Stop rewarding the 1%

It was something they started in I want to say Legion? Mythic tier sets had added features on top of a recolor.

Example: Normal DH Tier set Vestment of Second Sight - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft (

Mythic: Vestment of Second Sight (Mythic Lookalike) - Transmog Set - World of Warcraft (

Top players get 1 recolor and 1 mount, 90% of the rewards you can get in a new expansion/patch any casual(not bad) player can get it.

What more are people asking for?


Have you ever spoken to anyone face to face?

Lol both of you are delusional if you think he’s poking holes in anything.

Don’t care.

Well, that would be an accurate statement. You cater to a-holes, that’s your audience.

Doing keystones is not fun for most people. It’s very repetitive and if I want to have this gameplay-loop, then I’ll play a Diablo-game.

Acquiring special mounts and titles are fine, however, it should not be something which the game needs for the regular players. The developers have a habit to put regular vanity items as unreachable rewards into places which should be NPC items in the first place, which is a no go.

This is actually bad. I know most people think it’s just 2 different sets, but what ends up happening is they design the mythic set then straight up just make it worse for the other difficulties.

In the end people just use the mythic set or not use it at all because they don’t want to wear something that clearly has a better version out there.

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Enough to know that I couldn’t convince anyone that WoW raiding is casual gameplay.

Just pure levels of arrogant crazy.

This is going to boil down as to what counts as being a casual gamer and I think you’ll find that you’ve crossed the threshold of what a casual player is in hours played, just to get at the level of play that you’re at now.

It doesn’t matter that what you do now might be considered as being a casual player or a causal raider.

You didn’t reach that point in raiding by being a casual player. Not at the high levels of play that you’re at now.

Raiding was never “casual”. It really never was.
It’s a high effort task to work together with more people who form several groups at once and have to work together.

As someone who will never get a Gladiator mount, I completely disagree with the original poster.

WoW was best when the coolest looking stuff was earned by defeating the hardest challenges. It gave players something to admire and look up to.

Which is fine.

You just can’t quantify it as casual like Snozh wants to just so he can persecute/troll others.

The best mount is the mount you dont have! If it becomes available for everyone then it’s not special anymore! Kinda like amani warbears, back then they were such prestige , now it’s almost embarassing to ride one.

Also if you get a different color mount like the ones gladiator 1% does, if I were you I’d be embarassed to ride it! It would be like I want a mount like that but Im a failiure i suck at the game and in 20 years I havent learned how to play competitively but I also want a reward! You don’t see a losing team getting a different color lombardi trophy do you?

Wotlk was the peak but also the start of a downfall of wow with different color tier gear , 10 man tier, 25 man tier, heroic tier…

There should only be one Tier , if you are a failiure youre a failiure dont need to sugar coat it. This is what stimulates improvement!

I don’t think that this player is antagonistic towards others but he lacks emotional awareness and would step over other’s feelings. Every time you see him arguing with someone, he tries to validate strength through raw power and skill, although skill comes in many assets which makes his perception streamlined as “you only get recognized by performing”.

Which is dumb since he’s just striding for a game that suits himself and hardcore players.

Exactly, which is why I would like for them to make a possible path for people who DON’T raid in higher difficulties to at least unlock the look. Not for the stats, but just to be able to transmog it.

Heck, they could do something like they did with the dungeon sets in Vanilla and make it a quest line people can do that requires them to farm/buy materials and pay a certain amount of gold.

Well you can’t convince anyone of anything let alone convince people of lies.

2 night raiding is considered casual by the entire raiding community whether you like it or not.

Wrong as usual. The threshold to be able to raid isn’t as high as you think it is. Especially for an aotc group.

This is where experience matters because you have zero clue what it takes to be raid ready.

Actually yes I did.

Right…and I shoot pigs out of my rear too.

Pretty sure it requires a time investment beyond that of a casual player which defeats your entire point.

You don’t get to set the standard by dent of your own experience anyway and you don’t talk for the raiding community when you make statements like this:

The system is pretty easy to fix.

All gear is upgradeable to the Max ilvl through resources gained from content. The harder the content the more resources you gain. Each tier of resources can drop gear equivalent to that tier so small upgrades can be found while scaling, but you can upgrade lower tier items to match or exceed your current tier of game play. The only difference in the different tiers of gear is the transmog skin of the gear. Cooler gear is found on higher tier content.

Boom Everyone is happy. Hardcore raiders cap ilvl faster and get cooler gear. Casual raider scale their gear up to max over time, by the end of a patch of content everyone is equal-ish in both pvp and pve.

You’re welcome.

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Which was my point more than anything in this thread, and why I think there is a clear disconnect with people who have clearly honed their craft at this game coming in and telling people that it’s totally possible for casuals to do the same because “All AOTC guilds are casual.” We were never discussing guild raiding activity. From the very start, it has been about the individual player and the effort they put in outside of those raiding hours + how much they had to put in to get to that point. The answer to both of those questions is more than your average casual does because casual is also a state of being in addition to a time metric.

People have already suggested this for awhile now and every time the raiding tryhards have come out to reject the notion.