Stop Only Updating Us On twitter!

To be honest they should post on both the forum and twitter in regards to stuff like maintenance issues .

They do it with game updates like hot fixes and patch updates with the forums and wowhead.

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Crepe, I’ve been coming to these forums since I returned to WoW shortly before Shadowlands launched–about a week prior–and I have yet to personally catch the forums going down. In addition, on the older forums, I could count on one hand the times the forums went down, and I was on them for several years.


Post on all. Forums. Twitter. Facebook. Hell take a pic and post it on insta. All bases covered. its 2021, not 2009.


Sure. There is no 100% method to get the message out in a short period. I actually agree that this should be strongly communicated through Blizzard’s own methods (launcher, primarily), but it isn’t. And the claims on some of the threads that people don’t want to “have a Twitter” are baseless since they can just look at a webpage.

Boy it would be such a shame if you found out that literally every private company that hosts social media can also censor you if they feel like it, not just tweeter. That includes these forums.


You do realize that despite the servers having issues, their forums are running just fine, right? you know, the ones you are posting on?


But WoW site isn’t down so not sure what you even mean lol.
It’s not hard for them to post what’s up on their main website.
I mean they can do both y’know lol.

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Twitter is toxic garbage that turns people into hateful idiots…


eye roll

Lore is the boss of the CMs. He uses Twitter 95% of the time. Hey probably forgot his login or doesn’t care to communicate with people


Many people have quit twitter after their politically stunt!


It begs the question on why do the forums exist at all. It probably doesn’t cost much to maintain and keep a skeleton crew of moderators, but that’s still money being unnecessarily spent, and knowing Activision you’d think they’d trim this fat out and tell everyone to go to a third party forum somewhere

I have played 10 plus years and it is extremely rare these forums go down. That is a poor excuse for not putting info on here.


But if Trump plays WoW he wouldn’t get any updates. He is banned from Twitter.


Heck I have a Fakebook account that I never use. Have no need for Twitter either. I’m old though. I still do things the old fashioned way. Someone I want to talk to, I will call, or text. Or email. Facebook, and Twitter are for posting funny memes on ocassion imo. Could care less about peoples religious, or political rubbish opinions. And that is pretty much all FB, and Twitter are. Agree with op. Videogame updates should be posted on that videogames forums imo.


Just think how Activision’s reputation would be if people stopped coming here to voice their complaints and concentrated it all on Twitter.

Companies stock would go into freefall.


Don’t need one. I can see the updates quite well and I will never have a twitter account.

In essence, the integrity of Twitter supercedes any Blizzard platform? Seems beyond a simple oversight


I think it’s from the lesser degree of negativity that they have fled the forums. Twitter offers praise rarely given here.

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That can change quickly if people start complaining on twitter and then it’s out there for EVERYONE to see.

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