Stop rewarding the 1%

Doesn’t matter. Your logic:

So the same logic applies. None of my insults are actually insults unless you have thin skin. Therefore, you have thin skin if you perceive them that way.

If you can pass off your insults as not actually insults then I can do the same, right?

You can keep saying this and every time it will still be false.

Sure thing. Keep responding with those emotions my guy.

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Not really. I can be entertained because someone’s getting emotional.

Doesn’t invalidate my facts.

Rudly, since he’s admitted to being a troll now you can just flag his messages as such and move on. He played himself. XD We had a fun run. Casual, for sure, but fun.


No one cares about Esports, Arena, M+ and Mythic Raiding. What I mean by No one is the majority of the players base doesn’t care about these things. We are looking for an MMO again that can be a wonderful journey not some elitist Esport/Rating game that requires you to do chores for a weekly toxic vault.

Make super fun zones, Quest and Quest lines, create super fun builds again and open world content. Ideally I’d like to never step foot in another M+ again or do chores for a toxic vault. Just have Valor and let us Quest or do regular dungeons and take the Valor to a vendor and buy BiS items.

Fix WoW please for the majority of the player base. Let us play how we want. No more elitist chores.


Wait, I have a good quote for this. Hang on I have to scroll up…


What we learned today: Snozh is clearly a very emotional man due to the endless amount of insults thrown by him in this thread.

At least, according to his logic anyways.


This man doesn’t even know his own logic. He changed his tune 4 times about the thing he also said can’t be defined while insisting it has been. What a joke.


Careful, I hear that if you insult him three times that he reappears to defend his honor.

Oh man, it’s like a bad game of Bloody Mary except I can just close this tab…


I haven’t admitted to being a troll.

Clearly I hurt your guys feelings proving y’all wrong.


I genuinely cannot comprehend how people can say World of Warcraft has always been this way when this mentality wasn’t even a concept up until 2016 when M+ launched in Legion. There were no systems that pressured me into playing content I didn’t like playing in MoP or WotLK. The content in the game had its own purpose and felt fun. Endgame instances weren’t the only activities and your acceptance into such activities certainly wasn’t contingent on your IO score. It was “Do you have the gear? What’s your DPS?”

This game has taken so many turns for the worse and it’s been quite humorous watching the people who this game clearly caters trying to defend such terrible design choices.


Here is the thing ones like you fail to comprehend, some might consider themselves casual if all they do is raid those 3-4 nights, no M+, no world content, no PvP, nothing but raiding those 3-4 days a week.

A casual raider might be a hardcore PvPer, M+ runner, or even world content player, one might be on the game what they consider a casual amount of time but they go full tilt into the content they are on for like raids.

Until we get Blizzard’s definition of what makes a casual, which I suspect would be something along the lines of anyone not in the top x%, all this arguing is pointless as those like Snozh will think they are right no matter what and those of us trying to argue for better rewards or harder content for the rest of us will be shot down due to ones hiding behind the casual label but think casual means the content needs to be mind numbingly easy.

Here’s the thing you can’t comprehend.

The raiding community considers casual raiding to be two nights a week. Anything more than that isnt casual.

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Lol yeah it’s actually bonkers how many rewards are freely available to everyone. More now than ever before too. Like tbc there weren’t a fraction of the cosmetics there are now.

Any person who is boiling casual down to a single definition is silly, especially when we’re trying to attach it to time. Someone could say casuals play 5 hours a week, some could say casuals play 10 hours a week. Every one of us has a different perception of what casual is.

Someone, for example, could say casual raiding takes one night a week. Someone could say it takes two. None of us are right because time and the allocation of time is an extremely subjective concept.

The raiding community, huh? So you’ve investigated this conundrum by surveying the raiding community and taking their answers and compiling the data from said answers?

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It’s extremely common knowledge.

Two nights guilds are considered casual and three nights are considered hardcore.

There is a blatant difference between the two.

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If it’s common knowledge then surely there’s something around here that backs up your argument. Something so common has to have evidence to back it up. Right?

Unless there isn’t, because at no point in time has a majority ever come to an agreement that explicitly states X thing is casual if it meets X requirement.

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Go look at any guild posting on the WoW forums realm forums/warcraft logs guild recruitment/raiderio guild recruitment.

The majority of two day guilds will say “we are a casual two day raiding guild”

I’ve noticed recently that the trolls on GD demand statistical information and justification for any observation made whatsoever.

That people think like this, or that the rest of us are tolerant of it, is puzzling to me.

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