Stop making legendaries because you don't know how to

Ignore that the thing exists. You’ll be fine I promise.

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I’m probably in the minority, but I enjoyed the way Shadowmourne and Tyracgosa worked. There was some rng on drops, but it wasn’t crazy and multiple people could work on it. Plus it required doing a few fights in a sepcific way to ‘empower’ it. You actually felt accomplished when you had earned it.

Not saying it’s perfect, but personally I think improving on that system is best. They kind of did that with Val’anyr being the first implementation and Shadowmourne and Tyracgosa improving from there.

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No I won’t. Looking to push title and I’d be missing 10%+ of my damage as a warrior. I might have to play mage if I don’t get it soon.

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Shadowmourne and Tyracgosa existed in a world where you didn’t have M+ or logs. There wasn’t really a big downside to not having it.

Critcake doesn’t have it and he seems just fine

But it looks pretty

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Critcake is insanely good. I am not. I need 10% damage.

Also I think he is running two warriors for it atm. Thats healthy.

I’m not sure, but by having it so that the legendary is time-gated out would make it work better. You’re right about having the legendary for M+, but if it’s still possible to clear without it then at worst your only downside is that someone with the legendary can get a slightly better time on a high end key.

Again, I think it’s something they could work on and maybe make running M+ a part of the grind.

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The same can be said for outdoor content and pvp. Development has not been good for a very long time now. WoW survives on the memories of what it was, not what it has become. That is why it does not gain in playerbase and only atrophies.

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Well of course he wants it but he’s #4 ranked fury warr in M+, so he is doing fine.

So you’re saying he could be ranked higher

Is it the legendary?


Shadowmourne had a fine acquisition method… besides the rng primordial saronite (which you could buy off of AH btw lmao) dropping, you had to do some stuff in the raid on some bosses, which was totally reasonable and showed that one had put in some effort to get the legendary.

Fyralath is just rng… an alt getting to max and doing LFR once can get lucky and get it… there is 0 skill lvl and the absolute bare minimum effort put into the acquisition. The only thing one needs is LUCK.
Fyralath is not a legendary weapon… it is a luckendery weapon!

qrva is carrying his damage and will so more since he looted his lego and is getting buffed big time. he is fortunate he has such a great group that doesn’t care about meta and damage. he is a great player though and deserves it for sure.

he is doing fine but again, I am not him, I dont have a team like his. if i show up to my group and im doing 20% less damage than the other DPS, they will ask me to play my mage. warrior also brings next to nothing in terms of utility.

again, we shouldn’t have 10%+ missing from our toolkit in the 10th week of the patch after grinding hard all patch.


True, I might have to start running my DK through LFR because that would be too funny!

Timegating a legendary so that it’s roughly a 6-8 week process to actually develop it from a Mythic Raid quality weapon into a legendary I think would at least mitigate issues with people demanding it for M+(at least not early in the season) and gives you something to actually work for.

Think it’s substantially better than random drops based on how things have played out.

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making them quest based like the fangs of the father or the ulduar mace or tarecgosa’s rest is the best possible way to do legendaries because it sets a realistic and achieveable goal no matter your skill level. it also means they don’t have to make it absurdly strong and gut specs out because the lego exists

It’s the carrot on a stick. You wouldn’t stay subbed if it wasn’t designed this way. Most people would knock it out the first week, raid log, and then stop playing until next patch

They could also make it a long quest chain, but people tend to whine about those taking multiple weeks and clears to finish so

Raz bow isnt legendary, what are you talking about? Legendary is sylv bow, fyrakk axe, and evoker claw.

Unfair comparison. The evoker leggo wasnt a powerhouse damage wep. DId you read its effect? It helps OTHERS do a bit more damage, thats all. It wasnt meantot hit like a truck and more so support augment evokers then devs.

To be honest doing those quest chains and building those items up like the MoP cloak and the WoD ring felt more legendary then what has come since

They are effectively the same thing but different colors. The rasz bow was extremely difficult to get and was a 15%+ upgrade to hunters. It was more powerful than both fyrakk lego and sark lego.