Stop Making PVP servers if you allow transfers off

How about instead, I advocate for war mode to be taken out of retail too? I’ll do that instead

Well, you’ll look just as stupid there too… but go for it. (In their forums, as is protocol)

I like the idea of a war mode

Soldiers and civilians.

But like war most resources should be unavailable to you if you are not flagged. Then if you attempt to get close to a resource like herbs or mines, you become flagged and can be neutralized :wink:

TLDR: I am for “war mode” if it is more like war mode. Like they say, some animals are more equal than others. The folks who have stake in the game decide. Fascism and war mode feel like peanut butter and jelly.

This thread is a perfect example of why I’m happy they are allowing free transfers off PVP to PVE.

There are just some players that are too sensitive for pvp servers and I’m happy they have a solution to move to PVE free of charge. They just didn’t realize what they signed up for.

Now can we have our /spit emote back?


I’d rather have it be Resources are more plentiful in War Mode (since it does affect what gets rendered ‘on screen’). Maybe even does ‘Resource Hotspots’ where a bunch of stuff is spawned and marked on the map.

This is also why I like War Mode, because it gives Blizzard a way to change how the game plays without making it permanent. Like they could, for SoD, give a 50% bonus to Max HP while in War Mode to compensate for the SoD damage levels. Instead of nerfing abilities, which has a knock-on effect in PVE.

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You can play retail for this experience.

You’re on Classic. You have PvP servers, and carebear servers. Pick one.

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How are you getting a very popular feature removed again? Oh right lol

I have every ally class @ 40 and a 50 mage on lone wolf.

I rerolled wild growth pve and have a 50 mage ive devoted a insane amount of time into because i hated the pvp server that much

Your “war mode is just more of our society trying to sanitize war

War needs to be terrible so we learn from it.

Rules make it fun for non participants. They watch it and make movies and games about it…

If we evoke War Mode we need war.

Not this water walking hippy crap you talk about

Its not classic though. Why are andys this dense?

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Okay you don’t understand what war mode is.

If you entered war mode, you’d be placed on a war mode layer, where you’re flagged and everyone else who entered war mode is also flagged. There would be no auto-flag on node approach, you’d either be on the layer or you wouldn’t, determined by your PVP flag status.


You are perpetually incorrect. Maybe some more PvP will help you learn.

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griefers in shambles as they once again cause their own problems.

Watching wow speed run the same problems and the same solutions is hilarious.

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Right back at you brother

I think it’s time we stop. Gamers, what’s that sound? Everybody look what’s going down…

There are some players (myself included) that in a weird way enjoy the fear of having their plans ruined with pvp. It makes the good times in comparison that much better.

War mode with it’s “PVP as you want” is not the same thing as a true pvp server.

Different strokes, for different folks.

For me, it’s pvp servers or play another game.

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Ah yes, ain’t that fresh.

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They are literally catering to you with a free transfer and you still can’t stop complaining.

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Baffles me how you don’t just play god damn retail if you think that it’s a better game. These devs are butchering Vanilla with a ton of obvious nono decisions.

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There are battle lines being drawn

Nobody’s right, if everyone is wrong

Nobody plays war mode in retail. Same population that chaos bolt has now