Stop rewarding the 1%

Sure you can, just man the hell up.

Are you saying women are weak?

I donā€™t know, are you?

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Glad to know youā€™re ready to show everyone your true colors.

They are pretty bland based on my current transmog.


Mog looks good I think.

No 1v1 modes because certain classes would conquer it bud. Thatā€™s a terrible justification, sorry. :frowning:

The small % of players are part of the community too :grin:. I donā€™t even have a Gladiator mount or titleā€¦ but I would love to achieve it somedayā€¦ For those who got it in the past, awezum. For those who want the rewards fed to themā€¦ git gud ? Itā€™s a gameā€¦ Itā€™s competitiveā€¦ probably the point of the whole PvP and PvE systemā€¦ is to advance, and compete. Not look cool and sit in main city or fly around the open world and tell people how pretty you look. IDK JS

I remember when there wasnā€™t even transmog in the gameā€¦ I can only imagine what some folk would think when they see a class with way cooler looking item sets / pieces than the class they play. :frowning: Luckily, I played Hunter when I started in '07. I loved the Demon Stalker set (overrated nowadays, probably then tooā€¦). But I farmed Gruulā€™s Lair as much as I could. I never got the pieces that dropped from it. I did cry, I must say.

Like I said before.

I used to think like you but when you really think about it and itā€™s probably the reason why we donā€™t have things like a dye system because then they would have to really think outside of the box to get people to participate in mythic or high end PVP content, just saying. - Urmog 2022TM.

Other than that, itā€™s wasted resources on a small % of players, shouldnā€™t an achievement be enough for you? How are these items affecting your enjoyment of the content you play in game?

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

I think people just get tired of the content in general. Dungeons and Raids used to be so much easier in the past, it affect people.

You can put FOMO items on the cash shop or bring the items back as evergreen content. Donā€™t see the problem here. The reward is to get them for free instead paying money. Thatā€™s the best possible compromise in my eyes.

I think itā€™s fair having unique rewards for the high end content - but when it is getting too offensive, they need to adjust them. Lore-based colorizations is a bit offender here (BfA warfront items) and should be available for the mass. Why should people run around with a purple blight cylinder while the green one is locked away, as a Forsaken?

Just to be completely fair, I did it on Affliction when you could cheese the heck out of it with endless corruption so thats always a possibility. I did do the Destro one though so its not like I didnt go through one of the challenges as designed.

Itā€™s like 4 titles and one mount (gladiator) per season.
Everything else is obtainable by every player.

It really isnā€™t that much additional work for Blizzard, so Iā€™d argue the resources are fairly negligible in the scheme of things.

The largest argument people seem to have is the thought that it is all about bragging rights, which it honestly isnā€™t.
These items form key points of achievement to grant players a definable goal to strive towards.

Itā€™s undermined as a goal if you can alternatively just do 5 WQs and get the same reward.
Itā€™s about giving players direction, just like life you need goals to be definable otherwise you will just end up muddling about and not getting where you want to go.

And before the argument comes in of ā€œwell they should be accessible once they are no longer current thenā€ why would someone pay $50 now for something they know will be $5 in 6 months?
It undermines the goal.


i disagree with you on thisā€¦so do millions of others btw. :100:

i think plenty of e-sports require precision on par, or beyond plenty of sportsā€¦and are much more competitive.

iā€™d even argue that gaming is a better equalizer in general, since size doesnā€™t matter as much as say - football. all skills here.

I dunno man, I just have a hard time sympathizing with people like yourselfā€¦ you want stuff but donā€™t seem to wanna do the content that requires them. They have casual systems, itā€™s why there is so many of emā€¦ get 2400 and you got glad, if youā€™re like me and still aspiring to be oneā€¦ then guess what? We gotta git gud and earn it.

Why should PVP mounts be exclusive to Arena players? They werenā€™t before.

Again, if itā€™s all about the challenge and prestige than how is a Mount or a piece of transmog item affecting your enjoyment of the content you like?

Were not talking about real life money or an actual trophy. Non of you are pro gamers and Iā€™m sure non of them care what item someone has for their character because most pro gamers play for REAL life rewards, just saying friend. :smiling_face:

Really :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

yeah really :slight_smile:

/pat you on the head

Carry on than with your badself, you go girl. :wink:

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:

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/hiss sorry you donā€™t get to touch meā€¦i am not impressed with your high school football story up there :rofl:

if you can get ksm, you can pat me though :100:

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