Stop removing portals

Oh I agree. I’m just taking a moment to take this all in and think about it before grabbing a pitchfork.

By that logic you’re fine with the change since you’re still here. Are you?

When you have fewer means to travel, the world tends to feel smaller.

I know that from experience. There are things I just don’t do because my ability to travel is limited. There are Conventions I’d love to go to, but I can’t go to them because I don’t have travel options some folks have. As such, my personal world is a lot smaller.

So yeah, the size of ones own personal world is directly impacted by their travel options.


What’s really sad is, you have all these people saying “No. We don’t want this” and giving all these reasons as to why it’s a terrible idea and it won’t make any difference.


Blizzard has given us ample reasons to grab the pitchfork. Just in BfA alone. This is of course one of them. It’s a solution looking for a problem. It solves nothing and pisses off a lot of people. Ergo, its a cause for pitchforks.

Since it seems thats the only way Blizzard ever seems to listen, when we employ pitchforks and fire on them.


“Classic” is that way ------>

Don’t let the door hit you on your way out to the irrelevant past.


Meanwhile, in Eorzea, in a galaxy far far away…the dev team is working on new things to GIVE their players, not to take away from them.


I’m really seriously thinking about going back. At least they try and listen to the players, something Blizzard is failing at more and more. But I’d have to buy like 2 entire expansions and catch up from level 60.


You’d think Blizzard would have learned a lesson about antagonizing their customers recently.

Seriously, what was the logic in this? "Players like this thing, so lets take it away from them. That’ll keep them happy and spending money on our product!


If everyone is polite and quietly goes away and stops logging in, will you think your politeness campaign has been a success?

Please quit misconstruing what I’m saying.
I’m not saying “just shut up and leave them alone”, because politeness is not mutually exclusive with leaving the conversation at all.
I’m saying to unsub. I’m saying to give them your feedback. You can do this in a polite fashion.
What I’m saying is to quit pitchforking for the messenger to be strung up by the nads, because all it does is give the Devs ammunition (yet again) to say “wElL tHEy obVIOUslY dONt WaNT CoMmuNITY inVOLveMENt” because of the couple who consciously tell these guys to kill themselves.

Is that so hard to ask? That people think for a moment, rather than let everything bleed into emotional rhetoric NO MATTER how frustrating it is?
Most of the comments aimed squarely at Born are over his sarcastic comment - which he then clarified as sarcastic in the next post.


It would be so easy to implement my suggestion, but they’re going to put in more effort into making things worse for players. All so some dev can pat themselves on the back for making the world “feel bigger”.

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In other word: “the online rates for our game are decreasing, remove portals to make them stay online longer so our stockholders will keep investing Blizzard, I guess.”


Aren’t you thankful?

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But I’d have to buy like 2 entire expansions and catch up from level 60.

Wait till Shadowbringers : I SPOKE ( how long has it been since we could CALL Blizzard when we wanted?) to a SE staffer who said they will have packages which may INCLUDE gametime and all expansions.

Plus pets and maybe a mount

Just make sure not to get the STEAM one.

The fact that everyone can see this kind of defeats the argument that capitalism produces anything but big companies that don’t have to serve their customers.

They have to serve them to GET big.

Then, they can do whatever they want. They won’t even lose money if you don’t give them any.

They’ll just fire a bunch of people.

Don’t worry. Eventually, when that game gets big and a bunch of people have invested chunks of their lives in their characters there, they’ll start using customers as easy sadism fixes, too.

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Sorry but if i gotta fly to a place i wont be going there anymore for sure. Its a dumb change. Its old content, i dont wanna spend time flying around. Azeroth is alive as it is, this change will kill the world.


Sometimes the only way to get things done is to have an advisor who can look at things from an external viewpoint.

I mean, its a meme perhaps, but the evil overlords handbook has a line about “I will employ a 5 year old as an advisor, if he can find flaws in my plan, it’ll be scrapped.”

I think thats part of the issue, Blizzard is so wrapped up internally with their “vision” of the game they are incapable of realizing the forest is on fire.


Well said and I agree. Too many things that I enjoyed for various reasons have been removed or, in the case of flight, timegated for a ridiculous length of time (it shouldn’t be time gated at all imo). All of the things that have been removed make it so much easier to walk away.


Just going to reiterate my previous comment:

1. Portal Rooms in every faction city (yes even the destroyed ones, maintain them with bronze drakes if you must, these are part of Cataclysm not BfA) The foundations are already there.

2. Must contain, in a logical chronological order:

  • portals to each other faction city
  • Hellfire Peninsula (NPC is already in current room, have them offer a port through dialogue)
  • Shattrath
  • Caverns of Time (Bronze drake npc is acceptable)
  • Old Dalaran
  • Jade Forest (until level 90, then it changes to Shrine)
  • Blasted Lands (Horde), Aerie Peak (Hinterlands for Alliance)
  • Ashran cities
  • Azsuna (New Dal is preferred of course, but it’s w/e at this point)
  • Dazar’alor / Boralus

3. Transmog, Void Storage, and Barbershops in every faction city. (seriously, how have we made it this long without these changes? I get Silvermoon / Exodar was half-butt’d but that just means there is plenty of free space to expand through)

4. Warmode able to be enabled in any faction city. (to help drive it home, Org/SW is not the only city in the game!)

You want the world to feel more alive, stop funneling us all into Orgrimmar and Stormwind. I would much rather be in Silvermoon, but it’s a one way trip if my hearthstone’s are on cooldown.

Happy Monday! or whenever you get back to reading this… hozen made storm. :wink: I’m off to put my 14+ hours a day freetime into my Switch instead of playing my 33 level 120s and constant bug reporting as I level through the old world!

(Edit: Since voting with my wallet isn’t an option as I’m subbed until 2021, I can definitely vote with my time played.)


Oh I know Verde.

And I did over a month ago for the first time since I picked up the game in Wrath. I think Bornakk posting in threads is a good thing for sure but we’re not seeing the changes we want to see or the direction we want the game to go.

Whatever plan they have, they’re going to be sticking to it