Oh I know it’s been suggested for year. The try hards really just want to Keep the casuals in a tier below them out of entitlement. But if you remove the stats being the reward for harder content and make it skins/tabards/mounts I’d say over 1 expansion the mindset would correct itself. AS LONG AS Blizz provided quality Tier skins / tabards & mounts (for achievements) But it seem like Blizz doesn’t care enough to put in effort for Gear skins anymore.
Not my fault you can’t handle reality.
Yet it actually doesn’t. You don’t know this because you don’t raid.
Having experience matters more than not having experience. Good thing there have been like four other people backing my statements up.
Lol one of the biggest lies told on GD
You’re right.
It’s probably an insecurity issue more than anything.
Raiding has been Casual since Vanilla. If you are Pugging it, that is casual. I 100% remember pugging current content in vanilla, maybe not week or month of it’s release, but before the end of the patch it some if not the whole raid was puggable (except Naxx). Molten core became farmable by pugs, BWL became farmable, AQ 10 and part of AQ 40 was farmable… That is all casual.
Out of the thousands or more that have already left this hulk by appealing to your demographic.
Nah. It’s called not having entitlement and thinking you deserve gear and items from content they don’t do.
You have zero proof as to the reason why people are leaving.
Zero proof it’s for the reasons you think it is.
I mean clearly it’s an insecurity issue if the raiding community has to consistently gatekeep their precious pixels but you can keep lying to yourself if that makes you feel better.
Proof will be in how limp season 4 will be since its only suited for committed raiders.
It’s not gatekeeping. The only gatekeeping that’s in the game is by players like yourself that refuse to play the game doing it to yourself.
The entitled player is the one demanding special treatment
Nah, it’s gatekeeping to tell people they can’t get gear through the content they like doing. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Should we blink once for tokens then twice for carries?
Season four isn’t for raiders which shows how out of touch you are.
Most raiders aren’t even participating and taking a break till DF.
That literally sounds like Raiders think they are “entitled” to better stats because they Raid. My suggestion is they get Cooler looking gear, AND better stats “faster” while more casual players can rank up their gear over time “and more slowly” but EVENTUALLY a casual player can have the same Stats in be it far less cool looking gear.
Neither of those have anything to do with gatekeeping.
You’re getting raids with augments and you call it a patch that isn’t for raiders…?
“BeCAuSe THe RaiDeRS arE LEaViNg unTIl DF”
They are. This game rewards gear and stats based on difficulty of content. The harder the content the better reward. Non raiders fan already get normal raid level gear by doing brain dead content.
You’re idea is terrible.
That system is already in place with the vault.
You do realize some casual players play at higher end already right?
Most raiders don’t have an interest in clearing content they already did in a progression format.
So yes most raiders aren’t interested in season 4.