Stop making legendaries because you don't know how to

Rasz bow, Evoker legendary, and now 2h legendary are all great examples of how badly designed items can ruin the fun of your spec. None of these have been received well and yet we continuously make them. What happened to deterministic legendaries that respected player time?

I played hunter and I never got a heroic Rasz bow and I killed mythic Raszageth. Meanwhile some folks pulled it from a timewalking box. It killed my enjoyment of that class.

My friend on my raid team didnt get his Sark Legendary until the 13th week. He even rolled another evoker cause he was so upset by it.

I’ve full cleared Heroic 7 times since its been unlocked. 8 times in total. I missed a couple weeks due to traveling but some of my friends have 9 kills under their belt and still nothing. A couple alts in our guild have gotten it in one try and don’t even do the quest because the gold cost. You realize how much of a slap in the face it is to see this?

How many 2 hour clears is necessary just to start a quest that takes you hours and hundreds of thousand of gold to get a legendary? How many weeks do we have to wait just to feel able to compete in M+ or logs? Why do we keep making items that are 10% power increases only to gate it behind weeks or potentially never getting it in a season?

Just stop doing this.

EDIT: 8th week down of full clearing with lego unlocked on region. Really fun times!!!

EDIT 2: Folks I’m aware that the Rasz bow was not technically legendary but it essentially fits the bill. Extremely rare, RNG bonanza acquisition, and was insanely overpower that the class was tuned around it.

EDIT 3: 9th Full clear heroic, still nothing. Some of my guildies at 11 kills the week. But don’t worry the tank we pugged got it on his 2nd kill (on his alt). Can’t wait to miss having a 10% upgrade for a great M+ push week!


Yea but those previous legendaries where people did a long grind and numerous raid clears to eventually get their legendary from a quest was bad design and made “legendaries not legendary” according to some people

But getting a random drop was super legendary and made you feel a sense of accomplishment, according to the same people


The Rasz bow wasn’t even technically a leggo… and was nerfed wayy too late imo. I got it on my orc hunter the week before s2 happened.

At least the Evoker leggo and the axe have BLP… As little as it might be.


It wasn’t but it is effectively the same thing and more powerful than the Sark legendary. I don’t care about bad luck protection. I don’t want the class I play to be contingent on receiving some obscure item in order to compete in parsing or m+, it just feels terrible.


I know it was, I’m just still salty Blizz does things like this. Low drop rates on things that classes/specs need to be competitive aren’t fun. Especially since I have so many hunters and I only ever saw it drop 3 times.


I liked how they announced compensation buffs for when it was changed, but then had to revert most of them within a week of the patch going live because the spec was already too strong even without the bow.


It is the most ridiculous thing. The same thing is happening with ret, war, and uh and the 2h, balancing around the weapon.

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The problem is that Blizzard tunes classes around having the legendary items. So if you don’t have it, it feels worse. And this has been a problem for a long time. War Glaives of Azinoth. Shadowmourne. The Fangs of the Father. Even the most Memed weapon in the game, no I won’t give anyone fuel by mentioning its name, All felt required during their expansions by the classes they were designed for, and not having them caused people to complain. Only difference is Bad Luck protection is a new mechanic and people believe it should make these things a Guarantee. There’s not really a fun, and satisfying middle ground here.


What do you mean?

Our AoE sucked and our single target burst/overall was god tier, so they took some of the power from our single target/burst and put it into our AoE!

Now our AoE sucks and so does our single target! Perfectly balanced


BLP is nice but the problem is when you have 3-4 good push weeks in a m+ season you dont have your legendary in the 12th week of the patch, welp good luck then getting title.

There is no reason that after 3-4 weeks it shouldn’t be 100%. Seasons only last 3-4 months, you should be left without your upgrades for 80%-90% of the season. There needs to be improvements to this.


Yeah poor DK is in the dumpster =(


Honestly. I am of the opinion that the classes should not be tuned around the idea of having the Legendary if the Legendary is not obtainable in a given timeframe. Otherwise you’re just shooting a given set of classes in the foot for not rolling the right number in an RNG pool.


No, that was blizzard overestimating how much of BM being number 1 in ST that patch was from the bow.

I would also like no more strongly BIS items. The second best and third best piece should be very close if not equal to the best.


Aaaaaand there’s the meme. Only took three sentences.

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I think, Legendary should be redesigned to simply be an iconic item that has lore/ seen in game effects. they are items of legend.

the power should be balanced around how rare it is to obtain. that is, the more rare, the less raw power it grants. but you can bump the based effect power so its still very good. like ilvl 500


/moo :cow:


No you’re the meme. Keep grinding RNG based loot tables since you don’t value your time in anyway.

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Don’t quote the deep magic to me WITCH! I was there when it was written!.


This is the way. It shouldb’t take people months to acquire one piece. And if it does, it should either be just insane mog or make the character overpowered, not competitive.