Stop making legendaries because you don't know how to

No what does legendary mean?

They just need to not balance classes around having a legendary. 2H str classes shouldn’t feel like crap because they don’t have an orange axe, they instead should feel like gods for finally getting their orange axe.

Maybe don’t make the lego so potent if classes can’t be at their full potential without it?

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This guy must really miss legion legendaries

i got my 2 bis legos in legion at 7/10 legendaries, and 10/10 legendaries for my class. real fun experience.

It’s the same as any other raid item, except with BLP.

Legion Legendaries arent that bad. At least you can deterministically get what you want. Just the slot

So, only noobs and alts can be legends, is that it?

How tf you justify players that are doing prog in mythic or high level keys don’t get the legendary quest item?

THEY ACTUALLY NEED IT ! :zipper_mouth_face:

This would make sense if it were actually difficult to obtain because it took skill to obtain. Also your word argument here would apply to item qualities like uncommon and rare. Because if everyone has those then how are they uncommon and rare?

The reason they shifted the Leggo acquisition is because Master Loot is no longer a thing. Can’t funnel leggo mats in a Personal or Group Loot paradigm. But current method is still doing a good job of making people feel left out based on the numerous complaint threads.

I received Dragonwrath back in the day and also got the Evoker legendary last tier. I look back fondly at Dragonwrath. I don’t even remember the power behind the leggo but the fact that amongst a group of friends that I raided with selected me to get the staff
that felt special. The quest line and on use effect were also quite nice.

For the Evoker leggo
I felt nothing except relief that I won the lottery on my alt, though it was bittersweet since the Evoker main in my guild never won it. The quest line was pretty mid in comparison (I’ve played Alliance since Wrath
I don’t remember a Horde raid downing Deathwing back in Cata as per the flashback). There was no on-use effect other than it being a stat stick. Can’t even show it off without trying because fist weapons are sheathed by default for casters. It was just so disappointing in comparison.

They need to rethink the leggo acquisition method
because the current system is not it.

I love how when Hunters and Evokers had to deal with subpar legendaries that were outpaced by other weapons, it was “fine” but when it’s a STR 2h weapon that affects multiple classes, somehow now it’s a problem.

Where was this enthusiasm when hunters were wearing regular bows over the legendary bow?

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No it isn’t. No item from the raid is a 10% upgrade over something farmable from Mythic plus. You don’t even know what you are talking about so why are you here?

There was massive complaints over Rasz bow. I know because I mained hunter that tier for my guild.

It was complained about so much, they ended up nerfing the bow lol

Yeah between the Sylvanas bow of lost count how many kills, then over 17 Sark for mace RNG drops rather then getting a chain quest to participate in raid feels pretty miserable. Never got any of them ;-;

Yeah there is something special about folks having agency about a specific raid member getting the legendary. Whether its skill, helping guildies, socially enjoyable, etc. it is great to reward special members of your raid.

Sitting there with pugs, week after week and watch alts or randoms get legendary is the most abysmal experience. I never got Thunderfury in classic and I never cared because we knew who was getting it and I was happy for them when it finally dropped (as a warrior main).

Rasz bow wasn’t legendary. I’m referring to Sylvanas’s bow.

Rasz’s bow was just a supremely overtuned epic bow.

Sylvanas’s bow was rarely used, even though it gave an entire ability.

I would prefer if the 2H legendary was never used at this point. I think the reason don’t care about that is because no one is left out for pure RNG.

These are different problems then.


Literally a legendary transmog would solve all the issues
but no it has to be an overpowered item which then scuffs balance because blizz hasn’t actually played wow outside of world quests in 10 years so they don’t see how that’s bad.

The absolute lack of COMMON SENSE is insane.

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And I’m saying there are a lot of warriors with the axe that he’s ahead of. So look at it however you like, he’s fine.

So you’re saying he could be fine-r

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Sure that’s an acceptable snark