Stop rewarding the 1%

That is the difficult bit with these discussions. Outside of pushing world rankings, even CE can be done on a reasonably casual schedule, especially after the initial M+ gear push a lot of people make for the first month or so. Is someone who plays WoW for 20 hours a week doing every old raid, pet battling, and whatnot any more casual than someone who plays 20 hours a week playing but 6 of them are in mythic raid? I think not. People say casual when they really mean bad at mechanics and output.

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Your weak argument is basically trying to overemphasize the effort outside of raid when in fact it’s really not half as much as you’re pretending it is. This is clearly based on your lack of experience raiding at any level which why people shouldn’t comment on things they have zero experience in.

This link doesn’t prove anything for me. Where are the statistics that clearly state “X player plays X amount of time every week and is AOTC”?


Probably the same place where your link that says people who get AOTC can’t be playing casually is. Time played metrics aren’t a public thing. Only thing you can do is find what is necessary to get AOTC and compare that with the amount of time it should take to get that done. By the time the last round of heroic nerfs come out, you generally don’t need much to be able to get AOTC so a 2 night raid schedule SHOULD be more than enough, the only other thing you might have to do is farm raid mats.

Then any claim that every single person who raids AOTC is a casual cannot be substantiated.

No, I acknowledged that it’s possible, only that it’s unlikely and there are probably more casual players who haven’t cleared AOTC than there are who have.

Yeah, the only issue I’ve had with flat out telling people their skill is what is gatekeeping them from mounts and titles and unique things is that folks on GD get REALLY mad when you do that.

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Doesn’t your guild struggle every season to clear mythic? Your first Jailer was 16 days ago.

Which is why I say solo players. Casuals tend to do group content at all levels compared to solo players that don’t.

Not my fault you can’t comprehend that people raiding for 6 hours 2 nights a week are casual raiders.

Open world content gets open world rewards; wanting to get more without doing more is entitlement. Literally moaning and complaining on the forums about not getting the things the raiders get. Why anyone who doesn’t do raid content should care what raiders get is beyond silliness, and more entitled than anything.

But you still don’t know how much they played outside of those raid hours to get to that point. For all you know, those players could be engaging with the game an extra 2 hours before raids and another 3 every other day to be AOTC.

So any claim that all AOTC players are casual is simply not substantiated.

If people are getting AOTC with 3-6 hours raid weeks and raid logging then you do not have to be a hardcore player to get AOTC. If you do not have to be hardcore to get AOTC then it is a casual friendly achievement.


That dude says he is “always” right my guy. Just smile and wave!

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And that time doesn’t matter. That’s what you can’t seem to comprehend.

I’m sorry you can’t understand that 6 hours a week of raiding is still raiding casually.

But keep being argumentative because you know you’re wrong.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ Continue being obtuse, my guy.


Guild hasn’t missed a CE since KJ

Couldn’t be sure because we don’t know how much they’re playing outside of the raids and how much they had to invest in the game to reach that point, which is, again, the entire point here.

But go ahead and keep aping the “muh guild activity” point as if it somehow proves what you’re saying.

When data cannot be compiled the only evidence on a subject that exists is the combined experience of people involved with what is in question. I know all three tiers this expansion I have played with 6 hour a week raid loggers who have gotten AOTC. I would venture to guess that everyone else telling you that you are wrong has also played with raidloggers on a casual schedule who have gotten AOTC. This suggests that it is at minimum possible to do. If it is possible to casually play and get AOTC the question is not if a casual player can get AOTC, the question is exactly how good they have to be at the game to do it.

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And they would likely be the exception to this understanding as to how developing a skill works. I don’t deny that these people exist. I deny the idea that a handful of people’s personal experience in the game is indicative of the average player.

Most players do not make any attempt to get better at WoW with their limited time available to play it. That doesn’t mean you should not have to make any effort to play well to get an achievement meant to suggest you are capable of playing WoW well. The difference in mechanical ability between someone who spends 6 hours per week raidlogging and 1 hour per tier looking things up and someone who spend 15 hours a week mount farming and 0 hours per lifetime researching their spec is immense.