Stop rewarding the 1%

The argument was that these rewards are unobtainable, you just admitted they are obtainable to everyone via boosting, so what’s the problem here?

Hardcore pvpers maybe. But there are casual pvp rewards. I have over 300 honor level. I know glad players who are still less than 100.

But my point isn’t that they shouldn’t get unique or elite rewards. It’s that an equal effort should be made for the rest of the player base. And that just doesn’t happen. 15 recolours of an otter is not 15 mounts. It’s 1 mount. Which makes the new 500 mount reward even more of a joke since it’s just another recolour of the other God knows how many otter mounts.

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I dont think the game has ever been worse for casuals. i think we need more grinds like the “insane” title. Currently, the skill requirement for any worthwhile reward is tremendous and encourages boosting (unsatisfying). back in legion my brother loved the suramar story and unlocking nightborne as a playable race was super satisfying to him as most hardcore players didn’t have the patience. Some of the added heritage armor sets also looked amazing. I think they should be adding more unrequired, low barrier to entry ways to play the game like they did in the past. i think the solution here is to give unskilled casual players a way to flex via mounts, tmog or professions. In a cool and meaningful way like the netherwing rep drakes.


Not every raid has a mount.

Only way they can make certain things worth doing is by giving good rewards. No reason to grind out a season if they will just be handed to everyone the next expansion

Which one hasn’t?

They could try making it fun if they want people to do it.

I know, crazy, right?

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I will admit it can certainly be both


It’s usually the person who doesn’t think they’re the idiot.

Surprise, its (you).

So far you’ve done nothing but demonstrate to me that you have an extreme case of dunning-kruger syndrome.

Everything from saying “I could do it, I just don’t want to”, projecting and assuming things, ad-hominem attacks, calling me a trump supporter in one post, and in the next post laughing at my country being on fire and attacking my prime minister as if I’m somehow related to him.

Oh and achievement snooping (background checking) and using that to categorise me so you can label me as someone you can dismiss because you don’t like the truth, (a tactic used by people who are wrong and use it to achieve cognitive dissonance)

You’re a terrible human being with something wrong with your head and nothing you have to say is of any value to me.


But this happens with pve? What’s the difference?

You cant snapshot to when something was relevant for PvP. its not like we can leave the season open for people who are still below a certain threshhold of levels and gear.

Would be nice tho. cause if I could tweak my toon to when something was relevant and play with those spells and abilities I certainly would without having to grind out another toon in classic/tbc/wotlk

I disagree with the sentiment. That’s why people revolt against the idea of FOMO and also why the recent reddit topic hit the top page.

People are tired and want to look better. I do blame Shadowlands on this, because it offers stuff what people will never wear going forward (at least on RP-servers). So much wasted resources.

It’s fair to say that people might look forward to rated auto queue pvp in the future.

Don’t forget the season 1 alliance plate set from Bfa. Still one of the greatest pvp sets ever made.

Goes for both warfront sets, to be honest. My Forsaken only wear those because nothing else fits them, expect for some Lordaeron-themed pieces.

ICC dropped Invincible. I raided that dump consistently and we never once saw it drop. It took me 6 years of going back there to get it and I finally got it. PVP has always been exempt from that. You had the team, the skill, the time, you could get the gladiator mount. They’re not really the same thing.

As far as I know, about half the raids have the mount and even though the drop rate has improved while it is current, there’s still no guarantee you can climb over guild politics to get it.

On what character? You have 0 clears of ICC.

I disagree with “Let’s give everyone everything no matter of their activity”. But I agree that “lets’ give everyone strict amount of time to get these things in this season and then these things become obsolete” must go.

I truly understand why you people want rare stuff that only 1% gets. I want it as well, I have some stuff of old that only small amount of people got back when it was relevant (like The Immortal title) and t give a vibe of accomplished and uniqueness in this game. But I don’t see how is this fair to let one dude to get war saddle for beating other dudes in rated PvP where people are INCREDIBLY aggressive and give the same mount for another dude who collected a 1000 mud for duck soup. Cause this will KILL uniqueness of any achievement. People will just use this easy achievable mount till next easy achievable but more visually decent mount comes in.

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Im a strong believer in looking at someone and understanding their commitment. I dont agree that the same reward should be given out for different levels of work. If you want something you have to put in that work and if you cant you have to accept that


I have shared achievements from 2009. Including Shadowmourne in 2010. Takes a bit more effort than you seem to be willing to put in if you want to be the official forum police.

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doing easiest but boring stuff all over with the same outcome for % of a chance


doing same but incredibly hard stuff with different outcome which depends on the skill of you AND your opponent where you NEED to adapt and be cunning and change your strat on the go

Ofc these aren’t the same. The PvP always will be harder. PvE is scripted and PvP is not. You are more frustrated to lose 100 points of rating in PvP than doing one wipe on mythic which you can try over and over till everyone learn the NON CHANGING mechanics. It’s only a matter of time when you get the MYTHIC kill.
In PvP it’s not a matter of time but skill. You can lose everything hundred times in a row if people just so happen to be better at this job than you. And this is why it’s so rewarding to get what other people do not. People that you battle grow with you. They do not stand in one place and wait for you not to step on their stuff they placed.