Stop rewarding the 1%


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player 1 puts in this much effort

player 2 puts in this much

itā€™s cracked to think the game should reward those two players the same.

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Except the proposed structure that has been thrown around (and would be the most likely to be introduced into the game were it to ever be added) wouldnā€™t be ā€œKill boars, get BiSā€, but ā€œKill boars over an extended period of time, get BiS while raiders get the same gear substantially fasterā€.

What is broken about that?

time =/= difficulty, period.

all of this said, Iā€™m absolutely 500% not opposed to something like Visions, that gave higher ilvl rewards for appropriately challenging content.


I donā€™t disagree, but it misses the spirit of the other side of the argument in topics like these:

Donā€™t compare the lines you drew for player 1 against player 2. Compare the sum total of players1 and players2.

You still havenā€™t explained how this is broken or why it would break the game by any measure. Youā€™re just saying your prerogative.

no more so than you are.

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So the answer then is no, it wouldnā€™t break the game. You just donā€™t like the idea of lesser-skilled/casual/solo players having appropriate means to participate in Blizzardā€™s reward structure.

Good talk.

correct, I donā€™t like a game with a broken reward structure


Repeatedly calling it a broken reward structure wonā€™t make it true.

rewarding Joe Casual for killing a boar every day the same as John Raider for killing mythic Big Bad Boss with 20 other people after hundreds of wipes, and countless hours of planning, restrategizing, etc? thatā€™s broken.

we will never agree on this.

Give Joe Casual another avenue towards better rewards via challenging content like horrific visions, and youā€™ll have my support. ask for the same rewards raiders get for doing nothing but trivial content and the support flies out the window.


Just to be fair here: This user has more achievement points than you. Which means, they have done WAY MORE then you have.


Another entitled even though 90% of the game is made for me I want it all thread.

Lets make a list of the content made for casuals shall we:

world questing design and world bosses
normal dungeons
heroic dungeons
mythic 0
normal raiding
torgast after it was nerfed for casuals

so most of the game basically. Now they come on here and cry because they cant get a reward they did not earn and wanna say that the game centers around the 1%. Yeah if 1% means that 1% of the content is for them which is more actuate.

The entitlement is real ladys and gentlemen!

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Explain why itā€™s broken, though, and I donā€™t mean your perception of what effort means.

I mean explain why it is broken. What exactly about this will break the game?

Achievement points mean nothing lol

Very rich coming from the man that uses achievement statistics as validation for every argument he has LMAO

I disagree.
But itā€™s nothing bad, you simply havenā€™t done much in the game.

Most mounts in shadowlands are from world questing this dude is crying about the one pvp mount that is rewarded to the best pvpā€™ers in this game and while I donā€™t pvp I have no issue with them getting one of the coolest mounts good for them. Relax on the enlistment it is seriously pathetic

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The thing is, there are those of us that want such, even if we raid and do M+, as such could supplement or complement the gear we get from the other content. However, then we get the ones that call them selves ā€œcasualā€ complaining that the new stuff is too hard or something.

Casual has been twisted to mean: bad, lazy, incompetent, etc. when all it means is they donā€™t or canā€™t put as much time into the game or content as others. One can spend the time of a hard core on the game yet raid, PvP or do M+ casually if at all while another can be on the game casually but push the hardest content everuy time they are on (I believe these are the ones we call raid loggers).


But wouldnā€™t this game be so great if everybody just had everything for just booting up the exe? I mean double clicking the wow icon on youā€™re desktop takes so effort so I would not be against this.

Nothing to see here but more lazy entitled players thinking that they deserve every collectable that is in the game even if its a reward for something very challenging.
Lets be honest this guy loves the glad mount knows he canā€™t get it and instead of learning how to pvp and strive to get better and one day earn one he takes to the forums. If players spend as much time playing the game as they did crying for nerfs/free trophys on the forums they probably would not have a issue to begin with.

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