Stop rewarding the 1%

Okay, well I just did this and already, in the first 5-6 posts none of them stated casual and most of them used verbiage strongly associated with that of a hardcore raiding guild. All of them were two-day raiding guilds.

So not off to a great start, I guess.

EDIT: After checking another 5 posts in various guild/server forum pages (none of which claimed to be casual), I’m starting to think that this whole casual = two-day raiding guild statement is a bit sus.

EDIT EDIT: Did another 10 posts. I did manage to find one that claimed they were casual, and then I found another that claimed they were casual but they raided 3 nights a week, so I guess they aren’t casual?

So it’s 19 - 1, then. I guess we’ll never really know the most apt definition since it seems like, as I suspected, nobody has really agreed on anything. If anything, this quick investigation has proven that two-day raiding guilds are largely seen as hardcore.

Curious if this is directed at me or Snozh, since he has performed similar tactics in this thread.

Is it trolling if I’m just using his strategies of argumentation?

Which server did you check?

But according to Snozh, raiding and getting AOTC doesn’t require much time or effort. They are “casual” activities.

Oh, wait. So, raiding does actually require a significant time investment? Interesting.

According to Annastasi, you’re wrong ^

If raiding truly isn’t that hard to do and doesn’t require a significant time investment (as Snozh has pointed out continually in this thread), then raiders don’t actually deserve the best rewards.

Aotc doesn’t award the best gear in the game either /facepalm.

Stop trying to compare CE raiding which is what Ana is talking about to heroic raiding :joy::man_facepalming:t3:

If that isn’t the biggest reach I have seen in a long time.

Trying to compare my comments about heroic raiding to Anna’s comments about mythic CE raiding and blowing them that far out of context is really special.

Rofl… Look at how he’s trying to invalidate the information you found by challenging it as an outlier, despite him saying:


is irrelevant.

Don’t engage with this troll, Bertis. You will continue being right the entire time and he will play dumb while claiming he’s the smart one. Move on.


In 19-1 finding guilds that are two nights saying casual.

Anyone can make anything up.

Aww still posting your emotions.

The top raiding servers across both factions (Area 52, Illidan, Stormrage, Sargeras, etc.) and similarly cross-referenced my findings with the guild recruitment forum. These have the largest player pools so naturally I figured that they would be the most likely to corroborate your statements.

However, as I continue to look at these posts, most of them don’t outright explicitly state casual nor do they have any statements that would imply casual, so something tells me that this definition of yours isn’t actually shared with the rest of the raiding community.

But, to be honest with you, even if was 16-6 or 10-10 or 8-12 or even 11-9, I think that would be evidence enough that there is no clear definition within the raiding community that defines casual.

Oh are we back to clowning on Snozh again? My favorite pastime!


Except heroic also requires some long progging, depending on the guild. Just be honest and admit that you were carried through raid content. It’s pretty obvious at this point. You keep talking about how casual and easy heroic raiding is. When the reality is that you probably did the fights with people who had already cleared. That is significantly different from doing it with a group of people who are mostly new to a raid.

Let me pull out my crystal ball. Oh yes, I can see the future. Snooze is going reply back with some nonsense about how the information you found isn’t valid because of some new argument he will attempt to make despite it being clear backtracking, then he will make some other wild claim to move you to a new thing to challenge him on, and the cycle will continue. This man doesn’t even know what his own definitions are, much less what the community as a whole believes. I’m telling you, seriously, get out while you can. XD

Just because it’s not stated doesn’t mean it’s not considered btw.

No it doesn’t.

LOL look at the reach. My logs alone show I wasn’t carried but keep up with that extremely weak argument.

You know my logs are able to be accessed by anyone right?

My warlocks name is Snozw if you want to look at my CN logs too.

Because it is.

False. I was there for the majority of the first kills because we had a roster of 26 and heroic caps at 30.

Imagine lacking an argument so much you double down on this without even looking at logs :joy:

I must have really hurt your feelings for you to be this emotional. I am truly sorry.

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??? This is you, right?

This is the path you set me on. I followed your advice and it led me to evidence that disputes your claims, and now you want to backtrack?

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Damn I’m good.


How long did it take your guild to prog heroic Jailer then? And was that before or after the fight was nerfed?

We didn’t care about aotc. We only killed tier bosses till everyone had tier and then pushed into mythic as we are a mythic guild.

They went back and killed it after we stopped mythic progging due to burnout and roster boss.

You must be a prophet or something.

Either that or Snozh is just this predictable.

not that I want to get involved in this argument, but guilds avoiding heroic jailer and only going back to him later was pretty common. there was little reason to spend the time on him.

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