Stop Making PVP servers if you allow transfers off

There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear

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But you ain’t got no War Mode Lieutenant Dan.


Please stop being so mad bro

You’re so close to understanding

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They why you turn it on. It’s not a hard concept really

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That’s all you say lol. Nobody mad, just pointing out the facts

Retail PvP is nothing like Classic PvP… or SoD PvP for that matter. It’s significantly more tedious and boring.

I’m on Classic: SoD where Warriors are mid and Enhancement Shamans are curbstomping them for their lunch money.
We can handle one of the better QoL changes Retail made.

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Catering to whom? Xfers arent open on LW of LF… soooo swing and a miss angry forum man.

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lol, then why don’t they just give level 60’s out with all raid gear. People would take the easy way out and obviously because they take it the whole game prior isn’t worth playing.

Once again, I’m glad players that don’t understand the beauty of a pure PVP server have a way out.

Not on your life!

Kekw. Seeing as how xfers are only open on 1 of the 3 pvp servers… not exactly true… but okay dude. “pure pvp servers” what a :clown_face: :clown_face:

That sux… I’ll continue to sing the praises of Blizzard for offering this option.

It’s better for all involved for those that don’t want to be on a PVP to have free options to move to a PVE server.

Agreed… but maybe stop shouting and danceing that “ppl have options” when almost all of us dont have an option to leave the pvp servers.

Idc if its free. Open up paid xfers off Lone Wolf to WG… Ill pay $50 per character idc.

I can see why people would want to transfer off. Yesterday we had a layer on Lone Wolf with half a 40 man horde raid on one side of the ashenvale incursion portal, and the other half on the dream side, gank-camping people just to grief alliance and prevent them from being able to do incursions. This lasted for hours. You shouldn’t have to abuse the layering system to escape people preventing access to a gameplay system for as long as they feel like doing so.

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So you didn’t quit, orrr?

I hate layering… really do…

They should have some type of waiting period on the transfer though. Like a day after last logoff or something. I imagine a lot of people with this will make rash decisions and then regret it.

Of course, a lot will be happy with their decision too.

My 2nd account still has a sub for 9 days, its under the same email so im assuming thats whats allowing me to post.

I will resub to move my dudes off LW so when (if) i come back in p4 theyll at least be out off the hell hole that is PvP servers.

I’m glad you get to let your inner carebear out. Hope you can name change to Hugsbounty.

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Shouldn’t you be off whining for a Fresh Classic Vanilla server because SoD is too hard for you?

Hahahahah this is delicious projection coming from a player begging for war mode.

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