Stop rewarding the 1%

This is now thread number two you have followed me into to try and troll me.

Ohh boy yet multiple people have agreed with me over what I said in this thread.



Your conclusions aren’t universal since you won’t get everyone to agree on a singular definition of casual since the commitment to do Herioc or Mythic level raids is higher than what would be expected of a casual player.

What’s your source on this?

Most “casuals” i know play 3-5 hours a night doing queued and world content.

You two are gonna need your own subforum soon :heart:

I know lol. I purposefully don’t respond to him unless he responds to me.

At this point his obsession is so relentless because I hurt his feelings I have decided to start counting the threads


You agree its tied to the metric of time, you just want to discount people able to do challenging content within the confines of your time metric?

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You’re not doing yourself any favors by taking this personally.

But they also get the mogs just in a diff colour.

Most people are going to have to invest more time into something in order to be better at it. That is literally how most things work. Just because Frank Sinatra can belt out tones in tune with ease does not mean I can do the same. I have to practice and put more time into it, take lessons, practice on my own time, etc… You pointing out that there are people who raid mythic casually without putting a lot of time into the game means absolutely nothing. It just means that person is naturally talented at the game and can pick up on things easier.

And again, you don’t have a statistic that shows that most mythic/heroic raiders/glad PvPers didn’t invest a lot of time to get to where they were, and so until you do, your experience means jack.

No I didn’t. I said it’s possible, but that they were marginal. And having 2-3 people (yourself included) is not multiple. Sorry.

Funny how you accuse me of ignoring one definition while ignoring all of the other definitions in those links.

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lol - in easy content? there is no comparable gear to what we were getting from titanforging in world content that there was in legion and bfa and that is besides the point. The point is they gave more rewards in the harder content to make up for the increased ilvl of gear rewards in easy content. There is no longer the same rewards in easy content, so the additional rewards for difficult content should also be removed.

I don’t see it working out.

Look man I don’t make the rules I’m just following instructions.

In the past different tiers of difficulty added extra features/looks to armor sets. If the only difference now is just the color of the set, and that’s how Blizz plans to move forward with sets, why not just unlock all the colors when you obtain said piece?

Every single aotc guild is casual lol.

All I said was casual includes good and bad players. You’re the one trying to define it as that being the minority.

You clearly said “absolutely not” and then we’re corrected by 4-5 people.

Because you’re literally ignoring the second definition in each link.

I very much doubt that.

Find me a three day aotc guild.

Hang on…I’ll just count how long it took them to get their max legendries together for the raid…

And then I said “if they do, they are marginal” and I also mended it in succeeding comments, but I suppose this doesn’t fit your narrative so you’re going to stick to the one thing I said.

And how much time did they have to spend to get to that point? Do you think the average casual player is going to do that? Probably not.

Because the whole point of this thread is about what casual players want out of the game and that casual play (which is generally what open world/dungeon finder/lower difficulty content is referred to as) rewards are uninteresting. Then you came in with something about casual players being able to obtain all the rewards, which we both know isn’t true and you don’t have any statistics to make such a claim.

So congratulations on nitpicking and pointing out trivial nonsense?

Nice deflecting to search something that’s not even remotely relevant.

Pretty sure it is.

A good chunk of the raid would at the very least need a legendary just to stand a chance at those difficulties…or is it the two now?

You’re the one that said you never said it not me.

You said it.

Were corrected

Changed your point

Then claimed you never said it

That not nitpicking.

It doesn’t take that much time as aotc isn’t very hard to get.