And twitter isn’t ?
Fair point
They don’t only update us on Twitter, that is a false narrative.
They update us on Twitter, Forums, and on the BNet Launcher.
can’t agree with this post enough, c’mon blizzard! your players use your official forums, you have regular websites, don’t use a social media site, use your own stuff!
…not saying you don’t, just… c’mon, more often.
(most of the website, even sports and video game twitterspheres have politics in them these days)
The only place they give us more than the stuff designed to fit in windows is Twitter.
Incorrect, they’ve posted on GD forums with updates about server issues and whatnot constantly.
Check the blue posts.
Last update:
You might want to read them yourself.
I literally just gave you an example of how you’re wrong though.
You really didn’t.
Is literally designed to fit within a window.
Do I have to sit and link you every single blue post they’ve done in the last X amount of months?
They post their updates consistently on here as well, even hotfixes which are long posts.
…so you do both? Twitter, and forums?
I literally just opened
Guess what. Same post.
Oh wait, it’s even worse on Twitter. Not even a mention of it from @WorldofWarcraft
Guess what? They post all their blue posts about information and updates on Forums as well, not only on Twitter.
Not sure what you’re so upset about.
That literally has never been my point in my discussion with you
but go ahead, @WorldofWarcraft’s last tweet wasn’t recent.
You said this, which was wrong. They post updates more than just on Twitter like you’ve said.
Which is why I said check blue posts on the forums since they post the actual game updates and server updates on here.
Fair point, but doin nothing and expecting things to improve is kinda foolish.

Why would they spend the money is my point? Plenty of customers unhappily screaming into the abyss here - but it doesnt affect their bottom line.
Not sure i understand your point.
The devs and cms are getting paid all the same whether they post on Twitter or here I would think.

Overall my goal in posting on this particular topic is just to encourage people to make a Twitter account if you want to be heard.
Shouldn’t feedback be heard here as well, the official forums for WoW?

Arguing through seas of negativity and trolls. Just a waste of time.
Cause blizzard does not come here.
If cms were more involved, if they cared, the sea of trolls and toxicity would diminish by a fair margin imo.
Players who have a complaint would much rather have a discussion with a Blizzard employee about what they’re unhappy with but it’s like no one who works for Blizzard and plays WoW uses this forum or cares about it which to me translates to them not caring about the game or the players.
We’re just revenue.
yup… not getting a twitter acct for one game…
Blizzard should make a Gab. And gabs updates there too.