Stop removing portals

To prove they won’t do even that.

Please stop breaking things that were not broken to begin with. What an awful change.


Only awful for the players. I am sure Ion and his team are getting a good sadistic chuckle out of making it harder to get around. Time gating at it’s finest.


Blizzard has a reputation.

They come up with some of the most excellent ideas.

But then somehow, some way, they mangle it and its no longer excellent, in some cases it actually becomes horribly bad.

The Portal Room could have been an excellent idea, if it had been in addition to other portals. Extra convenience for players. However, by removing portals people use and then not replacing them in the Portal Room you end up with “good idea, piss poor execution.”

Something Blizzard has become a master at doing.


This comment makes no sense to me. Why is removing a portal making the game feel more alive?

Take the Caverns of Time portal in Dalaran for example. That has been in the game since I started playing in Wrath. Why was it made available at that time? – I presume to assist the movement of characters to an area of the game that had significance in one way or another. And the Caverns became even more important over time as entries to other instances were added to it. If you happen to want to get there on an Alliance character and don’t have that portal, it is now more time consuming for no obvious reasons. And mages are no help because it isn’t a mage portal hub (I keep expecting them to remove the Horde Stonnard portal Because Similar Reasons).

If it was ok to have it back in Wrath, and it was ok to continue to have it through the expansion after that, why is it not ok to have it now? What has changed about the game (or the developer’s attitude towards the game) at this time?

There is no benefit in making people travel that distance if they have no interest in doing anything along the way. Want us in those lower zones to increase (at the least the appearance of) activity there? Then give us things to do that lead us to want to be there. Otherwise is just time-wasting to no gaming advantage.

EDIT: if it turns out that the Caverns of Time portal in (Northrend) Dalaran is being left in place then I will be a lot happier. I realise that they may be removing the portals from (Legion) Dalaran and although I think this is rather unfortunate and unnecessary at least it would provide a somewhat faster travel method to CoT with the help of a mage portal to (N) Dal.


I got a better one.
How about we put the blasted portals back where they were and stop needlessly annoying paying customers?
they do that and Ikeep paying my sub fees. Everyones happy


It’s funny you bring up CoT.

  1. Myself and my pal just went to the Hyjal raid two days ago) on several toons to farm the two hand sword for a transmog.
  2. My pal often goes there to farm DS (I go there less often but still go)
  3. I have used the portal numerous times when working on a Secret. Lore access there is pretty important when seeking a clue.
  4. (probably the biggest reason) The number of dungeons there and the farming opportunities make it one of the busier old spots. I haven’t ported there once without seeing other max level characters by the dragon or inside heading in or out of an instance.
  5. The people who still do the firelands questline for Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest
    A week doesn’t pass where we see blue dragons fill the sky as another player earns their staff.

If I want to get there without the portal, I have to port to uldum and then fly. One of the toons two days ago is lower level and doesn’t have dalaran access so we had to do this. It took extra minutes that I could have spent being actively engaged in the game and playing rather that twiddling my thumbs watch the sand go by. It took measurably longer with that toon than the other alts we farmed with. If it was like that for all of them? we wouldn’t have done as many trips.

The world doesn’t “feel bigger” when I am on a FP. Know why? Because I am literally not at my desk. I get up and grab stuff from the kitchen, go to the bathroom, IOW, do anything else BUT look at the “big world”. When I have a plan, I want to execute it as quickly as possible. THEN I will come back and explore places on foot or in the air at my leisure.
I have a lot of alts and I spend a lot of time in this game. If I am spending more time traveling than doing, I am losing time and I don’t like it. That makes me want to play less. Time is money, friend. I know why you want us to spend more time playing. Forcing us ain’t gonna make that happen.

I have gotten this pervasive feeling that you (Blizzard) want us to play the game in its entirety in a linear fashion without ever going back and doing old content.
Or, that we don’t consider it as important as the current content.
I feel this and the other threads demonstrate even with this limited selection of players that this is not remotely accurate.


it doesnt.
His comment was filled with asinine illogic and clearly just meant to blow smoke up where the sun dont shine.


Running old raids/dungeons for transmog and, well, you know…JUST TO SEE CRAP WE HAVENT SEEN BEFORE BECAUSE WE JUST STARTED PLAYING WOW LATE IN LEGION. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not to mention that pesky problem that there WAS NO PROBLEM until you all made it one.
Just like there was NO PROBLEM with FLIGHT until YOU ALL made it a problem.

YOU all CREATE the problem and then pretend like YOU are solving it for us.
You aint.
Youre just making US not want to play your stupid game anymore.

Simple enough?


Theyd better hope I can stay entertained in old content. They sure aint making new content thats worth more than 30 minutes of my time a month.
the ONLY reason Im still paying for three subs is BECAUSE of old content.
If I only had BfA to play Id have quit paying for my subs 6 weeks into this expansion, tops.


I think this is the song Blizzard thinks we’re all singing

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It will make it less likely that I will do “Love is in the Air” content. Is that what your staff wants?

The Dalaran Crater, from a Dal hearth, is the ONLY way to get to that quest area that is not insanely laborious.

I think people at Blizzard are inherently bad at math? You seem to think that such a thing would equal me doing the much more laborious route; Rather I’d simply not bother.

Do the staff read the forums, on the general mood of people in the game? If they did, something like this would be exactly what you should NOT do.

Today’s Wow is a game that some of us find difficult to bother to log into. Knowing how there are a few convenient ways to accelerate travel, to content you might BARELY want to bother with, make it bearable. So then you want to remove those avenues?

The world feeling “bigger” is not better. I’ve played since beta phase 3 of Vanilla, I know exactly what “bigger” is since I tried to do “content” in the ORIGINAL Desolace; Let me tell you, that place EARNED that name.

I’m not going to be engaging in anything, on my way to Love is in the Air quest content by that Horde Undead zone/whatever. It is just going to more difficult, since the Dalaran Crater port made it bearable.

I honestly can’t see how this makes any business sense, apart from driving away customers who are barely hanging on as it is.

I mean, read the room?


Remember everyone, it was only a single patch ago that they decided we needed the “scouting map” so we could learn all the flight paths in BfA on our alts, to ease the burden of travel. Horde players also got their drop off point in Stormsong moved from the coast to outside the gates of Warfang, for our convenience.

Three months later, we’re taking the opposite approach! You need more travel time! We removed all the useful portals, it makes the game feel more alive!

In another three months? We removed the fatigue penatly between Zuldazar and Kul Tiras, oh and the boats. You have to swim.


I mean I dont even see the need to remove the portals from where they are, but if you have to make a Portal Room to consolidate them then please for God sake add all of the ones your removing to the new room.


You forgot the Christmas Holiday. The Old Dalaran Portal is great for that one as well.

Each Portal served a purpose, both for Holiday events as well as running old content for a variety of reasons.

Removing these portals simply adds tedium to the game. Ergo, you’ll be doing more “passive play” and not “active play” as you’re on a flight point spending more time and getting less done.


Exactly. The number of times I’ve seen quality-of-life improvements nixed makes me wonder if you guys are listening to only the feedback you want to hear. As developers you’re never going to play the same way or for the same reasons that players play the game. You think you do… but you don’t.

From what I’ve read in this thread… some people can make a connection why consolidating portals can be a good thing, but still point out removing portals completely is bad. Others feel removal of any portals from any hub (past or present) is bad as it’s not a player-centric position to take.

If it wasn’t broke, why make up reasons to break it? You guys have MUCH bigger problems to solve than dealing with portals.


Totally off topic, very sorry bout that, but your name Palatina is just too cool not to mention, it’s seem so familiar somehow, and super cool, I feel we could achieve great things together. If we could find a Paladiva we’d be invincible.

Enjoy your weekend my Paladin friend!


It’s a very tiny step back that a lot of people won’t be able to take advantage of with characters that were used during Legion and thus completed those quests already.

What they should do is put every portal in the portal room, with no additional restrictions on using/seeing them. Then, in every major city, there would be a portal that leads to the portal room.

That’s a real quality of life improvement with no monkey’s paw nonsense to deal with.


No, not at all.

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Rankin, your idea is Logical and is genuine Quality of Life.

As such, with the way Blizzard seems intent on taking things away, it’ll never come to fruition.

Like Aehl said, the past several expansions has been nothing but the players losing far more than they gained overall.