Stop rewarding the 1%

I solo the ones I can! :slight_smile:

I mean, this is literally just your perception which means nothing because you are an experienced player. Unless the average player has the AOTC achievement (without carries), then you can’t say for certain that’s it’s medium difficulty.

I can and I just did. Whether or not people have the achievement or not its still the level of difficulty of raiding in this game.

All you did was list of your prerogative of the difficulties which means nothing. There’s no rhyme or reason behind it and your experience is not indicative of anything because you clearly have the experience operating at that level of play. It would be the equivalent of an experienced writer telling an aspiring writer “Writing a 300 page novel is easy!” when it’s very much not, and the only reason they think that to be the case is because they’ve done it time and again.


I mean youre free to think whatever you want but as countless times in this thread you are wrong no matter how much you try to spin things.

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Sorry that you’re inability to form coherent arguments caught up to you ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Looking forward to clowning on you the next time you spew some incoherent drivel!

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Its comical you think you clowned me on anything. Imagine being that delusional and clueless about the game lol


Then they have a reason to go into the content and get it if they want it that badly.

Well what you define the average player as?

You don’t set the definition of casual by dent of your own success or experience.

Pure hubris. Non-raiders play this game too and isolating them is the wrong way to go about creating positive change, especially if you want any player retention.

Your field of play is already getting more to do in Season 4 while the rest of the game outside of hardcore group play is neglected in meaning and rewards.

Meanwhile you’re fixated on dividing what’s left of this community just to be in the right over the definition of casual, even when it’s been defined for you multiple times already.

You’re just being a troll by being deliberately obtuse and wasting everyone’s time because you refuse to back down or admit that your perspective isn’t universal.

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Never claimed to. Its called the definition of the word.

Non group players opinions dont matter.


Nope, just want to point out bad players that troll due to their lack of success in game. (you and a few others in this thread)

Calling me a troll because you cant refute facts and understand Blizzard is the one who agrees with me.

Keep posting the same drivel because you cant come up with anything else!

Its also called misrepresentation.

Then you’re a fool.

Well it might amaze you to learn that there are that people play this game that doesn’t revolve around group content.

I doubt Blizzard would agree on anything on what you have to say.

Can’t say I’d want someone who crusades to squash non raider opinions to represent my interests in selling a gaming product.


After playing since I was a wee thing of 10 at the games launch, I’ve come to appreciate the ‘Evergreen’ stuff more and more.

I think a few exceptions should stand, like Scarab lord since it was a part of history and people can retry for it on classic. (Though the debate of if that should be carried to retail is another.)

As for Gladiator- I’d personally just slap on a 1% per victory within gladiator brackets to loot a mount from a previous expansion.

Not exactly what you want, but I think the ‘Fomo’ is the more egregious issue of cycling things out of high end content. Keep the acquisition and effort comparable to its original state, and we would find more common ground between both sides.

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I just looked at the gladiator mounts for the first time. Most of them look hideous but subjectively I would bring the following back:

  • Vicious Gladiator’s Twilight Drake, the Void Elves have absolutely no diversity when it comes to the mounts and this might “help” a bit for the awful idea this player race is
  • Primal Gladiator’s Felblood Gronnling, a fel-based mount is always a win for Orc Warlocks and Night Elf Demon Hunters

I personally have a thing for armored netherdrakes, frostwyrms and legion stormdrakes but it’s mostly a nostalgia thing.

False. It’s called facts destroy your arguments so you call it misrepresentation.

I’m not.

I know they do. That’s fine. However when someone chooses to exclude themselves from the majority of the game their opinions on things are zero.

Didn’t we just establish what you want doesn’t matter?

Well I know for a fact that you don’t represent the raiding community (thankfully). So your meaning only applies for your guild only and since you’re not playing across the entire length and breadth of the game…your facts just don’t line up.

Uh you are man.

Then that’s their choice and you’re just being an idiot mindlessly attacking for them for features that they want. Whether you like it or not they’re paying customers and have their own valid opinions even if you don’t like them.

We haven’t established a damn thing.

Appearances are subjective and sometimes things are only perceived as cool because of their rarity. The prestige is the whole point of these rewards. But prestige =/= cool. I think most high-end rewards are ugly… Ashes of Al’ar, Mimiron’s Head, and pretty much every Seasonal reward from Shadowlands are all just gross and dumb. The Season 2 PVP mount was a giant gorm. It looks so dumb. But, people like it because it shows what they achieved. I can see people using these rewards and know what they accomplished and feel happy for them, even though it’s something I personally don’t want. If you think it’s so cool and you want it so bad: get it. If for some reason you are unable to get it, then you just don’t get it. That’s the nature of the world and you’re going to have to accept that. Do you want a million dollars? I think most people do. Does everyone get a million dollars? No, but the people who earn it (in some way, whether it’s fair or not is irrelevant) do.

Not necessarily disagreeing, but it does make for some weird situations. I raid 8 hours a week, which is would call pretty casual. At the same time, I also get CE every tier.

So when I say I raid casually, people scoff because the achievement I get from it is associated with a more hardcore part of the game.

What is it with people always arguing about how something is defined? We all interpret things differently, so there is no set-in-stone definition. Even the dictionary you people love referencing isn’t an unchanging document. Language is based on use, not a rigid structure of rules.

The word casual means many different things to many different people. Some people mean they don’t raid at all, some people mean they only raid a few hours a week, some people mean they only raid a few hours a night, and some people may mean they only raid 3-4 days a week which to them is casual compared to what they think is not casual. Nobody is wrong in calling their playstyle casual if they interpret another way to be more or less so.