Stop Only Updating Us On twitter!

I think I have seen the forums go down like twice in the last 4 years. Not really an issue.

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Some people don’t want to support Twitter at all and that includes just looking at it without an account.

I don’t think it’s really too much to ask that any Tweets Blizz makes are also posted to the forums. This is a place to get info afterall.


Blizzard has taken a side. They are already pro censorship. These forums are no different.


If you have self control, Twitter is useful to get breaking news and stuff. However, if trolls and stupid people set you off, I would not recommend getting on Twitter. Years ago, I use to actually argue with people on Twitter. Man was I stupid back than.

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A dangerous idea.

what’s more silly is the fact that Blizzard has been doing weekly resets since 2004 and after 16+ years you still are confused and wondering why the servers are down on a Tuesday…

The only time Blizzard posts a notice on the client or on the forums is if the servers are going to be down for at least an hour or for extended maintenance… They do not and have never posted notices for a simple server reset (usually just down for up to 15 minutes or typical server reboot time).


It’s more that they came back up then had to drop again suddenly - which none of these people could have avoided if they were playing because who checks other sources while playing? It’s all a silly argument and I agree with someone earlier who said it’s really just a long-winded way of saying someone hates Twitter because the company won’t bake their gay wedding cake.

Doing so would take away some devs and cost missing out on fun they could’ve been nerfing.

How is Twitter any less vitriolic than the wow forums?

Updates should be on both. Twitter just seems odd to me, but I do understand its appeal. I don’t want to see some egomaniac’s tweets.

Pheidippides is on the way.

Blizz please consider cross posting from twitter to your official forums? Thanks.

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Not really. Twitter needs to stop enabling dangerous vitriol that is false.

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Are they pretty good at responding to people’s questions on Twitter? Or is it mainly for updates?



Going on Twitter or even preparing to go on Twitter is like injecting motor oil into your veins. Many people want to retain their dignity by not being influenced by the “platform of the masses.” The place is poison, and you don’t even have to visit it to know that. That’s the whole point the OP is trying to make.

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Bro they haven’t cared about their official site in yearzzzzzz and thats across all games. Reddit and Twitter is where you want to get to find out whats going on.

I agree all updates should be posted everywhere. Here, Twitter, Facebook and anywhere else deemed relevant. I mean, I have artist friends who click a button and upload their latest creation to 20+ locations. You tell me Blizz isn’t as together and connected as your average popufur? That’s kinda sad. I mean, they don’t have discuss it in all those places–if they choose to discuss it at all–but they should make the info available in as many formats as possible. Why not grow your audience?

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Careful. If they spend too much time Copy + Pasting an update about the server we might lose a raid tier.

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Agreed, i remember years back when they were doing an AMA on Reddit while completely ignoring their own forums i was like what the hell is wrong with you people???

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Heck no! But atleast if you have an idea or problem you can post it.

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