Stop rewarding the 1%

For you, maybe. But as someone in this thread once said:

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It’s not.

The entire raid could have 262 and be fine.

Ahh, how long did it take for them to grind that out?

Way to take what I said out if context.

I was clearly talking about being heroic raid ready.

I still haven’t claimed to speak for all casuals


No, that’s the OP. I don’t care about valor or PVP mounts.

Yes. I want to put in time rather than effort and get the same rewards that way.

I don’t care if you call me pathetic. In fact, focus on me. It bothers me when you bully other people. From now on, I’m the only pathetic one, deal?

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For someone who clearly operates at the high-end level of the game, it’s pretty astonishing that you fail to understand that AOTC means having cleared a heroic raid prior to the next patch release.

If your response to me saying “the average casual player isn’t going to invest the time into this game to be at that level of play” is “it’s not that hard to be aotc,” then it’s pretty easy to infer that you are indeed speaking for casual players because you are asserting the idea that they can clear heroic raid content.

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Blizz isn’t rewarding the 1%… people are just putting in the required effort to get that stuff and be unique…and most of it isn’t even that rough… as a married man and with a 9 month old kid, who also works 60+ hours a week, still has been able to push over 3kio and get plenty of cool stuff… or are you just afraid of social interaction in a mmo?

Maybe this thread needs to be renamed to “stop making such ridiculous requirements for casuals for cool stuff” lol…

I suspect he wants to classify raiders as casuals so he can classify everyone else who isn’t raiding as solo players so he can isolate and lambast said “solo players” as much as he likes.

I know what aotc means.

You’re the one assuming that casual players can’t clear aotc because YOU can’t clear aotc.

I know a terrible balance Druid that grey parses every fight and she still gets aotc every tier in a two night guild.

Evidently not.

I would have to play the game first in order to confirm this suspicion.

All you’re telling me here is that a balance druid is heavily carried by her guild lol. What’s your point? Do they all parse grey or is there someone picking up her slack? Because I doubt it’s the former and I doubt they’re all casuals.

Considering I have multiple aotc achievements that would disprove you.

So you’re speaking about casuals when you don’t even play the game? Lol.

Yes the majority of the guild are grey/green parsers.

I wish people would stop pushing their lifestyles so hard. We get it, you’re straight.

We get it, you like Capitalism.

We get it, you’re a tryhard.

I hate social interaction. I’m a misanthrope. But we get it, you like people and you’re a chatty Cathy.

Not everyone is like you.

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If you truly advocated for everyone to get good content, then you should be all for Blizz investing a little more effort into open world & casual systems. Because let’s not pretend that they don’t have a bias towards the high-end playerbase. Most of the effort Blizz has put into recent expansions has been on borrowed power systems that have the greatest impact and importance to high-end players. Whereas more casual systems like professions are often tossed to the wayside. Dragonflight will be the first time in several years that professions have gotten a significant overhaul.

Not only is casual content often neglected, but it has also become heavily time-gated and is created more for drawing out people’s sub time than actually letting them have fun. I don’t want casual rewards to require no effort to get. I just want the systems around them to be better designed and more fun.

And yet, when casual players say stuff like that, the high-end players start yelling that Blizz shouldn’t waste time on such things. Because we’re the entitled ones, right?


Yeah, somehow I doubt this but nice try chief lmao

Did it ever occur to you that I don’t play the game because I find the casual play unrewarding?

Which, you know, was the entire point of this discussion to begin with?


Casual players: “I want my part of the game to feel more fun.”

Mythic raiders: “Wow, how entitled can you possibly get? Don’t you understand that more resources invested in the parts of the game you like means less resources for ME?”


I don’t care who or what you are, just letting you know that all the things in this game are achievable with bare minimum effort, and I hope blizzard continues to keep doing it the way they do now. Have a good one.

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damn i missed another one of these threads until it already had 800 replies.

I mean I don’t really care if you believe me. They usually take the entire tier to do it.

Gameplay is the same for everyone. If you choose to exclude yourself for whatever reason (don’t want to join a guild or don’t enjoy raiding) that’s fine but don’t try to claim that the majority of casuals play the same way you do.

Actually the entire point of the discussion was the OP asking for exclusive rewards in content they don’t actually play. Which is like most solo players.

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What’s funny is “casual rewards” which you really mean as “solo rewards” is that when they require any effort to get free normal raiding gear the solo player bases complain.

They complained in Korthia. They complained in ZM.

Solo content is always going to be easy because the majority of the solo player base doesn’t want hard content.

Because it’s a waste of resources to spend time on stuff the extreme minority want that would be wasted content.