Honestly you can just say the majority of the playerbase doesn’t want hard content. Whenever Blizzard has made challenging content like Torghast, Cata Heroics, Heroic Raid this expansion in general, the playerbase FREAKS out.
I sure don’t.
That’s mostly true, but I actually didn’t mind Torghast. I just ran the easiest level of Torgast when I did it.
Sorry to break it to you but high-end players are the minority. Casual players make up the majority of the playerbase in literally every MMO. You guys just like to think you’re special.
Let’s use reputations as an example. Getting exalted with a rep takes some time and effort right? So it makes sense that you should be rewarded once you finally get there. But what if the specific mount, pet, or toy you’re after is in an exalted cache? That means that you not only have to do the grind to get to exalted. But you then also have to do even more rep grinding to get a cache and then hope that RNG is on your side.
There are people with terrible luck that end up having to open dozens of boxes before they finally get what they’re after. There is nothing fun or challenging about that. If you already put the time in to get a rep to exalted, then you should just get the rewards and not have to be at the mercy of RNG.
Another example are the covenant-specific toys that you can get from doing covenant callings. Let’s say you’re in Night Fae and end up getting a Necrolord toy. Guess what? You can’t use it unless you’re Necrolord or have it at renown 80. Why? If it dropped for you, then you earned it and should be able to use it. But instead, Blizz gated it bc they want you to sink more time into covenants.
I could go on and on with more examples. I’m a casual player that enjoys diving into more time-intensive systems like rep grinding and whatnot. I don’t want rewards to be handed to me on a silver platter. But I also don’t want the systems around them to be convoluted af and timegated to the extreme. Is it really that much of an issue to ask for casual systems that are better designed?
I just don’t understand the point of playing a game that doesn’t challenge you in any way. Do you really enjoy logging in and being an unstoppable god that nothing can question? What not just play GTA with cheats?
How many times are we going to have a post like this?
I know I can’t speak for everyone who mythic raids but for the short time I’ve actually have been raiding mythic at the end of the day the “mount” isn’t what people are raiding for. Even the gear is a moot point after awhile specially with M+. Most people who are actually doing harder level content do it because its fun to them and playing with like minded people is also fun. I honestly shouldn’t feel bad for getting a M Sylv mount because some random casual couldn’t get a similar looking one.
Even looking at M+ - once you hit KSM or least in this season 3k IO there really isn’t a need to push keys unless you are trying for the 1% title.
At the end of the day - you want something nicer then you need to work for it. If you don’t want to work for it then you aren’t going to get it.
Not only cosmetic rewards, but also basic power gains are now reserved for the top players.
You have to play the game at max levels to even get conduit upgrades in 9.2, for example, even though Artifact Power and Azerite Power upgrades were available to all.
To be fair, high end players are definitely not complaining about any of those being made easier. Most would probably enjoy it too.
This is fine, as WoW has a heritage of raiding, but raider feedback is the only feedback that actually sees changes. All other feedback is apparently filtered out.
I hate to break it to you but casuals are also raiders and pvpers and mplus runners making solo players the actual minority.
Time yes. Effort no.
Ok and? Why should solo players be the only group that doesn’t have rng in their gameplay?
I know. It took me 14 weeks before I got my 278 gun from vault.
Are you ever going to actually make a point?
This is pretty self explanatory. If you’re not necrolord why should you get to use a Necrolord exclusive toy?
Are you new to mmos?
I mean you haven’t made a valid point yet.
You keep using casual when you mean solo btw.
Keep talking us in circles buddy.
I do. I also play Skyrim, Hades, Elden Ring, Stray, Tales of Arise, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot with cheats enabled. I have always preferred being an unstoppable god that nothing can question, even when I was baby Shreds playing Double Dragon on the NES with my Game Genie plugged in.
World of WarCraft was the first MMO that allowed me to be that. I came from Final Fantasy XI before WoW, so I was used to getting killed by mobs my own level in one-on-one combat. This game flipped the script and gave me the feeling I was searching for.
Since 2004, I’ve become quite invested in Azeroth. It is my home, and I won’t leave it until Final Death claims me.
No, I’m not. You realize you can do open-world content with friends, right? World quests, rep grinding, mount/pet/toy hunting. All of it can be done with other people.
If they wanted to make those toys covenant-specific, then why have it drop for you at all if you’re not the right covenant? They’re literally giving you something and then telling you that you can’t use it.
So, are you trying to argue that casual content should be just as time-intensive as high-end content? That wouldn’t make it casual anymore, would it?
Keep failing to follow along with basic terminology
You can’t classify aotc guilds as casuals.
You’re using too wide a brush just to draw lines.
That’s fine because I don’t.
Why do you keep pivoting back around to this point as if you aren’t doing the same? Haven’t you consistently made claims that the majority of AOTC/CE raid groups are casual players without having any statistics to back this up simply because that’s how you and everyone else you know plays?
Do you have a data log we don’t have access to? Because I sure would love to see it.
My point is that casual players need to invest a lot of time into the game in order to be AOTC/CE. The idea that casual players clear AOTC/CE without altering their method/way of play is not unheard of, sure, but more than unlikely considering most players will need to invest more time into the game since that is how most things in the world work, video games included. My stance on this is not subjective. It is based on the merits of how obtaining a skill works.
And if, after that time invested, they can dial back the amount of time they play, it doesn’t change them from having been a hardcore player at one point to reach that point.
And so it’s more likely that casual players will stick to the content they know they are capable of clearing because they don’t have to invest any more time beyond what they know.
Sure. However it’s still considered solo player content because it’s not required to be in a group.
Because most people at this point are max level with every covenant. Even then I honestly couldn’t tell you.
No. I’m saying every aspect of the game has rng as a factor. Making it a pointless complaint.
Again you’re talking about solo content not casual content.
Warcraft logs literally lets you sort by heroic guilds and you can see what days they raid and post logs.
There are very very few heroic level raid guilds that raid more than two nights a week.
Heroic only guilds also don’t have the mythic raider mentality.
I could be wrong and there could be some hardcore heroic guilds but they would be the extremist minority. Most people that raid heroic are looking to play laid back without any seriousness to it.
Your point is literally terrible and that’s what you aren’t understanding. You don’t need to be a purple/orange parser to achieve aotc. Which means you don’t have to play perfectly.
Your stance is 100% subjective and based on the experience of never having done it which means you don’t really have a valid opinion on it.
I raider heroic and got aotc in CN and never even went into the maw aside from doing torghast for my leggo. The time investment you think it takes isn’t accurate.
Again more players casually raid at some level than do solo content.
Considering the majority of aotc guilds raid two nights a week they are 100% able to be listed as casual.
Just because you aren’t good enough to get aotc doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get.
Casual raiders. Not casual players. There is a very big difference.
No there isn’t. Being casual means you play only a couple hours during the week.
The term you’re applying casual too is solo players because solo players try to portray them selves as casual players to add merit to their weak arguments.