Getting worried, ngl

Only a matter of time before Blizz actually starts to listen to these “people”.


There not being an unarmored, winged shade beast is kind of weird. They didn’t do BFA protos, either.

Also you should hear the collectors when you tell them not only is there a class elite set that gets removed each season but also a unique tint of each conquest weapon to match said elite sets that you get for upgrading them to duelist quality.

To make it even better there’s also the lesser known class set lookalike pieces that let you dress up your DK in a Cosmic Paladin (elite tint) set, or a Hunter with the goofy Shaman wolf head helmet.


Like I said boss, it’s only a matter of time before Blizz caves to them and starts to implement easier paths to certain rewards

And we all know that even the easier paths are gonna be too hard for most, if not all of them. So we’ll be where we are now, where they want them to be even easier

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They already did, though. Like 10x more people get glad than before, and probably a similar amount for the elite sets, maybe erven more because it’s popular viewer content.

Why does that matter? Why should we be worried about this?


well to be fair elite sets went from 2100 down to 1800 in bfa

It’s tempting, but refrain from replying to it.

It was 2200 in Cataclysm and Malevolent, down to 2000 after Tyrannical where it stayed until BFA.

tomato potato elite sets should be duelist


Shut up Bloomsday. Before I ignore you on this account too.

No one likes you. Go home.


I mean is he wrong?

Not saying give everyone old glad mounts but things like the 500 mount achievement could have a recolor of something like the Legion glad Proto Drakes over the otter and be more on theme.

I don’t think everyone wants every single transmog or mount you earn through PvP, they just want casual type progression to get a recolor of a few, like 500 mounts. Heck the Mythic mogs are just a different color than the PvP ones and everyone can eventually get those.

I think that ideally raids and keystones get their own elite sets.


A recolor of a glad mount is just another glad mount lol.

Recolors could possibly work for old elite sets, and even then it’s meh. But recolors don’t work for glad mounts.

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Nope, although an unarmored one would be fine.


I don’t see the problem with unarmored versions.

Seems to be the most logical thing, as they’ve done it how many times already.

Maybe not everyone, but there are an awful lot of people I’ve run into that want old glad mounts and every elite set on a vendor for marks of honor. I even had an argument with another person on the community council forums who wanted exactly that, just because they wanted to match a mount to their mog.

The demands can be really ridiculous. Asking for unarmored versions (like we’ve always had) is not bad, but some of the things they ask for are way tooo much.


I think this is mainly what I want as well. A lot of mounts are tied to things like Gladiator, having a bunch of gold, etc.

The Vicious Warspider was an example of giving people a spider mount without forking over 2mil gold, and I think that was just the fill the bar for being over 1K or something.

They don’t have to be exactly the same but similar models with key differences are something I think most people would be happy with.

Agreed, some people do want it all.

Always a good argument, I suppose.

Some good productive thoughts here. I think people have to remember that the top 1% of PVP is like the top .02% of the entire player base as a whole.

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I’m still waiting on my Vicious War Alpaca and Brutosaur, Holinka. :axe:


That is an oxymoron, haha!