Stop rewarding the 1%

Your definition of casual player is actually a solo player.

Achievements, stats tracked by warcraft logs and raider IO

And your point is again wrong based on the data. I will agree that the majority of the player base is not playing at CE levels especially this tier.

I know reading is hard for you but thats why I said “probably”

The amount of time to be raid ready at the start of each tier isnt something thats very hard to accomplish unless you are pushing for hall of fame and wanting to min max everything.

Leveling toons.

It’s a slow process.

Sure, when you link me an active character I will actually believe this.

Neither your rogue nor your warrior have any effort put into them.

My guess is looks at the world quests and then tabs out to the forums.

By your standards.

I’m sorry, everyone. I can’t keep criticizing Snozh. He was nice to me.

Have a great evening! :slight_smile:

Hey now, I am usually a nice person!

You as well!

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Hey, your warrior is up to 234. Nice job man

Your experience doesn’t get to let you dictate what players want.

Players want change and if that means the top % suffer then so be it.

My experience is more valid and credible than yours.

You probably wont ever get the change you want.

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You’re the only one who is obsessed that minor detail.

Maybe but I’ll know who to blame when the game stagnates in DF.

I am not obsessed at all. Credibility does matter though. I can also count a couple people who have agreed that it matters as wekk.

Considering I have zero control over it it wont be me.

If a man must say I am the King then he is no true King.

You’re not doing anyone any favors by railroading everyone who has different opinion from yours.

If the game changes in the favor of solo players as you keep referring to them, then you’ll just have to accept it.

Never claimed to be the king.

I havent railroaded everyone. Shreds and I dont agree on much but we stayed civil.

I mean if they want to kill the game then thats on the devs. Every expansion thats catered to solo players (wod/Shadowlands) have been absolute disasters.

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Then enjoy WoW as it continues to circle the drain.

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I figured the analogy would go over your head.

That’s all you do on this forum.

Then why are you here?

I see new players in newcomer chat all the time though

True that.

The first tier sets for Rogues in Dragonflight are straight up moronic. Who in their right mind thinks it makes sense for a Rogue to run around in a rock suit!?

i just want Pandaren legendary capes back…

I wrote about making such content with such rewards that aren’t fomo. Not that there were such content.

By definition, unique means something that few others have.

And yes…I think there are quite a few players in this game who only find value in something based on how readily unavailable it is.

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