Stop Making PVP servers if you allow transfers off

How many time does the cycle have to repeat itself?

Happened when you made transfers in 2000’s, again in 2019 and now in 2024. Stop making PVP servers at this point and implement something like war mode so servers are not impacted.


I know it may surprise you. It definitely surprises me sometimes. But most folks will just quit a game if they are not enjoying it. Rather than being miserable and complaining on the forum, most folks just ghost the game. These are normal people who are not self abusing masochist. They have to let people leave or these normal folks will quit and cancel their sub. Strange :man_shrugging:

That is the side of life and blizzard’s world that you and I don’t see. :wink:


Then tell people to stop the degenerate approach with pvp which is a repeating cycle. It’s literally peoples concern i see. They like the population and don’t mind pvp but the degenerate playstyle that tends to dominate over time is the problem. Like people say you signed up for the pvp server so deal with its reprocussions with this playstyle which is people leave due to that type of play. /shrug

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Hell no, let the PVE players transfer off. We don’t want warmode.


What’s a degenerate approach? Do you want consensual PVP? Go play a PVE server then.


For whatever reason, they always seem to cave to complainers. Maybe they see subscriptions dropping and think that the short-term solution of transfers will lead to a better long term.

I’m not sure that there’s any longer-term data to contrast that with for them to come to such a conclusion, but I’d be interested in having some access to whatever they are using to inform these such decisions.


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Not in the least. I personally dont mind pvp but what happens is the worst level of pvp. There’s reasons why these types of servers / games don’t hold healthy populations especially in todays age. A very high percentage of pvp is just people taking a HUGE advantage of others. To say otherwise you should know is inaccurate.

I don’t mind getting ganked and the player moving on. Maybe ill see them and return the favor. Most of the time this interaction happens when someone is mid fights or almost dead already trying to heal up. Another example is massive groups controlling an area with a very small pop of opposing players. There were servers on retail that did pvp in a healthy way and their population health showed it.

Now if you want to pvp the way that people dislike then expect them to move off. I don’t see what the issue is here. Like pvprs like this say … you made your bed now lay in it /shrug

Edit: spelling error


I’ll admit, I had a great time on Living Flame in P1, the pvp was fun, it was risky, it was a pvp server experience that I loved and reminded me of old vanilla days! You’d get into some scraps in neutral zones, run for your life in enemy controlled zones, sneak around, get ganked, gank back sometimes, help hunt down that one rogue that snuck into Redridge and is stealth killing lowbies, etc.

In P3, I have had maybe one or two healthy pvp experiences in world pvp, same with P2. Most of my experiences are now “Oh, there’s 4 horde rolling up on me, RIP me!.. Wait, why are they still on my body? I’ve now been killed 4 times by them and because of the layer I’m on, there’s very few alliance around and none coming to help. LF new layer so I can play again!!.. Oh, the layer shift isn’t working right now? Dang.” OR “I’m leveling a new character, let’s go do duskwood incursions at level 30! Wait, why is there a group of 6 horde camping the farmstead, all level 50, killing every player that tries to respawn then emoting on them?”

TLDR - The pvp meta has turned into only griefing and faction inbalance due to layering. Everything is just a one sided fight and there’s very little “PVP”, it’s just a slaughter. I’m hoping to get the free transfers and enjoy the game again.


Absolutely not. You got your transfer, be happy about it. Nobody wants this lame system. Everyone got what they wanted already

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I don’t understand the disdain with this system? It keeps server healthy pop wise. Im guessing it’s because you’re on a pvp server and seeing someone not flagged is bothersome? Why? I never understood people not liking the system. If you want pvp that bad then just flag??? What’s the difference? Those that want to pvp wiill those that don’t won’t while keeping servers healthy unlike what we saw in classic? Seems like proof is in the pudding per say.


griefers, shambles

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There is nothing wrong with players wanting to stay on a pvp server.

They offered you free transfers off, so now is your time to leave if you don’t like it.

Warmode has been the worst pvp system I’ve ever played on. In fact, it’s the reason I don’t play retail anymore. If it went to classic, I’d be done for good. And I’m not the only one who feels this way.

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Yep actual wpvp seems wildly unpopular.


I see the exact explanation every time without one single reason as to why. WHY do you not like it?

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… on the forums. Most world PVPers are busy doing it rn.

Fair enough, then why not have warmode where they can just flag and keep it on while keeping healthy servers?


Sharding is terrible. Most people in “war mode” just do it for the extra rewards and don’t actually want to be there, and since shards are limited, you have to play with these people. Balancing is just as bad as the old unbalanced pvp servers, maybe even worse at times. If I get camped outside org (this has happened) I can’t even get help from people inside the city WITH war mode on. They will just disappear as soon as they hit the gates to dur.

Also, summoning is a nightmare if I’m in a group with someone war mode off.

If I get invited to a group for a world event, gotta go back to the city and turn war mode off even if I don’t want to. Very inconvenient.

And war mode IS less populated than a pvp server because pvp players don’t like it. I’ve heard from others this same thing.

I’ve even had players disappear out of no where because of war mode. This doesn’t happen with pvp server even if they use layers.

I’ve had pvp players tell me sometimes they leave war mode off because of the hassle it causes in gameplay

War mode is actually worse in for ganking than actual pvp servers. In pvp servers, your faction will usually try to help you. People in war mode do not care, at all. And if you use it for the extra gold/xp, you are way worse off.

In pvp servers at least you are invincible in friendly territory. This is actually a better system overall. It protects low levels until they get out in to higher level lands.

These are just a few things. I don’t wanna type out a list a mile long right now. There are other reasons in the forums if you’re interested.

The point is, you already got your free transfer. Just be happy about it


If you’re going to be inappropriate, at least don’t add insult to injury with the weird, incorrect capitalization.


TY for the response! I can see absolutely the issues involved and believe you’re being fair with your assessment. I can see the detriment this provides. I just hope others can approach this more reasonably instead of name calling like others in this post. TY for taking the the time to put in some great pointers!

With that being said its people like others in the post that push players away and then wonder why their servers suffer. Perhaps you should look internally as to why instead of blaming others. Like i said, at one time retail had a couple REALLY great balanced and successful pvp servers. Perhaps looking in to their success would help with the sod pvp community. Just a thought.

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If you are being camped, its a good time to leave this character for a bit and play an alt. Those large groups of other factioners usually aren’t on long.