Stop rewarding the 1%

The game rewards everyone for every facet of content. The higher content you push, the better the reward. All games, and life in general work this way.


Oh, really?

Okay, then my “insults” aren’t actually insults unless you have very very thin skin, too.


I’m not insulted. I don’t care what someone from the internet says because my ego isn’t that fragile.

Just pointing out your need to resort to insults in every response just shows you don’t have any actual rebuttal.

I accidentally deleted it, but I’ll link it here again since Snozh doesn’t want to give up.,raiding%20guild%20on%20their%20server.

Casual raiding is a subjective term, used to distinguish raiding that is slower-paced than “hardcore raiding”. The term is often used by guilds to indicate that their raiding is not as demanding as the average raiding guild on their server.

Highlighted the important area since Snozh has issues understanding basic concepts.


But you’ve literally done that this entire thread lmao


Ahh even more insults when you linked wows version of Wikipedia and isn’t a credible source at all :joy::joy::joy:

I mean, it’s still a source, something you’ve yet to provide beyond “well this is what I think it is”


So, you’re unable to think for yourself?

I asked you to define something you claim can’t be subjective, and your excuse for being subjective about it is that it can’t be done? I guess you really can’t think for yourself.

Show us one, then.


[quote=“Rudly-proudmoore, post:1240, topic:1287279”]
But you’ve literally done that this entire thread lmao
[/quote] nope. You just have thin skin.

Ps how is stating how long it took me to get a weapon an insult exactly?

I guess so do you if you perceive my insults as insults then. I’m just applying your logic to yourself here, you know?

Did you miss the part right below that clearly states:

Actually I was referring to y’all.

I said their isn’t a source that has it set in stone which is why job mentality people like yourself use it to justify calling yourself casual even though it’s a skill/effort issue

Nah this is more fun.

So then it’s subjective


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Pointing something out and being offended by it are two separate things. You don’t even realize how your need to keep insulting me only reduces what little argument you had. It also shows you have an emotional response.

I’m actually entertained how mad you are.

What is clearly a question in a separate thread?

Reach harder.

Wait, don’t start using the other definition of casual now that you figured out you were wrong about the other one. Pick a lane, man!

I haven’t swapped anything. Imagine taking what I said that out of context :joy:

So prove me wrong. I’m still waiting.

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It’s your logic, though. You have perceived it as an insult so clearly you are offended because what I have pointed out as insults evidently means I am offended.

Must have some thin skin.

This is what we call a last-ditch effort when the tables have clearly turned against you.

“lol ur just mad bro”

I actually pulled that quote from this thread. It would have linked to the other thread had I pulled it from another thread.

Nope. Just making an observation. Still entertained by how emotional you’re getting.

The tables haven’t turned. I just have realized you’re nothing but a troll with weak insults and even weaker points. It’s why you keep responding out of emotional need.

My mistake. I remember having a similar discussion in another thread.

I can see you clearly have no idea what this conversation is even about.

Also you’re wrong about that.

This means you are defining yourself as a literal troll. Bravo, my friend. You trolled yourself.