Stop Only Updating Us On twitter!

You have an official website here with official forums to show us server related issues and updates. I don’t have a Twitter account and I don’t ever intend on making one. I come here to see updates on server related issues only to find I have to go to a third party website to see them. That’s silly Blizzard. Post your updates on the forums please!


Twitter doesn’t go down that often.

What happens if they use the forums as the primary method and the websites are down?

Twitter is outside of their hardware and software. So if you can’t get information from there or from the website? The Interwebs is probably busted on a grand scale.


I think they prefer to pretend the forums dont exist.

Which is why they have specific employees that have to come to this “haunted cellar” so they can keep the main devs and employees away from the font of negativity/drama/hyperbole etc.


sounds like a personal choice to me, with all the accompanying consequences

maybe you can ask them to send you a telegram


A blast from the past! I haven’t seen you around here lately. Crepe I mean.

It would be a shame if they posted it in both places.


Twitter is for people that support censorship. I’ve dumped it. Millions more are doing so. Is Blizzard trying to take a side?

Come back to the forums Blizz, where EVERYONE can safely see your updates.


This 100%.


Also if you EVER want anything to actually be viewed by a dev it wont happen here.

You can tweet at @warcraftdevs, @watcherdev (Ion) specifically on Twitter.

Doesnt mean they’ll read it.

But they are not active on here and they never will be. If you want to voice anything to the devs just make a twitter account. I did. And its my “everything-Warcraft” social media.


I don’t have Twitter, would like to see server updates here.


The point is that they should be also posting their updates on their official website. Not only a third party website.

My personal choice on having an account on a third party website not affiliated with World of Warcraft should have no barring on my ability to check for updates on an official website having EVERYTHING to do with World of Warcraft.


Honestly, do you blame them? I mean just look at it for a minute and then give it some thought.

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i agree, i don’t have a computer at all, i think blizzard should fax me updates

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Right? More communication is always better than less and would save users that don’t have a Twitter account the frustration of not knowing what’s going on.

Pretty sure they could create a simple tool that posts messages in multiple places while only having to type it in once. And if they don’t or won’t spend the resources to make one it takes less than a minute to copy/paste and create a forum topic.


you don’t need a Twitter account to look at updates


In addition… you can follow devs.

I enjoy learning about who they are by their posts. Its easy to sit here foaming at the mouth on the forums - but alot of people need to realize these are real people with real lives and passions. They are bright and creative and cool people.

I didnt want to join Twitter but I enjoy it quite a bit now.

You know you don’t have to “have” Twitter, right? You can just Google “Blizzard Twitter” and there’s a web page version where you can see what’s up:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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Do you have stock in Twitter?

You’re all over this thread for them.


You still don’t get it.


It makes no logical sense to use a third party website to post updates when you have not only the forums but the launcher that allows them to put information right on it.

I also don’t have a twitter account. I have facebook and that’s it as far as social media goes and I don’t even want that! I only have it because of a non-profit group I run and need an easy way for people to contact me.