Because that’s how Ion Hazzikostas likes to play and he’s the boss. A more competent boss might make that kind of decision based on what’s good for the game, or the company’s bottom line, or another rational priority. But Blizzard didn’t hire a more competent boss, they hired the idiot Ion and now the 15 year old version of the game is popular again.
lol yep.
I don’t have a single glad mount, even though I’m a mount collector, and they are super cool mounts.
I don’t pvp. I hate pvp. I get too mad, it’s simply unhealthy for me, so I don’t do it.
but I also don’t come to the forums crying about mounts I don’t have and can’t get because I choose not to do the content.
I have been playing this game a long long time. I hardly have any mounts relative to how long I’ve been playing. That’s because I don’t like spending time going back to previous expansions to continue farming raid and dungeon mounts. I’m not mad I don’t have Alar, I have accepted the odds of me ever getting it are very long because I might go kill that boss once or twice a year.
Considering there’s a difference between tracking xy achievement for mythic x and tracking overall points.
Achievement points mean nothing. Achievements for clearing bosses actually matter.
You’re free too.
Pretty sure I have done more stuff that matters.
Don’t let Rudily or Deadly see you say that. They will argue and tell you you don’t know what casual means.
Considering achievements can be fabricated by carries, I would say there really isn’t a difference and both are equally useless. It’s just funny to watch you backpedal.
Because you don’t lol. Your idea of casual is extremely selective and ignores the rest of the definition.
We won’t know what “casual” means until Blizzard steps up and says what that term means to them. Until then it is just personal opinion. You are fighting a losing battle with this group here.
You’re absolutely right, but we can infer what it means by basing our understanding off of the general definition of casual and casual gamer, both of which typically involve both playing for short, irregular periods and not having an invested interest in higher play.
But Snozh wants so desperately to be right about everything so you’re probably right. It is a losing battle.
My definition of casual is content done, not time played.
I’m not backpedaling at all. You can track how many people have done the content whether they are carried or not. It legit doesn’t matter.
I know your desperate to try and make an actual point but you have fallen flat again.
False. You’re the one arguing that two night heroic guilds aren’t casual raiders based on some clueless idea of the “prep” needed that you’re completely wrong on.
And you’re definition is wrong lol
Playing a game casually is a metric of time played.
The guy playing pet battles and world quests for 8 hours everyday isn’t playing the game casually.
You just have to quit and never look back.
That’s it.
They get more predatory and non-inclusive, creating a bigger disparity between “people you have to pay to play with you” and normal people that just want to play, with every patch.
There used to be a skill/gear gap, but that has been eliminated mostly.
Now you just have to have no life, an unlimited amount of time to keep “trying” the hard stuff. Doesnt matter how good you are. You rely on 19 others to be good as well.
Keep trying over and over again until eventually your raid has committed the fight into muscle memory. Mechanics so unforgiving that a single mistake by a single person in a millisecond window of time, wasted everyone elses time.
You have to dedicate your life to wow and keep throwing darts at the board until it sticks, or pay someone who has no life to throw the darts for you.
There is no changes or improvements coming to change that. It only gets worse every patch.
So just quit. Because unless you want to pay or quit your life outside of wow and dedicate your soul to each raid tier, you will always be nothing but a free to play casual like Diablo Immortal.
What matters to you may not matter to me or anyone else. I play for enjoyment, tried the raiding thing and it was okay but not something really fun to me. I like hard content that does not bother me. With content like Torghast, Mage Tower, etc, because they don’t reward gear you hit a wall. That content has ilvl requirements to progress so you are effectively barred from that content’s higher level unless you raid. Which is why you hear things about raid or die.
People think because you want something different that you want something easier. That is not true and yeah some people will complain about things being hard. People are complaining now about things being hard. Raids are nerfed and made easier all the time for example. I don’t think people really care about game design, they are just using it as an excuse because it sounds better than “I don’t like it because it seems easier” or " I don’t like it because I don’t want those people to have the same ilvl as me".
You couldn’t convince anyone in RL that raiding is casual.
I have maybe 100 more cool things on ff14 than I do on WoW at this point, and none of these things were FOMO-based or things I missed out on either. It’s amazing how if you treat your players like people with lives, they might actually decide to stick around and play your game.
Unfortunately, the WoW community along with the devs are hellbent on gatekeeping all the cool and fun rewards and it’ll never be changed. I mean half these replies I can tell already are stupid like “it’s no one else’s fault if you’re bad” ??? Who tf said I was bad, maybe some of us just have lives or don’t find Blizzard’s idea of a game to be fun currently, I mean I know most of you hated having to switch covenants for the first year of SL, and yet somehow it was “fun” for you? I doubt it. Most people here whine and complain about having to do reps just to gear up and all that anyways.
Here’s a fun idea that they’re already supposedly going to do with DF, just don’t make these losers with no lives do reputations and grind for recolored mounts! Alright so that’s what they’re planning to do in DF, oh but wait, they are not planning to make fun and engaging meaningful world content ever again, god forbid a casual gets to have a cool mount or transmog set be a meta slave, or don’t even bother playing this game, that’s WoWs community today, uninviting and angry.
Until all FOMO rewards and mounts like KSM mounts return in some form to just buy with a currency(not real money) then this game will remain irrelevant and at the bottom where it so rightfully belongs at this point. Anyone advocating for this is selfish or has too much time and money on their hands, we don’t need to pretend that some of you haven’t spent real money to get these rewards at times.
*I am sure this is going to get falsely flagged like most of my posts do since people here just can’t handle .2 seconds of reality or being called out for their lack of humanity.
Raiding isn’t the only way to get higher ilvl. Mplus is actually the easiest way.
That’s why I asked if you played the game because you honestly sound like you don’t.
In order for there to be a solo content that awarded bis gear the amount of people that completed it would be very small and probably raiders.
Just because you’re bad at this game and don’t understand how raiding is casual doesn’t mean it isn’t. There are multiple people in this thread that disagree with you.
Yeah they had added features like smoke or wave effects but you still get the mog? This is same as essences back in BFA you only got the cool effect with the legendary version. You still have the thing though
By the very definition of casual and casual gamer, they are not lmao
Also, never in my arguments did I even begin to try to discuss two night raiding guilds. I have only ever been about the individual player. Try harder
By your version of casual gamer. Not everyone else in reality.
You literally said in your first post it’s impossible to raid heroic casually and you were corrected multiple times.