Stop removing portals

Why do you think people want the world to feel bigger and less conventient? How is it humanly possible for blues to be so out of touch with the playerbase. This is honestly pathetic.


This is maybe the single most out of touch post ever made by a blue.


I don’t want to put too fine a point on it, but honestly, if we’re losing CoT and Wyrmrest and Shrine portals I’d rather not have the portal room.

Could we get Zidormi to give us an option to return us to the current phase/set of portals? I’m sure some people would love to have fewer portals in a centralised location but as a collector I much prefer the portals in Dalaran Legion to getting a fancy room.

Honestly I might agree with you if not for the stacking effect this has on people with more than one character. If you only farm a raid once a week for a mount, say Dragon Soul for the Caverns of Time portal argument, it’s not actually that much extra time spent. You’re right. Even doing it on two alts isn’t awful. It’s inconvenient, but not awful.

But the thought of having to spend extra time needlessly when you didn’t have to in the past is the issue at hand. If those portals never existed, and this was a debate over whether they should exist in the future, it would be completely different than the fact being that these have existed, people have used and continue to use them, and they are being removed for seemingly arbitrary reasons that actually take away player choice rather than encourage it.

Regardless of the reasoning (some people feel like it makes the world bigger, some people don’t; but only one of those people is actively losing an option they care about), it’s not going to feel good to the player that spent time using them on a regular basis.


They have removed everything but Shatt, Old Dal, and Org/SW. So if you are level lets say, 55… What would be the point now that they have removed all of the other portals to at level content? Granted, If you’re the right level to go into those areas, that something different.

And honestly, I was surprised I could use the Hellfire portal @ 55. I thought it was locked until 58.

Edit: In another thought-- If its a bank toon, I can see going through the shrine to get to Old Dal or Shatt since you can easily traverse the city for AH/Bank and such.

But I dunno if those portals are even level locked at all.

The world being bigger argument doesn’t work when you guys treat it as minuscule even in lore. In a good war the horde army leaves org in the morning and is at the fork to ashenvale in barrens in the afternoon. And that was Brooks who wrote that. Like yalls only good writer. Let’s not even talk about how small Golden makes Azeroth seem.

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shrugs and laughs nervously


ah yes, bfa, the expansion that just keeps on giving.

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So if the world is supposed to feel super huge why do I get a flight whistle? It makes the world very much smaller.

Why do I get flying mounts at all?

In fact, all mounts make the world smaller. I remember travelling on foot from Darnassus to the Gadgetzan.

It was an epic journey once. A second such trip is like a root canal.

P.S. Running rather than walking also makes the world seem smaller. Just sayin’.


No it isn’t, he isn’t a dev. He’s just a CM. He’s here to collect feedback from players and take it to the devs. I’m sure it’s not a requirement that they know as much about the game as we do. Hell, seems like a lot of their GMs don’t know much either.

And there’s never anything wrong with making sure you get the specifics down pat when you’re taking the info to your bosses.

I have no doubt they’ll hear about it lol

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Just want to post that I really like the level of questions and responses Bornakk is giving us. It feels better to be asked questions as to how these changes affect us as opposed to simple rhetoric.

Though I don’t dig the portal changes, thanks, Bornakk for the dialogue


Remove all portals, give them to mages. Make Mages great again.

I logged on just to reply to this topic. Don’t remove the new Dalaran portals. I use them all the time. Don’t add time to my old content transmog farming, it takes long enough as is. This is a bad idea. Don’t do it.


but… none of those portals you listed are in Legion dal…?
(which is what all this screaming is about)

i didn’t respond to your counterpoints, because they weren’t relevant to the reason i quoted you.
i never claimed you didn’t want to do old content.
(and i’ve got so many people replying “at” me, that it’s hard to respond to everything)

i can assure you, it was not a baseless claim.
feel free to search the forum for keywords like “no content” or “bored”.

(but yes, i kind of do enjoy watching people get so bent out of shape) :slight_smile:

I have two mages and can do without players begging for Ports.

I can’t get there without a mage. Right now, My mage needs a mage. And I’ll say, anecdotally, I haven’t seen too many low level players in New Dal. In fact, I can’t think I’ve seen a single under 100 character there. Not saying it doesn’t happen.

And I don’t even use those portals. Going into New Dal is like watching a Train wreck happen in slow motion for me.


I wasn’t being sarcastic. Apologies to you and others who felt I was dismissing them in any way.

For how I personally play and enjoy games, I like when I feel like I need to travel for a few minutes to get somewhere. For me, it is more rewarding when I complete the task that way and I wouldn’t want to be able to get everywhere instantly but there is a good medium to find (but continuing to pile up various teleporting items feels strange). Traveling over large areas reminds me of how vast the world is and I often reminisce while flying on a flight path or a mount. Sometimes I have even just used the port to Timeless Isle and taken the flight path to Shrine (instead of going straight there) as I can enjoy the view and relax.

That being said, I know I can be a bit strange and I’m often not bothered by things that bother others - that’s why I ask a lot of questions. I want to understand the different play styles and opinions of others so I can better discuss them both with you and internally. Getting to the fundamental impact is important for me as the solution sometimes requires a different approach. Hopefully I can avoid the feeling that I’m just talking at you and want to be talking with you. Cheers!


Stop trying to mask things by playing games with portals and flight. You’ve already “shrunk” the world with flight whistles and hearthstones. Nobody is fooled at all.


Yeah, but you don’t know all these people are the same people. Either way I do know you enjoy it.

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Actually, a strong familiarity with the game helps to relay feedback and sympathize with the players more effectively. They won’t know coding or basic design principles, but they’re the only bridge between us and some sincerely blind developers. CM’s understanding (and playing) the game should be a part of their job. In fact, most studios either require or strongly encourage it.

There is a CoT portal in Dalaran, quit crying. This is a great change. You just want something to complain about.