Stop rewarding the 1%

Heh, Ultimates are even less accessible than Mythic in WoW. The only thing stopping you from setting foot in a Mythic raid is the load screen. To access an Ultimate raid, you have to clear that expansion/patch’s Savage raid first.

i dunno from what people are telling me FF 14 is very accessible by everyone w/o even putting time unlike wow where you actually need to gitgud so you can do the hard raids/m+

Needing 20 people is a higher bar to pass, than clearing what is comparable to heroic raids.

Same as WoW, the Normal raids are accessible to everyone.

i know I’m being sarcastic =P I have raided in FF14. The game’s just not my cup of tea

Different argument. I’ve been saying 10 man raiding at every level should be a thing for a while now.

Is not, logistic is one of the biggest part of mythic raiding, I would say is half what make it difficult to run a successful mythic guild.

It has a lot to do when talking about accessibility for mythic vs ultimate.

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It is, you can PuG Mythic with 20 people, you just won’t get very far. It doesn’t change it’s accessibility in that you can literally just waltz right in lol.

You can go into mythic with 2 people and wouldn’t get far either. If your definition of accessibility is just being able to zone into the instance, yeah sure mythic is 100% more accessible than ultimate, but that is just an useless metric.

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Returning player here, i agree with the sentiment. Personally when it comes to pvp i think the rating should just cap at 1800. It was hard enough even climbing to that in season 1 of shadowlands. Took me 2 weeks of dedicated grinding every day for 10-13 hours straight. That is unhealthy to say the least and was partially why i took more than a year off the game. There should always be something to strive towards, but how much striving is required is the problem many of us face.

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Doesn’t seem that useless considering literally every single soul that plays WoW can immediately start Mythic raiding at any point lol. Grab some peeps and have at it.

Is grabbing “some peeps” that is the main issue here, as a fresh new guild you wont really see mythic into a couple of months while you build your team up and progress on heroic.

Compare to FF, 8 people is nothing.

The argument was accessibility, not success. The very fact you can immediately start with zero pre-requisites means it’s more accessible than Ultimate, by it’s very definition.

Even still, most guilds after completing heroic wont even get past the first mythic raid boss. It’s the sad truth, and one i have experienced far too often. Sometimes i wish heroic was the max difficulty so all this drama just goes away (at least some of it).

So by your definition, farm groups that only kill trash are raiding mythic? They wont kill a boss either, but they were at least able to zone in.

I mean they are clearly raiding mythic considering they are a raid group in mythic lol.

K, so is just an useless definition, got it.

At least I have one lol.

Unlike ultimate in ff, mythic raids have trash mobs that can drop mythic tier BoE loot. Some sell, some will use for their alts or themselves. Ultimate raiding in ff requires you to beat it in order to be rewarded at all.

The emphasis was on “accessible”, which WoW is not.

It’s not, which is why it is not a popular game mode.

Would work for most people better, yes.

The game has been in an unhealthy state, so please do not put your own health at risk by playing to Ion Hazzikosta’s rules.

Mythic raiding is no answer and just a bloated experience. What the game needs is more content to do besides raiding.