Stop Punishing Players Who Have Dual Roles

that had me busting.

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you should probably be aware trollin is against forum rules. 20g? and you work there? tf

not sure where you get trolling on the quote

It’s the 20g thing. Because apparently having self control or actually adapting to how things work is trolling these days.

Why not just have 2 separate sets? Some of us have been doing this for years at this point.

Because you don’t always get two copies of a piece of gear and there are pieces that have some of the best traits for multiple specs though not every single one of them. Like I mentioned in my post, I wanted to try different combinations of traits and gear to see what worked best for me and not just sims. They’re not an accurate representation of what I can actually do so I wanted to find out what was best for me specifically. I had to pay a bunch of gold just to try different combinations out and that’s a bit excessive. Or I have to reforge them a couple times then wait for the cost to go back down which again, is just a bad system. I don’t mind a flat cost but for it to excalate, just for me to test things is bad.

They need to just make permagear.

Get rid of professions and stop the buying of azerite power because it just gives players gold. Don’t let players make gold so they cannot buy tokens and they have to pay cash for sub time. simple.

Make permagear only upgradeable with micro transactions.

Obviously the only choice to make players happy.

and thanks guys for getting rid of azerite gear in the futre, not like it brings in TONS of gold for players with contributions or whatever, right? Yup contributions, a awesome system that gets rid of huge amounts of built up mats and creates more work for the people, Yup contributions a way to get easy azerite power if you have a bit of patience and can farm or buy the mats for the items. Yup contributions that makes people gold to pay for their sub time. Say goodbye to that because buddy cant handle carrying 3 pieces of extra gear. Pathetic.

Like i said before you just can’t make em happy bliz, why bother? microtransaction them to death or into homeless status with perma gear upgrades. It’s the only way to be sure. Money can then do the talking. Instead of lowlife scrubs talking down to everyone, either they pay up or go away, noone will carry anyone that wont pay money to upgrade their gear. Think of all the toxic people that will go bye bye. Money talks, brown sugar walks. A game for people with some class and no scrubs allowed because they are poor. The reason they are poor is because they complain too much and can’t hold a job.

I still feel people hate azerite gear because they cant get top dollar for sold accounts
 because it takes too much time to top em all up to super epic level azerite level.

nuff said.

I think the best solution that someone mentioned is to have azerite talents change with respec just like the main stats do. There’s literally no reason this can’t or shouldn’t happen.


Here’s what I don’t get, you guys have tried to move away from us needing different gear for different specs, which is a good thing. I was here for classic, that part of it was awful.

So, currently, most new gear we get from drops and quests, etc, can be used for all our specs. Is all the gear we get ideal for every spec? No. Of course not. If we’re really going to min/max for each spec we will have items we use for one spec and not the others. When min/maxing we will have separate, different gear sets in out bags.

That’s when we’re min/maxing.

When not min/maxing, switching specs rarely needs any item switching other than azerite gear. Why?

If we could pick the traits on a piece of azerite gear for each spec, and have them change automatically when we changed spec, it doesn’t mean that piece of gear would be best for each spec. When min/maxing players would still have different azerite gear for each spec.

I guess what I’m trying to get at is, why shouldn’t azerite gear work just like normal gear? Normal gear works when we change specs. My agility gear also has intellect on it. If I picked a windwalker trait for my DPS spec why shouldn’t I be able to also pick a mistweaver trait for my healing spec, and have the traits change when I change spec? All that would change is an unnecessary gold sink and an un-fun trip to the city, but it would give leveling players flexibility with their specs all the way though the leveling process.

It sucks being 112, wanting to change spec and basically being locked into one because you only have two pieces of aserite gear so far and you’d have to go all the way back to town and pay for a respec when all you wanted to do was switch to heals for a dungeon.

After all, like I said, when it comes time to min/max players are going to use different azerite gear, just like all other gear. Very unlikely one piece is going to have the best traits for all specs, just like it’s unlikely one piece of normal gear will be the best for all specs. So, why not have us start collecting extra azerite gear when we hit 120, not when we’re leveling? What purpose does the current system serve? What’s fun about it? Is it just a gold sink? Is that the entire reason?

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I agree with Ythisens.

Every expansion I look at what gear i need for what spec and keep them separate.

I have never redone enchants for my offspec unless i get separate rings or something.

Do you remember the old reforging?

having to sim your stat weights then putting it into mr. robot.
if you did that for every spec me personally i would rather just farm separate gear at that point and that kind of reforging was way harder than what we have now.

I’m fairly active and I haven’t had any issue farming separate pieces for my offspec. it’s just like needing different weapons. my prot doesn’t carry over to ret.

No i don’t have 385 azerite for my prot set but it is backup pieces for a spec i play as backup, not as a primary spec.

you’re bonkers. just changing all three pieces once is more than 20g
ok now i know you guys are crazy

Not everyone has time to go collect a seperate set of the exact traits you need to make a spec work well, it’s hard enough to get it for one spec.

Blizzard you made it so only specific traits are good, hard enough to get them and you want us to get another set for different specs? Have you gone Mad? Or is this Activision talking?


literally just switched traits on my 117 warlock because you know
leveling supposed to check stuff out. 270g.

oh and lets not forget the buffs and nerfs that come out. Nah why would we everrrrrr want to retrait when that happens. Not like we have to run a simulation everytime anything happens
 NOPE. 20g. lol get real
 I’m not even a hardcore player so how you guys are this out of the loop with how things are is nutty.

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Oh no! A whole 35g! What an impost!
Please. It was obvious the blue was saying the highest he had to pay to reforge a single piece was 20g. But of course, blues are evil, or you want to be mad, or
something. Therefore trolling, I guess.


azurite gear is definitely a time gated casino scam to retain players

so much ‘pushing’ players with Ion’s design

It’s just like the olden days of yore. You know, when you wanted to respec your talents and it cost you like 50g (which was a lot back in the dark ages)

Define “excessively”. If you want to do 2 things, shouldn’t it require more?

I think you’re requesting the opposite: “Blizz, start rewarding players who have dual roles”.

No they want you to have a second set, like we did 90% of the game

THIS is the question I think a lot of players are looking for.

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Says the unemployed, full time streamer (5 viewers), Activision shill.

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