To be fair, we do have add ons that for a majority, play the game for us. They tell us when to move or standing in bad, when the boss is casting an ability, what to interupt, there are add ons for the Mists dungeon maze, there was an add on for Xanesh in BFA that would arrow where you would kick the ball.
I’m not saying I agree with anything people are saying, but its disingenuous to say that a vast majority of add ons don’t “play” the game for you. They just tell you when to use a defensive, when to stop casting and so on. Of course personal mechanic ability still plays a big role with being able to use the correct ability and time CDs. But that’s what differentiates those running CE vs AoTC imo.
Like I said, you barely play the game. People on the pvp forums are outraged at anyone who says these elite sets shouldn’t be removed when the season ends.
Isn’t that a self defeating argument then?
You argue that people shouldn’t be allowed these unique sets, then say “it’s not hard to achieve anyway”
If it’s that easy, stop complaining and just get the set since it’s so free.
What you are arguing is that even a modicum of effort is too much, which is honestly quite pitiful really.
It’s either exclusive or it’s not, it can’t be both.
That’s fine if you feel that way. I got the DH MT weapons waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in Legion. I still don’t care if they would add it back for others to get. I already got mine.
We obviously won’t come to an agreement on it. I think Blizz would benefit off of adding more obtainable transmog sets for casual/new players.
You on the other hand, are only worried about your “prestige”.
I joined a mythic prog guild who hadn’t ever obtained CE and did this fight. Even with the addon, they couldn’t figure out the mechanic. Most people shouldn’t be able to raid, it’s flat out too hard for them.
I want them added back so myself and anyone else who enjoys tmog can get them. There are sets on classes I’ve never pvp’d on that I’d like to unlock, be it through a rating system like saddles or through marks.
i mean of course they are. it’s their rewards that will mostly be affected. garbage players just want what they’ll never be able to earn.
exclusive rewards are fine. it’
i do agree with this. them bringing back mage tower as a permanent activity with its own permanent rewards was a great idea. the weps didnt need to return, they promised not to after all, but something diff is good too.
i’ve always been a firm believer that there should be a healthy mix of permanent and exclusive rewards. both are good for the game.
exclusive rewards promote people to actually play the game. i literally pvp’d less when they made the elite sets only armour based instead of class based. now that class sets are back, i’m actually playing alts again. this is GOOD.
metas change. i dont think it’d be pretty cool to see a bunch of boosted warriors of this entire rocking the wod season 1 elite set.
exclusive rewards are fine. it promotes people to actually play the game for the time. i legit havent done a mage tower since the first 2 weeks because my mind set is now “i can get it eventually”.
which is also fine, but not everything should be like that. just like how not everythign should be limited.
That’s why LFR is a thing. I dabble in M raiding here and there. But I travel often and I am always taking a hiatus from the game. I haven’t done any since BFA, and doubt I’ll do any until DF, but yeah, even with add ons basically telling you what to do, some are just unable to do so.
Look friend, in game items shouldn’t be gatekeep for a small % of players, it’s a waste of resources. I think it does a disservice to the community and the overall game value.
I used to think like you but when you really think about it and it’s probably the reason why we don’t have things like a dye system because then they would have to really think outside of the box to get people to participate in mythic or high end PVP content, just saying.
Besides you got an achievement for that conquest so there is your bragging rights to your guild, girlfriend or boyfriend, what more do you want?
Not everyone has time every season to unlock stuff or had played during the time it was available. Is this going to turn into a carousel of you repeating the same thoughts and not moving past pieces of the argument?