Doesn’t matter I mean they nerfed them the next raid tier to get people to upgrade.
No tiers sets get broken and they even started breaking during the same expansion.
Tier sets, as a system, persisted for multiple expansions that only recently disappeared to make room for one of those systems that would be discarded entirely. Now we’re left with a gap in the wake of Azerite.
Furthermore, tier sets are only a small part of the larger equipment system. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that they are using the same system that they started with.
And I believe we still gain experience to increase our level?
None of these are “borrowed power” systems. And you know this.
I never said they didn’t double down on borrowed power. I said it has always been there even if not to the same degree. It is cool if you don’t agree, but I have always hated for a long time now.
To reach the same level you reached during Vanilla.
You don’t have to like borrow power but it DOES make sense.
The future expansions’ power boosts are in a bubble. when you move on to another expansion you don’t have to rework and retool it to fit the new expansion. This in turn makes it quicker and easier for them to put resources elsewhere and is more cost-effective.
You don’t have to like it but there is a certain logic to it
Yeah, it really only benefits Blizzard and not the players. They got to try to come up with ways to keep you paying a sub. They learned a long time ago only fun doesn’t cut it.
How does it make sense that as you level through a new expansion, you affectively get weaker?
Kind of like new customizations and balancing covenants/specs? I’ve seen a huge improvement (sarcasm off)
I don’t think they’re quite that jaded I think it’s a simple cost-effective move that they hope doesn’t irk people enough to cause them to quit.
I know a lot of people in the forums don’t like it, but there might be a majority of the people who play the game Who simply are apathetic about it. in which case it wouldn’t benefit them to change it.
We truly don’t know the number of people unsubscribing so I think it would be premature to say this is causing a mass Exodus of the game. Maybe it is I don’t know and neither does anybody else but maybe blizzard
Yeah, I agree, but based on the trends before subs got hidden from view I would say they are continuing to decline no matter what the reason is.
Based on what?
Yarr person’ale taastes?
Do you love anima? Did people request anima before the expansion was released?
I really enjoy the fact that i can customized the abilities of my toon, not only by choosing talents, covenants abilities and by tweaking conduits.
Customization to enhance my personal playstyle: amazing!
I enjoyed BFA for the same reasons.
Fair enough!
Tier sets are NOT borrowed power.
Stop making terrible strawman arguments please.
Yeah chasing transmog, gold and mounts are the only things left that last beyond a patch. Take away most of that and you have a very shallow game with not many long term goals. Long term goals is a cornerstone of MMORPG game play.
Tier sets provide power that you use for 1 tier that is taken away at the start of the next teir.
How is that not borrowed power? Perhaps you are a strawman
Borrowing power: The Legion weapons, Azerite Necklace, and the Covenants.
1.) They give us new abilities that are suppose to be powerful.
2.) They enhance your regular abilities, but also your talents.
3.) They play a key role within the expansion.
4.) They are taken away after a new expansion comes in.
Tier sets
1.) They give you stamina, mana, charcteristics just like any armor does.
2.) You do not have to get them. You can do dungeons and raids for armor.
3.) The only perks they give is to upgrade your already known abilities or skills that you have for your character.
4.) You do not get any other skill or power from them.
5.) You can still use them in current expansions, but you will most likely die to the new creatures that you have to face.
There is a difference. They are not borrowed power. I also included similarities to some of the borrow power. There is still a differnce and are not borrowed power.
I don’t get why people can’t seem to understand this simple concept… different teams do different things. The UI team (which is 4 people) are who make these systems… and while we may not like what they bring, they actually are probably the biggest bang for Blizzard’s buck.
The UI team is not capable of making dungeons (currently a 17 person team) and they probably are capable of making quests (currently… a 61 person team if I’m looking at the credits and assuming “Game Designer” is the team that does quests) but that’s a big enough team as is. The UI team is not the art team although like all departments, they work with the art team to make art assets for their UIs.
If you are upset at the lack of customization announcements, that would be the art team. What is the art team occupied in that they are unable to do more customizations? Those are the questions you should be asking… not “why can’t them UI guys go learn how to do art”.
Tier sets fit the definition so weakly of what we mean by both borrowed power in modern WoW and the extent of what borrowed power in modern WoW is that it’s just intellectually dishonest, slavish whiteknighting, or making bad strawman arguments.
So maybe drop this line of reasoning otherwise it will be clear you are here in bad faith to antagonize players.
But you are saying that it does fit the definition. Glad we can agree
Nah, you are not the boss of me.
Tier sets were borrowed power.