Stop rewarding the 1%

I agree. And I am the same.

?? Gladiator mounts have always been exclusive to arena. Look to the Netherdrakes for example.

I think it was pretty evident in my post as a definable goal of achievement.
It is a specific thing at a specific breakpoint for players to aim for.

Clearly you either didn’t read or misunderstood that part of the post.
Those players don’t care what others have, absolutely (except for those who don’t want to earn them apparently, they care very much that others have what they don’t), however again, it undermines the definable goals available to players.

Why would you put in any effort to achieve a goal if you know in 6 months that goal is given out for free?
If you don’t understand why that is bad then unfortunately you don’t have much experience in goal setting.

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Interesting inversion. Of course, the narcissistic perspective is the hierarchical one - for without power to gain and “lessers” to lord it over, what is a narcissist to do?

The paradox of existence is that the true self is hidden behind the mask of Ego. And so, in order to come to know who one is, one must deconstruct the facade that one has built to parry society’s constant attempts to modify one’s original configuration.

Various hierarchies, and one’s supposed place in them, limit one’s ability to know one’s self by confining one to an arbitrary box of fallacious logic.

“I’m not good enough to be like that guy. He’s better than me.”

Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not how skills work. When you dedicate yourself to something, you get better at it. When that something is as predictable and finite as World of WarCraft raiding or PvP, mastering it is not only possible, but inevitable for anyone who actually puts in the work. So, what does that make it? Busy work. It amounts to calculus. It isn’t a talent. It isn’t a magic trick. Nobody’s better than you. You could do it too, if you put in the time and effort. And what does it mean to put in time and effort for a reward that literally anyone can obtain if they make that sacrifice?

It means waste. In order to obtain what you want, you are required to waste your time doing something you may find annoying and tedious. When you obtain this thing, no one envies you, because they know that anyone could obtain it if they tried. Not getting it is simply a decision that whatever that reward happens to be isn’t worth having your time wasted.

And, if anyone does envy you, it feels horrible because you know that they have an inferiority complex and what you actually did wasn’t hard or special; it was merely one type of content that you happened to enjoy, and it really shouldn’t have given you disproportionately greater rewards than players who prefer other activities.

Again, everyone should do what they enjoy in-game, and only that - and they should be rewarded for doing what they enjoy.

If you enjoy being challenged, rising to meet a challenge does not require any incentive above and beyond the rewards offered to people who do not enjoy being challenged.


Again, how is it affecting your game play to see others with a mount or a transmog items through other means?

Answer the question and don’t dance around it. It’s a simple yes or no answer my friend.

:sunflower: :rainbow: :sunflower:


I’ll never understand the mentality either. We all have access to the same content. If you want a PVP mount then go do PVP. Simple.


I suppose my feelings about this are that these rewards aren’t just given for your ability to play well, they also require you to be confident in building groups and other more people-orientated skills. And how lucky were you that your group didn’t lose important people and fall apart?

Blizzard does put rewards in for casuals. For example, by now the casuals probably are a long way towards having made all the Zereth Mortis crafted mounts. At the same time, Blizzard is pretty terrible at putting gear rewards in. It became apparent sandworn relic gear was there to allow higher-end players to plug the gap in their set pieces if mythic+ or raids weren’t being kind. Casuals could get their gear to 252 via the console but again, no new or interesting looks for them doing so and it was going to take a while to fill the slots.

Wanting to be able to do things solo doesn’t mean it needs to be time-consuming and boring in process or reward. The mage tower is a step in the right direction but it’s perhaps aimed a little high. Mythic plus isn’t time-consuming, its just progressively more difficult. It doesn’t start out stupidly hard and you are rewarded at each incremental step by the weekly vault if nothing else. Get practiced enough and good enough at both the game and group building and you can have a shiny unique mount.

Is it so impossible to replicate this and build something that scales like mythic plus difficulty levels for solo players that has unique rewards too?

Don’t touch glad mounts. Let the people who earn it have it. You don’t need participation trophies for everything.


This is true but the mentality changed so much over the years. The overall feeling of WoW is often described as a burnout game, where you invest very much time into it without getting much in return.

Take an example on the Shadowlands reputation rewards. Not only need you a lot of gold (as a casual), but also have to do offerings and get Anima. As a druid you might appreciate your bear/feline transformation, as a shaman you can’t even use the new forms for the price they asking for (20k Anima) outside specific zones. For a casual, who only does the 500 Anima rewards, it will take so much time to get one single of those.
And it doesn’t stop here. You have actually for most races the often requested glyph forms as a new form as well! Rams for Wildhammer dwarves, as an example. If you need one of those, you need also to play another character, because these forms are not account-wide.

And now we’re at “rewarding the 1%”. If a player doesn’t can acquire anything what they have interest in, old content is either locked away or just too random without a safety net (like FF14), then it leaves them with nothing. People are hungry for vanity items they want to use. They don’t get it. I always read that “there are over 30k transmog items out there” but has anyone asked themselves how hard it is to get them?

WoW needs a complete systematic overhaul how to acquire items, which includes FOMO-items. Nobody wants to run around in Classic designs because they haven’t been updated either. You cannot access the Vicious mounts without their flags, for whatever reason. You can also not get lore-accurate designs either. You cannot run around as a Bloodhoof Tauren with the mount Baine uses, you cannot use Jaina’s Kul Tiran mount. Pandaren have no access to the Shado-Pan outfit despite the possibility to acquire the Shado-Master title. Everything is so limited.

Updated models are not available for the mass. Items, which would make sense to sell as a cash shop item are not available (AH mount). Weapons which suits and were made for races in mind are not available (Mag’har flail from the artifacts). And when we are at it. Toys which represents actual class lore (flags, backpacks) are limited to 5mins and 1 hour cooldowns or not available. I still can’t wear the rocket backpack from the airship battle from the Lich King raid on my goblin.

As you can see, everything simply piles up. And that’s why these topics exists. I’m sure people would add even more things I have forgotten about. That’s the state of the casual experience, as a former raider.


This is a load of baloney. Not everyone can PVP at a high level and not everyone can do a Mythic Raid. Jump into an LFR sometime and tell me all those players standing in puddles and not able to follow simple direction can become mythic raiders.

If you find the content boring or tedious then don’t do it. Just don’t turn around and gripe later that you can’t get the same reward from a WQ.

Then you have no reason to complain. You made a choice not to do the content therefore you don’t deserve the rewards that are tied to the end of it. Simple.

Nope. That may be how you feel, but that is not how I or many others feel. I think I’ve been asked one time in the four years I’ve played this game about a mount and I told them how I got it.

And they are. You are rewarded for every type of content that you do in this game. It doesn’t matter if you are doing simple jump puzzles or Mythic raids. Everyone gets rewarded for the time they spent in game.

And right here we have the typical mindset of the participation trophy generation. It’s an envious mindset that discourages risk vs reward, the very foundation that the game was built on.

Glad mounts are the only thing they shouldn’t bring back.

Anyone can mythic raid, they just need time to learn. People who don’t want to learn simply won’t, that’s why you have lfr only players. They don’t care or don’t want to spend the time required to learn. You’re arguing absolutes and sound like a nutcase.

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Another day, another casual crying about how they deserve everything in the game handed to them.

These posts are pathetic, the entire game caters to you, there are thousands of mounts you can literally go and one shot old raids for stolen valor and here you are crying because there is a few REWARDS that are available only to committed players who put in the time and effort to obtain them.

If you want those mounts so bad, get good at pvp, I don’t play arena, but I’m not so pathetic that I think I deserve everything handed to me, this is like crying that everyone doesn’t get a gold medal at the Olympics for participant and saying that no one should be allowed to have trophy for coming 1st.

This game does not cater to the 1%, it caters to casuals, this entire game revolves around giving casuals what they want, just because there are a few things that are out of reach for you does not mean the game caters to the “the 1%”, they deserve their rewards for putting in the time and effort to obtain them.

You have an extremely pathetic and entitled mindset op, this is a competitive multiplayer game, there are rewards that only a few of the most dedicated players will get to have, that’s fine, they deserve it, there really is no fix to this other then getting a better mind set.

Imagine if everyone in the crowd at the olympics was like “well where’s MY gold medal!!! I showed up I deserve one to!!”

Instead of being a pathetic cry baby, maybe you should be happy for them?

Back in the day this used to be A GOOD THING, you would see someone with a rare cool mount from doing a really hard raid boss or being really good at arena and you would think WOW THAT IS COOL, THAT GUY MUST BE GOOD AT THE GAME, AWESOME!!!

It would give you SOMETHING TO ASPIRE TO.

These days it’s just pathetic cry babies complaining that they didn’t get one as well, what the actual hell is wrong with people these days?

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One AOTC and is a baby pvper, but we’re all the casuals.

The irony in this is hilarious.

No, entitlement is wanting something special for being good. Having the ability to work towards it is not entitlement, it’s called equality.


No, they really can’t. There are many people who no matter how hard they tried will not reach the level of play required. And people who are so afflicted are sometimes not even aware of the skill gap between where they are and where they need to be.

The same is true of anything. Technically anyone can learn to speak another language fluently, however in reality some are going to find it easy and others, will always be scripted in their phrasing.

It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same level of capability.

First, yikes, an achievement snooper, you’re the lowest of the low.

“Ummm, I went through you’re logs and umm sweety I don’t have to agree with you because you didn’t meet my arbitrary criteria” :nerd_face:

Second, me being a “casual” simply proves my statement more correct, as a casual if I don’t care about other people having rare or prestigious mounts, why should other casuals care?

It’s just pathetic entitled nobodies like you with fomo crying because they can’t have something that they don’t deserve, the people who earnt these mounts deserve them, I fully support this game have a competitive side to it and giving exclusive rewards to those who strive to be the best in PvE and PvP.

I hope you don’t have kids who grow up with the same mindset that no matter how much they try, they’ll never be good enough.

It’s a video game, a game that anyone can learn if they want. If they don’t want to reach that level, they won’t and you can’t force them to.


The issue isn’t that there’s stuff that only the 1% can get.

The issue is that there’s a very clear difference in the amount of time the art team spends on stuff for the 1% and the other 99%.

The mythic-raid only gear sets is a good example of this - there’s zero reason these shouldn’t be more accessible when Mythic Raiders are already rewarded with mounts and titles.

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How much time do you think the art team spent making the 4 gladiator mounts for this entire expansion, all of which were simple recolors of each other, compared to the 100+ mounts that the “99%” got?


Great, so do I, but it doesn’t need to be removed after an arbitrary amount of times passes. Are you struggling to understand that part?