Stop removing portals

Jooooiiin usss :eyes:

It does suck that preordering the expansion doesn’t let you play Heavensward and Stormblood, even though they come with it. I’m told there’s a law of some kind that prevents it because it’s a preorder. I’m recommending to new players that are about to get to 50 that they buy Stormblood now, since there’s 4 months they can use to catch up, but if you’re 60 already you’re pretty much done.

Do you work for Blizz? Have you not read any of this thread? Can you not understand why the permanent removal of any portals is hugely inconvenient and unnecessary? Not to mention the fact that much of the “teeth-grinding and hair-pulling” is because Blizzard has given no logical reason for this move beyond flat out lying about it being for player convenience.


Don’t recall the exact level. May have been 50. It’s been a long time. I played before any expansions came out.

Bornakk, I think the problem here is that it feels like this change is an attempt to make things take longer, so people play longer to accomplish the same task, driving the “engagement” numbers up.

I think people on your side need to realize that your player base is getting older. They have other commitments on their time. Removing things that make what time we do have convenient is going to result in “Do I have time to do this? I would have, but now I don’t because I have to fly the length of Kalimdor again.” and just logging off.

For people like yourself that want to take the long way to get places, that’s always still an option, this feels like you telling us your way is the only way.


Yeah you’re 50, then. It’s up to you, but if you really get the itch to play, I’d use the next 4 months to catch up. If you have to get through both expansions, it will take awhile and there’s a ton of stuff to do. Just sucks you have to essentially buy it twice.

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Out of curiosity, why not the Steam one? At some point I am thinking of checking out FF XIV because you can fly there. I’m not sure how I’ll feel about the rest of the game though. I didn’t enjoy the alpha for the original FF XIV but I know the game has changed very significantly since then.

The original FF14 was bad. The devs ate crow, admitted it was bad and rebuilt it. Yeah, they openly said “we screwed up”. They may have phrased it nicely, but they admitted they made mistakes and tried to fix it when they relaunched it as FF14: A Realm Reborn.

If only Blizzard Devs would be willing to have the same amount of humility, to openly say “yes, we screwed up, and we’re going to fix things.” But … honestly I can’t think of a time they openly ate crow.


Overall I think WoW has way to many portals and the world feels much smaller for it.

When was the last time anyone has even taken a zepplin/boat between EK, kalimdor, or Northrend?

I feel the portal to Boralus shouldn’t even be in Stormwind when there is the boat right there in the harbor.

It’s also the many items with portals everywhere.

You mean the portal that looks like a flying boat?


The problem with boats is that they’re not as convenient due to limited locations they’re available. They are still a portal for all intents between two maps. You still get a load screen.


Actually, no…we cant.
They didnt listen to the flight thing in WoD till the pitchforks were out and the checkbooks were closed.
Blizzard doesnt hear ‘polite’. They only pay attention when we’re threatening to quit and quite loudly at that, apparently.


Almost every freaking day. And I see lots of other players on them, too. You apparently don’t use them yourself, or you wouldn’t have made this comment.


And it’s a logical/immersive travel aspect rather than somehow mages are able to constently keep open dozens of portals everywhere all the time.

The world feels small when you can get everywhere almost Instantly from anywhere else.

Why would I ever use them?

I can portal directly to all 3 continents in multiple places at any time Instantly.

Why do you use them?

If I wanted to play classic I would play classic.


anything that encourages the player to alt tab instead of getting into play isn’t immersion, removing portals is more time spent browsing youtube while sitting on flightpaths.


The other big reason boat/zeppelin aren’t used as often is they don’t go to places that people want to travel. They’re nowhere near anything people would be going after in older content.

There is a boat from stormwind to Boralas.

Should we be able to teleport from flight path to flight path then rather than fly?

many games have already gone that route for exactly the reason I gave.