Stop rewarding the 1%

No point in trying to educate someone who has zero interest in learning and is clearly just here to troll because their feelings have been hurt.

Oh man, the projection couldn’t be more evident.

It’s okay, buddy. Why don’t you find a convenient excuse to leave the thread again? Got another daughter you can go tuck in?

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This has got to be one of the dumbest threads in the history of GD I don’t know why it has 1400 replies

newflash: Blizzard doesn’t reward the 1%. The 1% reward themselves through their own effort.

Ding ding ding ding ding

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Its just oozing from you.

Imagine having to bring young children into a comment because youre clearly not mad at all.

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That’s why I said it was hypothetical. The poster I replied to said they took 2-3 days to prog through Halondrus. I used that as an average to show an example of what the time investment could potentially be for people if they did the 10 bosses before Jailer on Sepulcher heroic. A day or two of prog is really not that much. But when you add it up across the bosses of an entire tier? It can be a significant time investment.

What you aren’t understanding is that two nights a week across an entire tier isn’t THAT much of a time investment. Just another weak argument

Wait, you mean to tell me you’re not a child?

Could have fooled me.

Blizzard is kind of a shell of their former selves, most of their leadership is comprised of Activision members, so it really isn’t a surprise that they shell to the 1%.

And no, I do not think Microsoft will make it better, because those same leaders will still be in charge after the exchange.

Even more insults.

yet you think I am the child lol

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To you maybe. Not everyone wants to spend x amount of months progging through one raid. Is that being casual? Or is it lazy?

Just because you dont find raiding fun and enjoyable doesnt mean everyone doesnt.

Just keep on trollin.

I see that you always come back to troll me. I am sorry for hurting your feelings a few months ago.

It all comes back with you being in the right.

In this case raiders aren’t casuals. You are wrong.

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What makes me mad is that is very hard for them to make new mounts and when they make its for the 0,5% pvp players lol
I think a recolor + title would be enought.

The pvp season mount should be farmable in unrated content too, pvpers who dont make rated content are ignored by blizz by a long time like they’re second class citizens or everyone does rated content, thats kinda disrespectful.

Casuals play 600+ rated arena matches each season?
Because u need ±200 victories at 1000+ rating to get one.

That’s a good point

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I agree, stop rewarding the bottom 1%.

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Available, yes, but it has nothing to do with Azeroth, therefore making i for 95% of the people uninteresting. Even a new skinning dagger is more in DF valuable than a Mythic item in SL. It doesn’t fit the aesthetics, although it’s part of the lore.

As I wrote before, you lack emotional awareness and have a very upsetting Orc-mentality, which makes you not sympathetic in the eyes of many. And you see a need to prove yourself, which is apparent and goes well with your attitude shown in the topic. You can’t just stop, strength and recognition is something you play for. Stopping would mean defeat in your eyes, but you also forget that within 48 hours no one will remember what you ever have written on the forums.

Because it’s a fallacy argument and he more or less acknowledges the 1%-problem with it. You cannot determinate rewards by raiding and FOMO only, and Hazzikostas’ team has to adapt to it.

Not anymore. Times have changed and too much pressure is put on statistics and hard mechanics, which is why raiding is unpopular with the mass. People should be entitled to get the designs without the stats by doing content outside the raids.

Without a better raid system, it makes no sense to force people to do content which is not on par with other RPGs. People do want to raid in FF14 for how more accessible and better the community is. And I think you agree with me, that a staying customer who complains is better than a leaving one who brings in no money.

Mix the current discussion with FOMO-items and the resentment from both sides can get quite serious. In the end, the current system is not working. Too much focus on raiding, less on the actual system and class fantasies.

There’s nothing to be sympathetic about. There isn’t anything sad or tragic that’s happened. It’s literally a bunch of spoiled children demanding gear they haven’t earned showing off their entitlement.

so you’re telling me everyone is running around in FF14 with ultimate raid gear :thinking: