Stop making legendaries because you don't know how to

The fact that we don’t see the problem of this statement is just beyond me.

Critcake is top 5 US rio, 10 H Fyrakk kills, and 8/9M and still doesn’t have an item that gives him 10%+ more damage.

But my friends alt who killed Fyrakk one time, isn’t even keystone master on that toon, has it.

Yeah makes sense.

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Legendaries are the most profitable thing they introduced. Token sales are insane for boosts

Gavel of the first arbiter, Neltharion’s call to Dominance for Demo last season.

But when I look at the numbers for Fury, Lego isn’t 10% over next best, it’s closer to 2.5%.

Idk I’m just saying I’m sure there are warriors that will get the title without the axe. Just because I picked the most extreme example doesn’t mean I’m tunneled on that one example, not sure why you are.

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I’m very tired of being a ret paladin and queueing for groups that already have 7 ret paladins, and then when we get the kill, no one in the raid gets the item. “Bad luck protection” whatever that’s supposed to mean, should be shielding us from nearing the end of the season without the item. It’s nonsense. A majority still don’t have it, and we’re already making plans for fated raid season? Blizzard needs to get its head out of its *** and realize that this isn’t fun. We don’t want an endless hamster wheel of chasing the item. We want to use the item, especially when tuning has been done around it. And we’re not even seeing the tangible effects of “BLP” on others. It’s still an incredibly scarce item. Horrible design. Got me thinking about spending my time on something else.

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You are trying to discredit the argument of people should get access to a 10%+ increase to their character 11 weeks into the patch cycle because one guy is doing well without it (meanwhile his team is insane).

People shouldn’t have to push for title without this gear.


So we are using last expansion and last tier’s items in this discussion? Also, two items which you had multiple chances to get from normal or heroic and also dropped from your vault? The lego is a one chance item per week. Why are we being this disingenuous? Also, many people were pissed off about both of those items and rightfully so.

I just simmed and its a 5% ST upgrade for my character, in AoE 11%.

Here are some logs from m+. just the proc alone, not even counting the stat upgrade is around ~7%.

Again you just don’t know what you are talking about but keep chirpin’, it boosts the views on the this.

Yes. They are relevant, in that they are prime examples of similar sized upgrades, without the BLP (and in the 2nd case, being tagged as “very rare”). The bad luck protection is the fix.

You were able to obtain these in multiple versions of the raid, 3 different drop chances. Also could get these from vault. Also people were upset about both of these.

How are these great examples of good items? How is BLP a fix when 11 weeks in a people still don’t have their bis gear? Who is your drug dealer cause I’m trying to get what you smoke?

Why is not being full bis half way though the season a problem?


What about all the specs that suck and don’t have a legendary they are “balanced around”?

Sounds like to make it truly merit based it should only drop from a mythic Fryakk kill.

After all, much harder versions of Tindral and Fryakk were killed without it.

Have all the legendaries follow old mythic mount rules? guaranteed 1 for the raid from each kill of M Fyrakk, no chance at all from LFR/N/H, converted to 1% after the expansion ends?. Sounds good to me.

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it’s not even legendaries. even the cantrip weapons… i haven’t seen one yet this season any character. i have friends who’ve gotten the iridikron staff four times already on a single character.

Sure, I don’t care. I’m progging Fyrakk next week and wouldn’t have to see 460 alts getting a legendary and never creating it because its an alt. If that were the case as well we’d raid more so we could get out gear.

Because some of the best push weeks happen before week 11? Also, I shouldn’t have to grind heroic for 11 weeks, its boring as hell to do.

But anything done in those weeks will be beat when those combos come back around again.

We have at least 1 more full rotation of affix combos before the end of the season.

Given the amount of degenerate grinding M+ allows, not sure killing 1 boss/week should count as a grind.

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ah yes blp… heres .1% and .01% increased chance as blp. the evoker blp was so bad people were making multiple evokers just to have a better chance at getting it and the axe all 3 plate classes were tuned around having it and even with having it there middle of the pack. and it got a nerf already. how is this even considered a legendary

lol you have to farm all of the bosses… they all give BLP.

Still sounds much better than 10-20 rise keys/week.