Your definition of casual player is actually a solo player.
Achievements, stats tracked by warcraft logs and raider IO
And your point is again wrong based on the data. I will agree that the majority of the player base is not playing at CE levels especially this tier.
I know reading is hard for you but thats why I said “probably”
The amount of time to be raid ready at the start of each tier isnt something thats very hard to accomplish unless you are pushing for hall of fame and wanting to min max everything.
I havent railroaded everyone. Shreds and I dont agree on much but we stayed civil.
I mean if they want to kill the game then thats on the devs. Every expansion thats catered to solo players (wod/Shadowlands) have been absolute disasters.
The first tier sets for Rogues in Dragonflight are straight up moronic. Who in their right mind thinks it makes sense for a Rogue to run around in a rock suit!?