Stop rewarding the 1%

What? You aren’t an unemployed twitch streamer selling boosts for real world money and you think you deserve a glad mount? Lmao.

Really hoping Microsoft give that office a good cleaning out.

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You could have said that and your thread’s premise would be intact.

The state of the game has nothing to do with gladiator or KSM mounts, what a cynical way to spin the facts to demand things you don’t deserve.

There are some pretty big solo grinds in Shadowlands that people could go after. Flawless Master ahchievements in Torghast, Hand of Nilganihmaht mount that takes multiple weeks of different quests and treasure hunts in different zones, the Veilstrider title from the big Shadowlands meta achievement (I think it’s called “Back From Beyond”).

There are several others of course esp with unlocking all the covenant mogs, the torghast mogs, the ZM mogs, the Maw uniques, etc.

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If you want the reward, put in the work to get it. There are hundreds of cool non-glad mounts in game.


I agree with you to an extent but I do think Mythic raiders, top end PvPers and the like should be getting cool transmog and mounts. I like that idea more than them getting stronger gear than other players that actually effects the game more.

My main problem is when they make equipment ugly just to punish the more casual players (look at honor gear, questing gear and dungeon gear.), when they could have spent the same effort making something that’s more basic compared to the top end stuff but still looks good.

There are tons of cool things you can get in game without Mythical raiding.

But those that do it, should be able to enjoy their rewards without jealous people demanding the rewards too. You want their rewards? Go raid too.


Many. You just have to play the game. There are tons of mounts, tmogs, battle Pets in the game outside of dungeons, raid and pvp. You just need to play the game.

Stop posting. Play the game first. You dont know what youre talking about.


?? What does this even mean?

The past 2 expansions have seen the lowest ilvl disparity between non-raiders and raiders that there has ever been in the game.
In BfA they could get heroic equivalent, in 8.3 they could get mythic equivalent. In SL they have consistently been able to get at least normal raid equivalent with a huge amount of power in easily obtainable legendaries.

Do you not remember vanilla through to Legion where world content was always significantly behind even normal raid ilvl?


But but… how will they feel their sense of pride and accomplishement in a video game if you do not isolate them from the rest of the playerbase :thinking:

Isolate them? Casuals are the ones that treat the game as a single player experience and the only time they interact with anybody is in LFR/LFG or when buying a carry.

Yes 1% away from 99% otherwise they would be part of the 100% and there will be no 1% :rofl:

Not sure what you said later on

We all play the same game, the 1% does the same thing the rest of the 99% do, is just the 99% that doesnt want to or cant do that last 1% of the content.

If everyone got the same reward does it feel that special?

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That’s rich coming from someone wearing the Mage Tower transmog.

Hard disagree, not everyone does what the world first players or rank gladiators do.

This I can agree with, but its not 1% content . Mythic raid is one of 4 difficulty settings in a raid content and when compared to the rest of the game its more like 0.1%.

Pvp in this regards is better off cause others players are their content. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I meant the other way around, the 1% for the most part does the same as the rest of the playerbase. Is not like they just log in to raid/pvp and do nothing else. I guess some of them do, but most people that I know that get CE every patch like to collect mounts, pets and transmog as the rest of the playerbase.

probably shouldn’t even respond but…

as a filthy casual, I can remember a time, that you could farm mobs in the open world over and over for a chance at a random drop of gear. none of it ever matched, but it gave us a reason to play, because alot of it was fun, quirky, or colorful items. what would drop would be new to us, maybe not necessarily worth a lot, but something fun, or a toy, or something goofy.

point being, it gave us casuals something to keep coming back for. all we have now is random grey or white items that are just junk to sell.

I’ve never been one to tell the people who raid/mythic or whatever that i deserve their same gear because… um… no.

but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t like a little reward for our efforts of replaying the same content over and over and over. right now there’s nothing. zero zip nada.

and that’s where the problem lies, you want us to keep playing, to keep up our subs, but you give us nothing for the time we waste on your game, and that’s the issue in a nutshell.

They think it’s an effective way to promote E-sports.

But their esports suck.

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