry cry cry want want want but are also the same players in heroic AOTC pugs who refuse to install weakauras.

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That’s a skill issue. Should employers just give everyone 150k a year because they show up for 40 hours?

Sorry I hate when people say this but just git gud. Don’t do the content if it isn’t enjoyable. Like you’ll NEVER catch me tryharding in PvP for rating because I hate it.

Could be a completionism thing maybe? I have no idea how you would handle 500 mounts in terms of actually using a decent number of them. Some people don’t feel like they’ve actually finished a game until they 100% it so you’d need every mount, pet, achievement, and boss kill. I don’t think you can realistically treat WoW that way because of all the crap they keep adding but maybe that’s just me.

  1. This is a video game, not real life.
  2. 150k a year in some parts of the United States is still below the poverty line, especially with the recent added inflation. So depending on where you live, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to pay livable wages.

I love this because it blatantly disregards the number of toxic elitists who have spent time in this thread feeling threatened by the prospect of their precious gear being doled out to everyone.

If this were actually true more people would have AOTC, but they don’t.



Always hilarious to see a CE player tell others what is and isn’t accessible.

Uh, no. Typically “breaking” something means the game being unbalanced or unfinished; something that heavily alters the game to such a degree that it’s nearly unplayable. Putting in such a system has the capacity to break the game as is with most things, but it doesn’t mean it would actually break it provided provisions are put into place that support it.

There’s no oversimplification. If you think that this game’s replay value would diminish because people have the opportunity to get gear faster, then it is an acknowledgement that the game isn’t that good to begin with and the only reason why people play it is because of forced artificial longevity.

I don’t even need to argue at this point, to be honest, because it’s clear the majority of you in this thread are so out of touch with what the average player wants. Blizzard has clearly indulged into your desires for so long that higher-end players don’t even realize that what they’re saying is actively working against the game.

“If people get better gear, nobody will play the game!!!”

Then maybe Blizzard should fix their game if it’s so reliant on gear progression?

It’s probably exhausting to read because you can’t even understand what you’re typing.

Ultimate fights in FFXIV are not comparable to heroic lol. They are comparable to Mythic at minimum, with certain fights going beyond WoW Mythic in difficulty. Dragonsong Reprise Ultimate, the most recent one, would be a good example. Echo, the WoW guild that got world-first for mythic Jailer, attempted Dragonsong a couple months ago and have not been able to clear it yet.

I know that, follow the conversation. She said that having to clear SAVAGE raids to enter ultimate make them less accessible than mythic raids.

I was talking about savage on that quote.

Well, and she’s right, isn’t she? You don’t have to clear any previous content to do Mythic. You just need a group + good enough gear.

To get to Ultimate, you need to clear an entire Savage tier (4 fights). To do that, you need to 1) find a good group and 2) make sure you’re geared. You can pug Savage, but it’s honestly a nightmare. It’s better to get a static together, but that can take time depending on your situation.