Stop rewarding the 1%

You clearly have considering the amount of people who have called you out on your contradicting opinions and false statements about definitions but it’s okay. We all see you for the sad man you are anyways.

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That’s not what I said.

Try again.

Normal and heroic are very much casual content because as I already stated it’s a metric of time.

Just because you may struggle in that content doesn’t mean it’s not casual friendly.

You mean three very obvious trolls?

Yeah definitely the most credible people :joy:

I don’t get it. What are you getting rewarded for, it not clearing content?

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Do you think if Challenge Modes still existed we would see thread after thread about how it’s messed up you can’t get the Gold level transmog gear when only completing bronze achievements or how it’s messed up you can’t just do world quests?

Like I’m all for giving casuals really good gear but the fact people seem genuinely miffed you can’t get mythic raid level gear from banging out a Kill 8 monsters in ZM quest is wild to me.

This 100%.

How is it trolling to quote your previous comments to point out your inconsistency and contradictions in logic


As do I, but ones like Snozh seem to argue that “casuals” don’t deserve gear, using the argument that those who don’t do harder content are casual, yet then turn around and say that the only metric for casual that matters is time spent. If the only metric that matters is time spent, why is it not the determining factor for rewards?

I’m sure we would. It’s just mage tower and torghast over and over.

I don’t think they understand that the difficulty of the quests they would have to do would be too difficult for the players they want it designed for.

You still haven’t explained why so many 2 night raiding guilds don’t claim to be casual despite you saying that they would say so.

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We’re not talking about normal here. We’re talking about heroic.

If it’s a metric of time, then heroic is not casual. Because it can require a significant amount of time to clear.

Okay, mythic andy. Show me hard stats that prove heroic doesn’t require much time to clear for the majority of players who do it. Oh, wait. You can’t.

You clearly don’t understand my points at all.

I have never argued against casual players not getting gear.

I have stated I don’t think solo players should get rewarded with bis for trivial content.

Interesting, haven’t seen anyone be called a mythic andy on here before.

My guild was 2 night from Uldir>Nyalotha, We didn’t consider ourselves casual because we were actively studying fights and strategies and trying to recruit the best possible players we could to continue to get better.

Some 2 night guilds aren’t worried about rank and don’t look to continuously improve the roster. I don’t think it’s that hard of a concept to grasp.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t read most of the forum fight in this thread, as I don’t see a point in getting mired in it.

But, if you’re going for defining casual as time spent, that doesn’t mean that the same definition applies to the content and thus it’s rewards.

Casual guy Bob spends 4 hours a week doing world quests
Casual guy Joe spends 4 hours a week raiding heroic

Joe participated in more difficult content than Bob, therefore Joe’s rewards will be higher.

that’s basically how the game has always worked.

But what I think people are asking for is for both Joe and Bob to get the same rewards. and I’m sorry but I simply think that’s a game with a broken reward structure.


You really are struggling to follow along.

I don’t think I can simplify this for you any more than this.

If people only raid 6 hours a week and it it takes them all tier to progress through to aotc they are still raiding casually because they aren’t spending 20 hours a week working on the content.

how do these threads still exist lmao


Kids used to fortnite trying out MMOs and feeling the entitlement

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Right, but Snozh here clearly thinks that two night raiding guilds are casual. I have pulled evidence that proves otherwise that he has yet to acknowledge. He ended up ignoring it and moved onto picking fights with other people.

I imagine because he has nothing to dispute.

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Or because I disputed it you ignored it and I didn’t refresh my phone while driving home from work.

objectively speaking, one 2 day guild may invest 30 hours a week into prep/strategy/meetings/etc as well as their 6 or 8 hours of raid.

another guild may literally only think about the raid at all during that 6 or 8 hours of raid each week.

can’t just paint all 2 night guilds under the same brush. same with 3, 4, etc. some guilds like to raid more hours because it means they do less prep and instead of hyper organizing everything, they have extra time to just play and figure it out.

others want to play less and excel spreadsheet more.

different strokes etc.