Stop making legendaries because you don't know how to

The Raz bow wasn’t a legendary.

And the point is not everyone has one.

The Wrath and Cata style quest ones weren’t PL based, it was kept more rare since you are competing with your entire raid team for the items.

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Does it also mean they aren’t PL based as well like those legendaries?

So you’re competing with everyone else in the raid?

That is part of what kept them rare back then.

Shadowmourne began by having enough rep with the new faction at the time(I believe), but with Tarecgosa you’d start the quest by killing trash and work your way from there.

Shadowmourne had some expensive mats along with a drop from 2 of the bosses that had a very high drop rate. From there you had to farm Shadowfrost Shards from the bosses which were personal loot I believe along with the unique quests to do on boss fights.

Tarecgosa worked mostly the same as far as obtaining an epic weapon and then killing bosses for shards/cinders on personal loot.

They weren’t on personal loot.

You designated the order in which your guild awarded the legendary to and funneled them the drops.

Pugging? Paying insane prices in a GDKP.

PL like we think of it didn’t exist back then.

why should rarity matter? it should be fun to work towards and not CBT

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Thunderfury and Atiesh, those were legendary. These retail legendary items are just a trophy everybody gets…. Eventually

Edited because my phone spelled retail as “real” and it angered me​:person_shrugging::poop:

Ahhh ok, I couldn’t remember since I did these back when they were current. Never did Fangs though.

One obvious fix for this is to simply lower the amount(time-gate), but make the grind a personal loot drop from bosses. There might be a slight rng in the amount you obtain, and maybe make it so that it’s a shared pool so you get higher in Heroic… but also can only get it once. Etc.Etc.

You can make the system work, plus there was a really unique quest chain. I believe Tarecgosa got a follow up in Dragonflight which was nice to see.

For the 4th time now, its the same thing just a different color. It is just as powerful if not more powerful than most legendaries and about just as rare (barring pre MoP legendaries).

Yeah thats the problem. It isn’t fair that you are left without 10%+ upgrades because RNG.

I’m aware. I play classic as well. The flip side is there is no M+ and there weren’t logs so competing really didn’t matter. Also, these were given to people in guild raids, not go farm your lego in a pug. It is just bad design all around.

Single class or limited class legendaries will always be silly IMHO.

Because I feel like one of the following happens…none of them good.

The class(es) that use them are balanced without them. The class(es) that use them become silly OP with them.

The class(es) that use them are balanced with them. Making you bad unless you get it

Or the legendary is nerfed and weak enough not to have much effect in final performance.

Now combined with the rarity and it makes two different subsets for class(es) that can use them. The ret pally with. The ret pally without.

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I got the fyrak Lego axe on Tuesday. It felt horrible running heroic and clearing raid for blp tokens but it was a relief to get it. The dps is a huge boost and is a fun Lego to have. I feel for everyone else still farming it, hopefully you get it this week.

Grats brother! But its damn telling that you describe getting it as a relief lol Hope we get some changes to this thing.

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A top 0.1% title in an infinite scaling 5 man content is awful design.

Players can still run the raid with their guild as well for their clears.

Parses/logs were also very much a thing by Wrath.

I think its fun.

I’m swapping to Mage currently for M Tindral because warrior is just has zero ST and we already have multiple demo/sub to handle AOE. Missing 10% dmg as well isn’t helping my cause. So no, I don’t just get to raid as I want.

World of Logs was not nearly as wide spread or normalized as WCL is now, granted still a thing in WotLK. Regardless of it existing, it still doesn’t mean being gimped by 10%+ based of pure RNG for 10 weeks now is a fun way to play the game.

There was a reason they shifted to legos for everyone because it wasn’t fun being left out and trying to keep up.

I hear using the On-Use at just the right moment on Tyr in M+ Rise is a pro move.
Thank the gods the DoT is powerful enough.

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That’s a you problem.

Your name is Dojacat on a RP server. Don’t throw stones in glass houses my guy.

WHOA! They’re obviously rping as an overrated musician. Come on man

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Do you underatand what the word “legendary” means? If everyone gets it than it wouldnt be legendary. This isnt SL anymore

That’s going to be a bigger obstacle than the legendary when pushing for the title.


That was more of a joke. It doesn’t matter my skill or critcakes, both of us should have to wait 11 weeks to get the legendary. Just killed Fyrakk and still didn’t get it.

It is just bad design.