Stop rewarding the 1%

As long as people can think for themselves they are not.

That doesn’t exclude non-raiders. A group that you insist are your enemy.

Times change. Either you change with or you get swept away. WoW old ways simply doesn’t have the same pull as it use to. Being macho about raiding isn’t going to bring new blood flooding into boring content.

If you want to make yourself enemy #1 on this forum that is entirely your choice.

You really don’t know how this works.


The difference between you and I is that I actually do have proof. I’m not going to dig it up because doing so would require an extreme level of effort that I’m not willing to provide because I know that it will go nowhere except to the gaping black hole you call a brain, but evidently your selective memory has conveniently forgotten the uproar that occurred when Shadowlands released and people were extremely vocal about the systems and the time commitment associated with them.

Oh hey, remember when Blizzard buckled down on their systems and then magically did a 180 when their game started bleeding subscriptions because people were vocal about them? I sure do.

Definitely no proof though.


I do.

Number 1 is too subjective.

Player a is stressed out doing +15s
Player b is not stressed out doing +15s.

Therefore when describing a term used for multiple people you can’t use a subjective term therefore the only definition that matters is the metric of time.

Yup. Proof isn’t always worth it because ppl like that orc will still go on about something else.

Round and round and round you go on the insanity hamster wheel.

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And what you don’t realize is the systems have changed since then.

You’re also not going to be expected to have Max renown

No kidding. I’m just casually proving him wrong anyway. The casual way in which I am able to do this is surely upsetting to him. I bet he’s not very casual about his time on the forums, which is kind of ironic in a way. I’m enjoying this, casually speaking.

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How many players left for that sole reason? Source please

How can someone who argues about a videogame on its forums for 3 days straight consider themselves a casual. Seems to me like you take this game pretty seriously. Sounds like a toxic elitist too me.

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I really want him to do the guardian Druid mage tower and get back to us on how solo content is sO eZ (could have sworn he said that one time but I’ve slept since then).

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…that applies to everyone else whose also been commenting solid for 3 days.

We have a winner.

That includes you.

You just described the orc always writing in here.

The spare parts one that starts with an “s”.

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Yea i agree lmao, if youre on a forum for something every single day then you take that something pretty seriously and arent casual about it lmao

What about when you get paid to do it?

Waiting all afternoon for a hotel to drain the water lines and posting the forums to kill time.

The internet is a vast ocean of different things, chosing to spend that time on a wow forum means you care deeply for wow and dont take it casually

Okay, let’s use it as a metric of time.

How much time can someone spend playing before they are no longer considered casual? Remember, you can’t be subjective about this. There needs to be a very clear answer. I’m going to need a source to reference. Some kind of authority on this matter. It has to be written in stone, like the definition you’re using.


It’s called working from home and having time between my responsibilities.

I do take the game seriously because I’ve been a part of this community for 16 years now and want the game to be better.

Funny how you don’t pivot this arguing point towards Snozh, who is also a self-proclaimed casual and has spent an equal amount of time on here.

Don’t need a source. It’s called putting two and two together with people vocalizing their discontent with systems and subsequently leaving and then Blizzard suddenly coming out with a change of heart about the game’s state.

Though given your history of not thinking too critically about things, I would imagine that this is a difficult concept for you to grasp.

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No one who spends time on a forum for a video game takes that said video game casually. Now as a causal wow player i believe snoozh is a toxic elitist try hard sweat lord 1%er gatekeeping basement dweller!!! Down with the 1%