I mean cmon ksm is incredibly easy to get right now. If you actually dont have time or will do even get ksm if u really want that mount then that is 100% on you.
Could litterally have done 1 dungeon a day and easily have gotten it by now.
Eventually I can go back and nab transmogs from past Mythic raids a couple of expansions later and I think that’s fine.
Really? I see tons of them running around.
I do wish there was an unarmored one for us peons, though. Hehe
Of course they do. That’s how seasonal PvP works.
*limited time mount. Fear of missing out is a psychological issue, not an item.
Welcome to many games and many things in life. I have limited edition pins from the Atlanta Olympics and a book on the art event that was there. Very few have them. You had to be there. Same goes for lots of things.
A crap ton of stuff. There’s only a very small percentage of limited time items.
Limited time Elite PvP and Challenge Mode PvE is something I will always agree with.
Couldn’t agree more. The 500 mount reward is a perfect example of this. And I’ve had people flat out tell me “it’s not that hard to get 500 mounts”. Like they’re that disconnected with reality.
It is SUPER, SUPER time consuming to get even 200 mounts on a fresh account, let alone 500!!
I just think I challenge myself enough in game to always get better. Just because it’s not Mythic doesn’t mean it’s less than. Also personally, I’ve never thought I should get as good of gear or extra special mounts unless I work for them in the way the game designed them to be.
Depends on how the “fact” is expressed. This comment was not a personal attack. The other one was worded so it would be.
That’s why it’s cool that those mount achieves have nice mount rewards. Feltalon raptor bird is hands down top 5 most amazing mounts in the game and should never be obtainable any other way than through those collection achievements. Hopefully future mount achieves are super unique
In that same vein, it’s also not accurate to say that collecting 500 mounts is equal to defeating other players in combat or defeating raid bosses before everyone else (hall of fame). They’re all challenging in their own way and should have different rewards to reflect that
I fully agree with you. I’ve appreciated the fact that the cosmetics acquired from organized content have been so lackluster throughout Shadowlands, thus allowing me to completely ignore even LFR. The only outlier may be the rated PvP cosmetics, some of those are pretty nice.
You clearly don’t know what RaiderIO is if you think it presses buttons for you.
Who is “your own people”?
You’re right, I should have used a different analogy. Imagine we both have an idea to make a burger, then you say that a burger should just be teleported in front of you. Meanwhile I get up, get the burger, season it, cook it, and eat it. That’s what’s happening, you want to get gordan ramsey’s burger for doing nothing.
No it wasn’t. You took it that way, and that’s unfortunate, but it was always just a statement of fact.
Meanwhile you continue to insult people you don’t like and somehow don’t see it as the same.
So just to be clear, if someone states a fact in a manner you don’t like, that’s a personal attack. Conversely, if you insult someone, but do it in a passive aggressive manner, that’s perfectly fine…
If I really did love the 500 mount achievement, (I think it’s just ok), would it be realistic to expect any newer players to get that in their lifetime? Unless they entirely focused their WoW gameplay on mount hunting, it would still take an absurd amount of dedication.
If you think this is a fair concept. Why?
Shouldn’t access to interesting things be more relative and accessible?
Yes. If someone comes to a game over 15 years into its run, they have to understand that some things will be either unobtainable or at least much more difficult to obtain.